Monday, March 31, 2008
Keberanian pasca PRU-12
Abdullah must heed the call of the rakyat! PLEASE RESIGN!
Mingguan Malaysia
30 Mac 2008
Oleh Rozaman Ismail
SATU perkara yang sangat jelas dan menarik dapat dilihat selepas pilihan raya yang baru berakhir ini ialah rentetan peristiwa yang ada hubung kait dengan keberanian dan kepertanggungjawaban.
Episod berkaitan keberanian dan sikap bertanggungjawab ke atas kesan yang timbul akibat daripada percubaan tersebut sangat menonjol dan tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini.
Di beberapa buah negeri keberanian para pengundi ‘mewujudkan corak pengundian songsang yang lari daripada kebiasaan’ menyaksikan negeri-negeri kubu kuat Barisan Nasional (BN) jatuh kepada pakatan pembangkang yang terdiri daripada DAP, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) dan Pas.
Tanpa mempedulikan apa kesannya kepada negara, para pengundi mempamerkan keberanian yang luar biasa dengan mengundi calon-calon parti pembangkang atas rasa kecewa dan marah kepada kerajaan berhubung beberapa isu.
Hasil daripada ‘keberanian’ itu parti-parti pembangkang mencatatkan satu rekod baru dalam sejarah pilihan raya di negara ini.
Dengan 82 kerusi Parlimen, mempertahankan Kelantan untuk penguasaan tahun ke-18 berturut-turut, menubuhkan kerajaan di empat lagi negeri termasuk tiga di jajaran koridor utara serta secara diam-diam menguasai Wilayah Persekutuan.
Walaupun berupaya menafikan majoriti dua pertiga BN, keberanian sehingga mencetuskan apa yang dinamakan ‘tsunami politik’ masih gagal menumbangkan kerajaan BN.
Sejurus berakhir pilihan raya 8 Mac lalu, rentetan ‘keberanian baru’ muncul satu demi satu, silih berganti. Kali ini di kalangan calon-calon yang bertanding, sama ada yang menang atau kalah dan tidak terkecuali ahli-ahli parti, semuanya meluahkan keberanian bersuara tanpa silu.
Yang menariknya kebanyakan suara-suara itu datangnya daripada kaum keluarga BN sendiri terutama parti-parti yang kalah teruk seperti Gerakan, MCA dan MIC dan UMNO sendiri.
Ketika pakatan pembangkang sibuk merencanakan ‘wajah baru empat kerajaan negeri’ para pemimpin parti-parti komponen BN meledakkan peluru keberanian masing-masing’ kepada pucuk pimpinan tertingginya.
Bagai tiada dinding penghadang, Penasihat Parti Gerakan Datuk Seri Dr. Lim Keng Yaik melempiaskan kekecewaannya dengan meminta Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menukarkan para penasihatnya kerana memberi nasihat yang salah berikutan prestasi buruk BN pada pilihan raya kali ini.
Menurut bekas Presiden Gerakan itu, BN tidak akan mengalami kekalahan sebegitu teruk jika mereka memberi nasihat yang betul.
Kekecewaan Keng Yaik berasas, Gerakan bukan sahaja kehilangan Pulau Pinang yang jatuh ke tangan DAP, malah parti itu kalah teruk di kerusi-kerusi Parlimen dengan hanya memenangi dua daripada 12 dan empat daripada 31 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri.
Jika Keng Yaik masih lagi berlapik tanpa menamakan ‘siapa penasihat-penasihat yang tidak baik’ itu, Ahli Parlimen Jerlun Datuk Mukriz Tun Mahathir secara terbuka mempamerkan ‘keberaniannya’ dengan menulis surat kepada Abdullah meminta beliau meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri.
Dalam surat itu Mukriz secara lantang menegaskan agenda kepimpinan dan kaedah mengurus masalah Perdana Menteri tidak lagi dapat diterima rakyat.
Desakan Mukriz mula mendapat perhatian ramai khususnya di kalangan ahli-ahli UMNO yang kemudiannya memberi respons yang pelbagai.
Dari satu sudut, perkembangan ini kelihatan seolah-olah BN sedang berhadapan dengan satu ‘krisis kepimpinan.’
Tetapi dari satu sudut lain yang lebih positif, ia memperlihatkan tirai keterbukaan mula disingkap luas oleh para pemimpin dan ahli BN sehingga mereka mampu bercakap mengenai pelbagai isu yang menyelubungi prestasi buruk parti itu dengan lebih telus, terbuka dan jujur.
Ia sangat berbeza dengan situasi sebelum ini yang lebih menjurus kepada sikap ‘memendam rasa’ dalam berhadapan dengan satu-satu isu yang agak ‘sensitif.’
Penganalisis politik tanah air dari Universiti Utara Malaysia Profesor Dr. Mohamad Mustafa Ishak berkata, keberanian yang ditunjukkan sebenarnya lahir daripada sikap dan keterbukaan dasar-dasar Abdullah sendiri selepas mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan negara sebagai Perdana Menteri lima tahun dulu.
Katanya, Abdullah sejurus selepas dilantik menjadi Perdana Menteri menguar-uarkan mahu melaksanakan sebuah pentadbiran yang telus dengan membuka lebih ruang untuk rakyat bersuara.
‘‘Dan inilah hasilnya. Ini hakikat yang kita kena akui selepas beliau menjadi Perdana Menteri. Keterbukaan ini, memberi ruang untuk orang ramai menyuarakan pandangan. Ini juga menjadi salah satu sebab pembangkang menang besar kerana kebebasan berpolitik tidak lagi disekat.
‘‘Kebebasan bersuara yang diberikan bukan setakat di pihak pembangkang sahaja tetapi di dalam BN sendiri menjadikan orang lebih berani menyuarakan isi hati dan pandangan,” katanya.
Kronologi ‘keberanian’ ini tidak mati di situ sahaja sebaliknya berterusan dengan pelbagai komen, pandangan dan kritikan secara terbuka sama ada daripada para pemimpin parti-parti komponen mahupun kalangan ahli di peringkat akar umbi.
Malah pada satu tahap ia sudah sampai ke peringkat mendesak kepimpinan tertinggi mengundur diri selain suara-suara yang lebih radikal yang mahu jawatan peringkat tertinggi parti dicabar.
Di celah-celah suara keberanian itu, ada sebahagian pemimpin parti mempamerkan sikap kepertanggungjawaban yang tinggi dengan menyahut desakan mengundurkan diri.
Sebagai contoh, walaupun tanpa sebarang desakan daripada akar umbi, awal-awal lagi dua pemimpin tertinggi MCA menolak untuk dilantik semula memegang sebarang jawatan dalam Kabinet.
Dalam keadaan sebahagian besar ahli-ahli Parlimen yang menang pada pilihan raya baru-baru ini ‘tidak lelap tidur memasang mimpi’ untuk dilantik ke dalam Kabinet, Presiden MCA Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting dan Naib Presidennya Datuk Seri Dr. Fong Chan Onn pula membuat pengorbanan besar meminta jangan dilantik semula ke jawatan Kabinet demi memberi tumpuan bagi mengukuhkan semula parti itu.
Kedua-dua pemimpin MCA itu menang di kerusi masing-masing dan kalau mahu mereka masih boleh dilantik ke jawatan Kabinet lama, tetapi masing-masing menolak atas rasa kepertanggunagjawaban berikutan prestasi buruk MCA.
Parti terbesar bagi masyarakat Cina itu hanya menang 15 daripada 40 kerusi Parlimen yang dipertandingkan dan 31 daripada 90 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN).
Bekas Menteri Besar Selangor Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamad Khir Toyo turut melakukan perkara yang sama iaitu mengundurkan diri secara terhormat.
Atas rasa tanggungjawab berikutan kekalahan teruk sehingga Selangor jatuh ke tangan pembangkang, beliau meletak jawatan sebagai Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO Negeri dan Pengerusi BN Negeri.
Pada hari yang sama Datuk Seri Radzi Sheikh Ahmad yang digugurkan daripada barisan Kabinet turut berbuat demikian dengan mengundur diri daripada jawatan Setiausaha Agung UMNO dan BN.
Radzi menjelaskan beliau tidak dapat bekerja secara efektif sebagai Setiausaha Agung kerana tidak lagi berada dalam Kabinet.
Sehari selepas Perdana Menteri mengumumkan barisan Kabinet barunya, dua timbalan menteri yang sudah dilantik menunjukkan ‘keberanian’ menolak lantikan itu atas alasan tersendiri.
Beberapa hari selepas itu seorang lagi timbalan menteri menuruti langkah dengan tindakan yang sama.
Ada yang melihat perkembangan ini sebagai satu harga yang sangat mahal yang perlu dibayar oleh BN berikutan dasar keterbukaan yang diperkenalkan.
‘‘Ketelusan dan keterbukaan ibarat pisau dua mata, satu baik dan satu lagi tidak baik.
‘‘Baiknya ia memberi ruang untuk orang ramai bersuara dan menyatakan kebenaran dan buruknya sesetengah orang melihat ini sebagai tanda kelemahan kerana apa-apa juga keburukan dan kelemahan yang selama ini tertutup kini sudah dibuka dan tempiasnya terpaksa dirasai oleh kerajaan,” kata Dr. Mohamad Mustafa lagi.
Bagaimanapun kata beliau, kerajaan tidak perlu menyesali keadaan ini kerana ia sangat baik dan membuktikan kemajuan dan kematangan dalam sistem demokrasi negara.
Katanya, apa yang lebih penting sekarang, kerajaan mesti berubah dengan memberi respons ke atas setiap pandangan dengan cepat dan tepat.
‘‘Dasar keterbukaan menjadi sangat tidak bermakna jika, respons daripada kerajaan lambat dibuat atau tidak kena masanya. Maklum balas dan respons mesti datang tepat pada waktunya.
‘‘Kalau tidak kita akan dilihat sebagai orang yang menafikan kebenaran dan tidak mahu bertindak walaupun telah diberitahu,” tegasnya.
Sebenarnya sikap berkaitan keberanian dan kepertanggungjawaban yang dilihat berlaku dalam UMNO dan BN bukanlah perkara baru.
Jika diimbas susur galur sejarah politik negara, peletakan jawatan secara terhormat atas prinsip akauntabiliti telah berlaku sejak tahun 1969 rentetan kekalahan parti Perikatan.
Cumanya ia sangat ketara dilihat selepas Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12 kerana melibatkan bukan seorang dua pemimpin atau parti tertentu sahaja tetapi turut melibatkan suara akar umbi parti.
Keberanian dan kepertangggungjawaban yang ditunjukkan oleh rakyat, ahli-ahli parti serta para pemimpin UMNO dan BN akan membuka lembaran baru politik negara dan tidak mustahil lebih banyak ‘keberanian dan kepertanggungjawaban’ dapat dilihat sedikit masa lagi atau pada masa-masa akan datang. Mudah-mudahan.
Mingguan Malaysia
30 Mac 2008
Oleh Rozaman Ismail
SATU perkara yang sangat jelas dan menarik dapat dilihat selepas pilihan raya yang baru berakhir ini ialah rentetan peristiwa yang ada hubung kait dengan keberanian dan kepertanggungjawaban.
Episod berkaitan keberanian dan sikap bertanggungjawab ke atas kesan yang timbul akibat daripada percubaan tersebut sangat menonjol dan tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini.
Di beberapa buah negeri keberanian para pengundi ‘mewujudkan corak pengundian songsang yang lari daripada kebiasaan’ menyaksikan negeri-negeri kubu kuat Barisan Nasional (BN) jatuh kepada pakatan pembangkang yang terdiri daripada DAP, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) dan Pas.
Tanpa mempedulikan apa kesannya kepada negara, para pengundi mempamerkan keberanian yang luar biasa dengan mengundi calon-calon parti pembangkang atas rasa kecewa dan marah kepada kerajaan berhubung beberapa isu.
Hasil daripada ‘keberanian’ itu parti-parti pembangkang mencatatkan satu rekod baru dalam sejarah pilihan raya di negara ini.
Dengan 82 kerusi Parlimen, mempertahankan Kelantan untuk penguasaan tahun ke-18 berturut-turut, menubuhkan kerajaan di empat lagi negeri termasuk tiga di jajaran koridor utara serta secara diam-diam menguasai Wilayah Persekutuan.
Walaupun berupaya menafikan majoriti dua pertiga BN, keberanian sehingga mencetuskan apa yang dinamakan ‘tsunami politik’ masih gagal menumbangkan kerajaan BN.
Sejurus berakhir pilihan raya 8 Mac lalu, rentetan ‘keberanian baru’ muncul satu demi satu, silih berganti. Kali ini di kalangan calon-calon yang bertanding, sama ada yang menang atau kalah dan tidak terkecuali ahli-ahli parti, semuanya meluahkan keberanian bersuara tanpa silu.
Yang menariknya kebanyakan suara-suara itu datangnya daripada kaum keluarga BN sendiri terutama parti-parti yang kalah teruk seperti Gerakan, MCA dan MIC dan UMNO sendiri.
Ketika pakatan pembangkang sibuk merencanakan ‘wajah baru empat kerajaan negeri’ para pemimpin parti-parti komponen BN meledakkan peluru keberanian masing-masing’ kepada pucuk pimpinan tertingginya.
Bagai tiada dinding penghadang, Penasihat Parti Gerakan Datuk Seri Dr. Lim Keng Yaik melempiaskan kekecewaannya dengan meminta Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menukarkan para penasihatnya kerana memberi nasihat yang salah berikutan prestasi buruk BN pada pilihan raya kali ini.
Menurut bekas Presiden Gerakan itu, BN tidak akan mengalami kekalahan sebegitu teruk jika mereka memberi nasihat yang betul.
Kekecewaan Keng Yaik berasas, Gerakan bukan sahaja kehilangan Pulau Pinang yang jatuh ke tangan DAP, malah parti itu kalah teruk di kerusi-kerusi Parlimen dengan hanya memenangi dua daripada 12 dan empat daripada 31 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri.
Jika Keng Yaik masih lagi berlapik tanpa menamakan ‘siapa penasihat-penasihat yang tidak baik’ itu, Ahli Parlimen Jerlun Datuk Mukriz Tun Mahathir secara terbuka mempamerkan ‘keberaniannya’ dengan menulis surat kepada Abdullah meminta beliau meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri.
Dalam surat itu Mukriz secara lantang menegaskan agenda kepimpinan dan kaedah mengurus masalah Perdana Menteri tidak lagi dapat diterima rakyat.
Desakan Mukriz mula mendapat perhatian ramai khususnya di kalangan ahli-ahli UMNO yang kemudiannya memberi respons yang pelbagai.
Dari satu sudut, perkembangan ini kelihatan seolah-olah BN sedang berhadapan dengan satu ‘krisis kepimpinan.’
Tetapi dari satu sudut lain yang lebih positif, ia memperlihatkan tirai keterbukaan mula disingkap luas oleh para pemimpin dan ahli BN sehingga mereka mampu bercakap mengenai pelbagai isu yang menyelubungi prestasi buruk parti itu dengan lebih telus, terbuka dan jujur.
Ia sangat berbeza dengan situasi sebelum ini yang lebih menjurus kepada sikap ‘memendam rasa’ dalam berhadapan dengan satu-satu isu yang agak ‘sensitif.’
Penganalisis politik tanah air dari Universiti Utara Malaysia Profesor Dr. Mohamad Mustafa Ishak berkata, keberanian yang ditunjukkan sebenarnya lahir daripada sikap dan keterbukaan dasar-dasar Abdullah sendiri selepas mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan negara sebagai Perdana Menteri lima tahun dulu.
Katanya, Abdullah sejurus selepas dilantik menjadi Perdana Menteri menguar-uarkan mahu melaksanakan sebuah pentadbiran yang telus dengan membuka lebih ruang untuk rakyat bersuara.
‘‘Dan inilah hasilnya. Ini hakikat yang kita kena akui selepas beliau menjadi Perdana Menteri. Keterbukaan ini, memberi ruang untuk orang ramai menyuarakan pandangan. Ini juga menjadi salah satu sebab pembangkang menang besar kerana kebebasan berpolitik tidak lagi disekat.
‘‘Kebebasan bersuara yang diberikan bukan setakat di pihak pembangkang sahaja tetapi di dalam BN sendiri menjadikan orang lebih berani menyuarakan isi hati dan pandangan,” katanya.
Kronologi ‘keberanian’ ini tidak mati di situ sahaja sebaliknya berterusan dengan pelbagai komen, pandangan dan kritikan secara terbuka sama ada daripada para pemimpin parti-parti komponen mahupun kalangan ahli di peringkat akar umbi.
Malah pada satu tahap ia sudah sampai ke peringkat mendesak kepimpinan tertinggi mengundur diri selain suara-suara yang lebih radikal yang mahu jawatan peringkat tertinggi parti dicabar.
Di celah-celah suara keberanian itu, ada sebahagian pemimpin parti mempamerkan sikap kepertanggungjawaban yang tinggi dengan menyahut desakan mengundurkan diri.
Sebagai contoh, walaupun tanpa sebarang desakan daripada akar umbi, awal-awal lagi dua pemimpin tertinggi MCA menolak untuk dilantik semula memegang sebarang jawatan dalam Kabinet.
Dalam keadaan sebahagian besar ahli-ahli Parlimen yang menang pada pilihan raya baru-baru ini ‘tidak lelap tidur memasang mimpi’ untuk dilantik ke dalam Kabinet, Presiden MCA Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting dan Naib Presidennya Datuk Seri Dr. Fong Chan Onn pula membuat pengorbanan besar meminta jangan dilantik semula ke jawatan Kabinet demi memberi tumpuan bagi mengukuhkan semula parti itu.
Kedua-dua pemimpin MCA itu menang di kerusi masing-masing dan kalau mahu mereka masih boleh dilantik ke jawatan Kabinet lama, tetapi masing-masing menolak atas rasa kepertanggunagjawaban berikutan prestasi buruk MCA.
Parti terbesar bagi masyarakat Cina itu hanya menang 15 daripada 40 kerusi Parlimen yang dipertandingkan dan 31 daripada 90 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN).
Bekas Menteri Besar Selangor Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamad Khir Toyo turut melakukan perkara yang sama iaitu mengundurkan diri secara terhormat.
Atas rasa tanggungjawab berikutan kekalahan teruk sehingga Selangor jatuh ke tangan pembangkang, beliau meletak jawatan sebagai Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO Negeri dan Pengerusi BN Negeri.
Pada hari yang sama Datuk Seri Radzi Sheikh Ahmad yang digugurkan daripada barisan Kabinet turut berbuat demikian dengan mengundur diri daripada jawatan Setiausaha Agung UMNO dan BN.
Radzi menjelaskan beliau tidak dapat bekerja secara efektif sebagai Setiausaha Agung kerana tidak lagi berada dalam Kabinet.
Sehari selepas Perdana Menteri mengumumkan barisan Kabinet barunya, dua timbalan menteri yang sudah dilantik menunjukkan ‘keberanian’ menolak lantikan itu atas alasan tersendiri.
Beberapa hari selepas itu seorang lagi timbalan menteri menuruti langkah dengan tindakan yang sama.
Ada yang melihat perkembangan ini sebagai satu harga yang sangat mahal yang perlu dibayar oleh BN berikutan dasar keterbukaan yang diperkenalkan.
‘‘Ketelusan dan keterbukaan ibarat pisau dua mata, satu baik dan satu lagi tidak baik.
‘‘Baiknya ia memberi ruang untuk orang ramai bersuara dan menyatakan kebenaran dan buruknya sesetengah orang melihat ini sebagai tanda kelemahan kerana apa-apa juga keburukan dan kelemahan yang selama ini tertutup kini sudah dibuka dan tempiasnya terpaksa dirasai oleh kerajaan,” kata Dr. Mohamad Mustafa lagi.
Bagaimanapun kata beliau, kerajaan tidak perlu menyesali keadaan ini kerana ia sangat baik dan membuktikan kemajuan dan kematangan dalam sistem demokrasi negara.
Katanya, apa yang lebih penting sekarang, kerajaan mesti berubah dengan memberi respons ke atas setiap pandangan dengan cepat dan tepat.
‘‘Dasar keterbukaan menjadi sangat tidak bermakna jika, respons daripada kerajaan lambat dibuat atau tidak kena masanya. Maklum balas dan respons mesti datang tepat pada waktunya.
‘‘Kalau tidak kita akan dilihat sebagai orang yang menafikan kebenaran dan tidak mahu bertindak walaupun telah diberitahu,” tegasnya.
Sebenarnya sikap berkaitan keberanian dan kepertanggungjawaban yang dilihat berlaku dalam UMNO dan BN bukanlah perkara baru.
Jika diimbas susur galur sejarah politik negara, peletakan jawatan secara terhormat atas prinsip akauntabiliti telah berlaku sejak tahun 1969 rentetan kekalahan parti Perikatan.
Cumanya ia sangat ketara dilihat selepas Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12 kerana melibatkan bukan seorang dua pemimpin atau parti tertentu sahaja tetapi turut melibatkan suara akar umbi parti.
Keberanian dan kepertangggungjawaban yang ditunjukkan oleh rakyat, ahli-ahli parti serta para pemimpin UMNO dan BN akan membuka lembaran baru politik negara dan tidak mustahil lebih banyak ‘keberanian dan kepertanggungjawaban’ dapat dilihat sedikit masa lagi atau pada masa-masa akan datang. Mudah-mudahan.
Anwar the Trojan Horse
Malays Will Be Made Tools By West If Anwar Becomes PM, Says Mahathir
PENANG, March 30 (Bernama) -- Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad says the Malays will be made use of by foreign powers if they choose Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as prime minister.
Describing Anwar as a "a man of many parts", he said Anwar had a glib tongue and hence could draw the attention of people from different groups and backgrounds.
"When he talks about Islam, Muslims will think he's a champion of Islam. He's also good at talking to the kampung (village) folk and also to those at temples.
"We know the west believes that Anwar will become prime minister in the near future. They can then lead him by the nose," said Dr Mahathir during a question-and-answer session after he opened the annual general meeting of Persatuan Melayu Tanjong (Penang Malays Association) here Sunday.
Someone in the audience had asked him about western media reports that Anwar would soon become Malaysia's prime minister.
"If the Malays are willing to kowtow to the foreigners, then they can choose this person (Anwar). I am sorry... he had maligned me all over the world, accusing me of arresting him and throwing him in jail," Dr Mahathir said.
Later at a press conference, he said the nomination quota system for an Umno member to contest a top party post was maintained during his party presidency to ensure that only those who qualified contested and not for personal interest.
Under the system, the party constitution's provision which stipulates that a candidate must secure nominations from at least 60 divisions in order to contest the president's post, was introduced after Dr Mahathir was challenged by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in 1987 and he (Dr Mahathir) retained the post with a majority of 43 votes.
Since then, the practice of not challenging the top party post has become a tradition.
Dr Mahathir said: "What was my interest then? I did not only win at that time but I had also won the top post uncontested many times.
"We did all that because if we didn't, some would do a Sulaiman Palestin, who had little support but contested the top post."
Dr Mahathir said when he was helming Umno, getting nominations from 60 divisions was not a problem.
He said this was proven when Anwar challenged Tun Ghafar Baba for the deputy president's post, whereby Anwar got many nominations... more than 30 percent as at that time there was no "control".
On this point, Dr Mahathir was responding to newspaper reports quoting Umno vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as saying that he as a member of the party's Constitution Committee had brought before Dr Mahathir a grassroots proposal for lifting the 30 percent requirement.
However, Dr Mahathir had asked him to leave it as it was and this, said Muhyiddin, was mainly due to the fact that Dr Mahathir was the president and that the ruling would undermine any challenge to his presidency.
Dr Mahathir explained that the quota system was maintained at that time to ensure that party elections were treated as a serious matter, therefore the candidates must be serious or qualified enough to contest to avoid wasting time as the election process took a lot of time.
PENANG, March 30 (Bernama) -- Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad says the Malays will be made use of by foreign powers if they choose Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as prime minister.
Describing Anwar as a "a man of many parts", he said Anwar had a glib tongue and hence could draw the attention of people from different groups and backgrounds.
"When he talks about Islam, Muslims will think he's a champion of Islam. He's also good at talking to the kampung (village) folk and also to those at temples.
"We know the west believes that Anwar will become prime minister in the near future. They can then lead him by the nose," said Dr Mahathir during a question-and-answer session after he opened the annual general meeting of Persatuan Melayu Tanjong (Penang Malays Association) here Sunday.
Someone in the audience had asked him about western media reports that Anwar would soon become Malaysia's prime minister.
"If the Malays are willing to kowtow to the foreigners, then they can choose this person (Anwar). I am sorry... he had maligned me all over the world, accusing me of arresting him and throwing him in jail," Dr Mahathir said.
Later at a press conference, he said the nomination quota system for an Umno member to contest a top party post was maintained during his party presidency to ensure that only those who qualified contested and not for personal interest.
Under the system, the party constitution's provision which stipulates that a candidate must secure nominations from at least 60 divisions in order to contest the president's post, was introduced after Dr Mahathir was challenged by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in 1987 and he (Dr Mahathir) retained the post with a majority of 43 votes.
Since then, the practice of not challenging the top party post has become a tradition.
Dr Mahathir said: "What was my interest then? I did not only win at that time but I had also won the top post uncontested many times.
"We did all that because if we didn't, some would do a Sulaiman Palestin, who had little support but contested the top post."
Dr Mahathir said when he was helming Umno, getting nominations from 60 divisions was not a problem.
He said this was proven when Anwar challenged Tun Ghafar Baba for the deputy president's post, whereby Anwar got many nominations... more than 30 percent as at that time there was no "control".
On this point, Dr Mahathir was responding to newspaper reports quoting Umno vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as saying that he as a member of the party's Constitution Committee had brought before Dr Mahathir a grassroots proposal for lifting the 30 percent requirement.
However, Dr Mahathir had asked him to leave it as it was and this, said Muhyiddin, was mainly due to the fact that Dr Mahathir was the president and that the ruling would undermine any challenge to his presidency.
Dr Mahathir explained that the quota system was maintained at that time to ensure that party elections were treated as a serious matter, therefore the candidates must be serious or qualified enough to contest to avoid wasting time as the election process took a lot of time.
The Manchurian Candidate

Mar 20, 2008 15:46 | Updated Mar 20, 2008 16:13
Anwar Ibrahim: Malaysia's Future Prime Minister?
The Jerusalem Post
Malaysia's opposition parties made significant gains in the parliamentary elections held on Sunday, March 8. Their success demonstrated a growing desire for political change and the furthering of democracy in Malaysia. The
election result means that the ruling Barisan National (National Front (BN)), no longer has a two third parliamentary majority. This means that its power has been limited in some respects, for example it can not amend the constitution or make key appointments without support from the opposition.
Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.
Photo: AP
Ultimately, the election results means a stronger system of checks and balances, a principle requirement for any true democracy.
The largest of the opposition parties, the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (People's Justice Party (PKR)) won 31 seats, a significant gain compared to the single seat it won in the 2004 elections. The PKR's success has been attributed largely to the revival of former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's political career. As a proponent of moderate Islam, cultural and religious impartiality, and liberal democracy, Anwar's popularity is gaining strength, with some reports suggesting that should the opposition coalition win the next election, he may well be next in line as Malaysia's Prime Minister.
Anwar launched his political career in 1982 by joining the United Malays National Organization (UNMO), currently the largest party within the ruling Barisan National (National Front (BN)). The UNMO was led by Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia longest-serving Prime Minister. By 1991, Anwar was
appointed Minister of Finance after which he was appointed as Mahathir's Deputy Prime Minister in 1993. Anwar's term as Minister of Finance was
characterized by unprecedented economic prosperity and growth, awarding him widespread acclamation. However, his political career came to an abrupt stop when he voiced strong opposition to Mahathir's support for the Bumiputra
('Sons of the Soil'), programme. This opposition led to criminal convictions for corruption and sodomy (the sentencing was 6 and 9 years respectively, although the sodomy conviction was overturned in 2004).
Despite, if not because of his criminal convictions, Anwar became an icon for political progress, justice and equality. He maintained considerable support throughout the years largely because of the work of his wife, Wan Azizah Ismail, who established the PKR in 1999, to call for her husband's release. The PKR also kept Anwar's political reforms (the latter becoming known as 'reformasi') agenda alive. Since his release from prison, Anwar has sought to revitalize his political campaign by challenging the current government, headed by Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, on a host of issues, in particular the 'New Economic Policy'. Created in the late 1970s (currently termed the National Vision Policy), the policy intended to create
conditions for national unity by reducing interethnic disparities, however in practice it granted the Bumiputra preferential treatment, creating an increasing ethnic Malay middle class and thus substantial opposition from ethnic Indian and Chinese who did not reap the benefits.
Anwar has been awarded acclaim by many for his success in creating unity amongst the previously divided opposition parties, which resulted in a
coalition that won an unprecedented total of 82 seats out of parliament's 222 seats in the latest election. Considered to be one of Malaysia's most
charismatic speakers, Anwar's endorsement of PKR's political platform is gaining significant momentum. In February 2008, the PKR published the
Keadilan Manifesto titled "A New Dawn for Malaysia," detailing the party's vision for putting Malaysia back on a track of economic, political, educational and cultural prosperity. Centering on five central positions, the party first and foremost advocates for a constitutional state for all whereby ³bumiputera rights are guaranteed fully alongside with non-bumiputera rights² and thus creating non-racial based politics.
With a growing percentage of the population unsatisfied with the political status quo, the PKR's reform agenda, as advocated by Anwar, appears to be the change that Malaysia increasingly desires. Anwar's political ban is due
to end in April and if reports hold true, he will easily win a by-election and resume a parliamentary role after his wife expectedly vacates her seat.
The main obstacle that analysts suggest is that once Anwar formally re-enters politics, he will need to continue to prove his political competence and ensure the long time fragmented opposition parties sustain a successful coalition and thus an effective governance implementing reforms within the states in which they hold a majority. Should they do so, analysts further predict that the opposition coalition may have a strong chance of defeating the ruling party in the 2013 elections, thus likely placing Anwar as the forerunner as Prime Minister.
Shani Ross is the Coordinator for the Executive Programs & Conferences at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT), Interdisciplinary Centre Herzliya, Israel.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Dr. Mahathir: Speaks up on Rulers and politicians
Oleh Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
The Sun, 29th March 2008
A Concerned Malaysian has expressed his worry over the role being played by Sultans in the appointment of the Menteri Besar.
His Royal Highnesses have clearly refused to take the advice of the Chief Minister i.e. the Prime Minister. Instead, they have chosen on their own a member of the state legislature to head the Government.
We hear a lot of opinions on the propriety of the action by the Sultan. Some say he has the right to do this while others point out that as a constitutional ruler, he could not do this.
The Constitution says that the Ruler or Head of State must choose the elected member who enjoys the support of the majority of members in the legislative body to be the Prime Minister or the Mentri Besar. Subject to this provision, the Ruler it is who chooses and appoints the Prime Minister or Mentri Besar.
The Prime Minister, as Prime Minister, has no role in the choice of the State Mentri Besar or Ketua Menteri. His naming of candidate who should be the Mentri Besar is purely a party matter. Obviously, if the State is captured by the Opposition Party, he cannot name the candidate.
However, if the Ruler chooses someone who does not enjoy majority support, he could be deposed at a sitting of the legislative body through a vote of "no confidence".
After that, another member can be appointed by the Ruler to take his place. But if for some reason, there is no other candidate or the candidate with majority support is considered unsuitable by the Ruler, a new Government cannot be formed. The Ruler may then dissolve the legislative body and a new election may be held.
This new election may lead to the same impasse. The Ruler may not like the member with majority support.
However, it should be noted that this kind of thing had never happened during the premiership of the four previous Prime Ministers. Concerned Malaysians should wonder why.
Is it just that the particular Ruler is being difficult, unwilling to accept the principles of democracy, wanting to return to feudalism and the absolute authority of the monarch?
I do not think so. There must be a reason why the Ruler refuses to accept the candidate named by the party. But the Ruler chooses not to reveal the reasons and indulge in public debates. He merely expresses his displeasure by refusing to do what normally the Rulers would do.
Concerned Malaysians must ask what has the particular candidate done which is so wrong that it incurs the displeasure of the Ruler.
There are lots of talks in the town. Terengganu is blessed with petroleum deposits. It should get 5% of the total earning from oil production. The Federal Government; fearing the previous PAS government might use this money wrongly had withheld payment.
But when the Barisan Nasional (BN) regained Terengganu the money, now called "Wang Ehsan", was lavishly spent by the Federal Government on Terengganu. It is not a small sum. Over these years "Wang Ehsan" totalled several billion.
We know that since the BN regained Terengganu in 2004, all kinds of projects have been developed in Terengganu. This includes The Monsoon Cup, luxury housing for sale to foreigners, Crystal Mosque and theme park, university, etc. Some of these projects are very good but many are totally unnecessary and wasteful.
But what the Terengganu people are saying is that all these mega projects costing billions of Ringgit have been contracted out to people outside Terengganu. Terengganu contractors got practically nothing.
But additionally, they say the contracts all went to one person and they are suspicious that behind this person are members of the first family.The rumours also say that the previous Mentri Besar was responsible for these things happening and of course, they think that he might have benefited financially.
The rumours went on to say that the Prime Minister might have influenced the Mentri Besar into doing wrong things. These are all rumours. It will be quite impossible to prove anything as the perpetrators are skilled in hiding themselves.
This is not good for a Government keen to abolish corruption and be transparent. To clear its name, an investigation should be made.
But the public is leery of investigations by Government agencies and departments. Even Royal Commissions are not highly regarded. The people believe, not true of course, that the Government has been interfering with the work of the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA), the Police and the Attorney General (A-G)'s Chambers. The say this is borne out by the results of investigations by these agencies.
When a Deputy Minister was accused of accepting money for the release of a detainee, the A-G said there was no case because the detainee said he did not give any money to the Deputy Minister. It is so easy. If you have a case involving someone, all the enforcement agencies need to do is to ask him whether he was involved. If he says "no", then there is no case.
For some reason, judges are finding that people accused of murder are not guilty because of insufficient evidence by the police. Yet people who are totally not involved in a case, who were not accused of any misdeeds and who did not appear in court at all and been given a hearing are found guilty and publicly condemned.
The public cannot be blamed for not having faith in Government agencies doing investigations. The public cannot be blamed for suspecting cover-ups by the Government or worse still the Government may be using these enforcement agencies to threaten people.
To clear its good name, the Government should get credible foreign agencies to do the investigation. Of course, they must be given full access to the documents etc.
Now my detractors are going to say I did worse things when I was Prime Minister. Well, if that is so, let us have the foreign agencies investigate me also. I am aware that people are looking into possible misdeeds by me during my 22 years so as to threaten me and ask me to shut up. So far they have not found anything.
Not only have I not taken anything that was not due to me while I was Prime Minister but I have given back to the Government and the people everything that I had received as gifts during my tenure of office.
The Government had offered me land in Kedah and Langkawi and I had refused to accept. I have a 5-acre plot in Putrajaya which I paid for even though the Government was offering it to me free.
Unless there is a frame-up, I think there should be nothing to pin on me. Even other accusations against me, including the dismissal of judges, were not my doing and I do not feel obliged to apologise. Ask the Tribunal to apologise.
The person asking that the Government should apologise for what happened to Tun Salleh Abbas may have forgotten that as President of the Muslim Lawyers Association, he fully supported the action that was taken. He castigated the Bar Council for condemning Tun Hamid Omar over the dismissal of judges. Now he wants to be more correct than correct. I wonder why.
The Sun, 29th March 2008
A Concerned Malaysian has expressed his worry over the role being played by Sultans in the appointment of the Menteri Besar.
His Royal Highnesses have clearly refused to take the advice of the Chief Minister i.e. the Prime Minister. Instead, they have chosen on their own a member of the state legislature to head the Government.
We hear a lot of opinions on the propriety of the action by the Sultan. Some say he has the right to do this while others point out that as a constitutional ruler, he could not do this.
The Constitution says that the Ruler or Head of State must choose the elected member who enjoys the support of the majority of members in the legislative body to be the Prime Minister or the Mentri Besar. Subject to this provision, the Ruler it is who chooses and appoints the Prime Minister or Mentri Besar.
The Prime Minister, as Prime Minister, has no role in the choice of the State Mentri Besar or Ketua Menteri. His naming of candidate who should be the Mentri Besar is purely a party matter. Obviously, if the State is captured by the Opposition Party, he cannot name the candidate.
However, if the Ruler chooses someone who does not enjoy majority support, he could be deposed at a sitting of the legislative body through a vote of "no confidence".
After that, another member can be appointed by the Ruler to take his place. But if for some reason, there is no other candidate or the candidate with majority support is considered unsuitable by the Ruler, a new Government cannot be formed. The Ruler may then dissolve the legislative body and a new election may be held.
This new election may lead to the same impasse. The Ruler may not like the member with majority support.
However, it should be noted that this kind of thing had never happened during the premiership of the four previous Prime Ministers. Concerned Malaysians should wonder why.
Is it just that the particular Ruler is being difficult, unwilling to accept the principles of democracy, wanting to return to feudalism and the absolute authority of the monarch?
I do not think so. There must be a reason why the Ruler refuses to accept the candidate named by the party. But the Ruler chooses not to reveal the reasons and indulge in public debates. He merely expresses his displeasure by refusing to do what normally the Rulers would do.
Concerned Malaysians must ask what has the particular candidate done which is so wrong that it incurs the displeasure of the Ruler.
There are lots of talks in the town. Terengganu is blessed with petroleum deposits. It should get 5% of the total earning from oil production. The Federal Government; fearing the previous PAS government might use this money wrongly had withheld payment.
But when the Barisan Nasional (BN) regained Terengganu the money, now called "Wang Ehsan", was lavishly spent by the Federal Government on Terengganu. It is not a small sum. Over these years "Wang Ehsan" totalled several billion.
We know that since the BN regained Terengganu in 2004, all kinds of projects have been developed in Terengganu. This includes The Monsoon Cup, luxury housing for sale to foreigners, Crystal Mosque and theme park, university, etc. Some of these projects are very good but many are totally unnecessary and wasteful.
But what the Terengganu people are saying is that all these mega projects costing billions of Ringgit have been contracted out to people outside Terengganu. Terengganu contractors got practically nothing.
But additionally, they say the contracts all went to one person and they are suspicious that behind this person are members of the first family.The rumours also say that the previous Mentri Besar was responsible for these things happening and of course, they think that he might have benefited financially.
The rumours went on to say that the Prime Minister might have influenced the Mentri Besar into doing wrong things. These are all rumours. It will be quite impossible to prove anything as the perpetrators are skilled in hiding themselves.
This is not good for a Government keen to abolish corruption and be transparent. To clear its name, an investigation should be made.
But the public is leery of investigations by Government agencies and departments. Even Royal Commissions are not highly regarded. The people believe, not true of course, that the Government has been interfering with the work of the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA), the Police and the Attorney General (A-G)'s Chambers. The say this is borne out by the results of investigations by these agencies.
When a Deputy Minister was accused of accepting money for the release of a detainee, the A-G said there was no case because the detainee said he did not give any money to the Deputy Minister. It is so easy. If you have a case involving someone, all the enforcement agencies need to do is to ask him whether he was involved. If he says "no", then there is no case.
For some reason, judges are finding that people accused of murder are not guilty because of insufficient evidence by the police. Yet people who are totally not involved in a case, who were not accused of any misdeeds and who did not appear in court at all and been given a hearing are found guilty and publicly condemned.
The public cannot be blamed for not having faith in Government agencies doing investigations. The public cannot be blamed for suspecting cover-ups by the Government or worse still the Government may be using these enforcement agencies to threaten people.
To clear its good name, the Government should get credible foreign agencies to do the investigation. Of course, they must be given full access to the documents etc.
Now my detractors are going to say I did worse things when I was Prime Minister. Well, if that is so, let us have the foreign agencies investigate me also. I am aware that people are looking into possible misdeeds by me during my 22 years so as to threaten me and ask me to shut up. So far they have not found anything.
Not only have I not taken anything that was not due to me while I was Prime Minister but I have given back to the Government and the people everything that I had received as gifts during my tenure of office.
The Government had offered me land in Kedah and Langkawi and I had refused to accept. I have a 5-acre plot in Putrajaya which I paid for even though the Government was offering it to me free.
Unless there is a frame-up, I think there should be nothing to pin on me. Even other accusations against me, including the dismissal of judges, were not my doing and I do not feel obliged to apologise. Ask the Tribunal to apologise.
The person asking that the Government should apologise for what happened to Tun Salleh Abbas may have forgotten that as President of the Muslim Lawyers Association, he fully supported the action that was taken. He castigated the Bar Council for condemning Tun Hamid Omar over the dismissal of judges. Now he wants to be more correct than correct. I wonder why.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Call for Muslims Worldwide to Boycott Dutch Products
Dr. Mahathir: Tun Mahathir calls on Muslims worldwide to boycott Dutch products
Saturday, March 29 @ 20:25:46 MYT
Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad called upon Muslims worldwide to boycott Dutch products in protest of a film released Monday on the Internet which criticised Islam’s holy book, the Quran.
He said such a boycottt could result in The Netherlands having to “close shop”, as Muslims made up the wealthiest portion of the world’s population and were also the biggest importers.
However, in order to be effective, all 1.3 billion Muslims in the world must unite in the boycott and put the interest of Islam and Muslims over that of individual needs.
“We must not be afraid of losing trade with them. If we do, then we won’t be thinking as Muslims, but more for our own self intersts,” he told reporters after opening the Malaysian Islamic Welfare Organisation’s (Perkim) 46th annual general meeting at a hotel here, today.
Dr Mahathir was referring to Fitna, a 15-minute film posted on a website on Thursday that highly criticised Islam, setting verses of the Quran against a background of violent images from terrorist attacks.
Dutch legislator Geert Wilders created the film, which also shows statements from radical clerics and cited verses from the Quran interspersed with images of the Sept 11 attack on the United States, the 2004 commuter train bombings in Spain and the murder later that year of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh on an Amsterdam street.
Earlier, Dr Mahathir had said the film was a result of misconceptions about Islam and there was also a “critical motive behind it”.
“They will continue to do this until we show to them Islam is a good religion, that we are not violent people, that we don’t tell lies to people...but this must be shown in practice by the Muslim community,” he said.
On the home front, Dr Mahathir who is also Perkim president, said it was very important for Perkim to give the right impression of Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims alike so that there would be no misunderstanding on the religion, which could lead to fear, suspicion or hostility against Islam. — BERNAMA
Mahathir Gesa Umat Islam Seluruh Dunia Pulau Produk Belanda
KUALA LUMPUR, 29 Mac (Bernama) -- Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menyeru umat Islam di seluruh dunia memulaukan produk Belanda sebagai satu bantahan berkesan berikutan sebuah filem Belanda, Fitna, yang mengkritik Al-Quran yang disiarkan di Internet.
Beliau berkata pemulauan itu boleh menyebabkan Belanda lumpuh kerana umat Islam meliputi sebahagian besar penduduk dunia yang kaya dan juga pengimport terbesar.
Bagaimanapun, semua 1.3 bilion umat islam di dunia mestilah bersatu dan meletakkan kepentingan Islam dan umat Islam daripada keperluan individu jika mahukan pemulauan ini berkesan.
"Kalau orang Islam bersatu kita mudah saja ambil tindakan. Kalau kita pulau barangan dari Belanda dia tutup negeri, pasal yang beli banyak sekali, yang kaya sekali di dunia ini adalah orang Islam. "Kalau semua 1,300 juta orang Islam kata kami tidak kan beli barang dari Belanda, maka barulah berkesan. "Kalau nak pulau buatlah betul-betul.
Tapi orang kita kata, dia (Belanda) pun berniaga dengan kita juga, kalau kita tahan dia, dia rugilah. Jadi (kalau begini) kita tak fikir sebagai orang Islam, kita fikir untuk kepentingan diri," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan mesyuarat agung ke-46 Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam Malaysia (Perkim) di sini hari ini.
Filem Fitna itu, selama 15 minit yang disiarkan dalam sebuah laman web pada 27 Mac yang mengkritik Islam, yang menunjukkan surah Al-Quran dengan berlatar belakangkan imej keganasan akibat serangan pengganas.
Ahli majlis perundangan Belanda Geert Wilders menerbitkan filem itu, yang menunjukkan kenyataan daripada paderi yang radikal dan menyebut surah Al-Quran dengan diselitkan imej serangan 11 Sept terhadap Pusat Dagangan Dunia (WTC) di New York, pengeboman kereta api penumpang di Madrid, Sepanyol pada 2004 dan pembunuhan pengelur filem Belanda Theo van Gogh di Amsterdam street pada akhir tahun itu.
Sebelum itu, Dr Mahathir berkata filem tesebut disiarkan berikutan salah faham dan "sudah pasti ada motif kritikal".
"Mereka akan terus berbuat demikian sehingga kita menunjukkan Islam itu satu agama yang baik, kita bukan orang yang ganas, bahawa kita tidak berbohong kepada orang ramai...tetapi ini mesti ditunjukkan dalam amalan oleh masyarakat Islam ," kata beliau.
Saturday, March 29 @ 20:25:46 MYT
Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad called upon Muslims worldwide to boycott Dutch products in protest of a film released Monday on the Internet which criticised Islam’s holy book, the Quran.
He said such a boycottt could result in The Netherlands having to “close shop”, as Muslims made up the wealthiest portion of the world’s population and were also the biggest importers.
However, in order to be effective, all 1.3 billion Muslims in the world must unite in the boycott and put the interest of Islam and Muslims over that of individual needs.
“We must not be afraid of losing trade with them. If we do, then we won’t be thinking as Muslims, but more for our own self intersts,” he told reporters after opening the Malaysian Islamic Welfare Organisation’s (Perkim) 46th annual general meeting at a hotel here, today.
Dr Mahathir was referring to Fitna, a 15-minute film posted on a website on Thursday that highly criticised Islam, setting verses of the Quran against a background of violent images from terrorist attacks.
Dutch legislator Geert Wilders created the film, which also shows statements from radical clerics and cited verses from the Quran interspersed with images of the Sept 11 attack on the United States, the 2004 commuter train bombings in Spain and the murder later that year of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh on an Amsterdam street.
Earlier, Dr Mahathir had said the film was a result of misconceptions about Islam and there was also a “critical motive behind it”.
“They will continue to do this until we show to them Islam is a good religion, that we are not violent people, that we don’t tell lies to people...but this must be shown in practice by the Muslim community,” he said.
On the home front, Dr Mahathir who is also Perkim president, said it was very important for Perkim to give the right impression of Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims alike so that there would be no misunderstanding on the religion, which could lead to fear, suspicion or hostility against Islam. — BERNAMA
Mahathir Gesa Umat Islam Seluruh Dunia Pulau Produk Belanda
KUALA LUMPUR, 29 Mac (Bernama) -- Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menyeru umat Islam di seluruh dunia memulaukan produk Belanda sebagai satu bantahan berkesan berikutan sebuah filem Belanda, Fitna, yang mengkritik Al-Quran yang disiarkan di Internet.
Beliau berkata pemulauan itu boleh menyebabkan Belanda lumpuh kerana umat Islam meliputi sebahagian besar penduduk dunia yang kaya dan juga pengimport terbesar.
Bagaimanapun, semua 1.3 bilion umat islam di dunia mestilah bersatu dan meletakkan kepentingan Islam dan umat Islam daripada keperluan individu jika mahukan pemulauan ini berkesan.
"Kalau orang Islam bersatu kita mudah saja ambil tindakan. Kalau kita pulau barangan dari Belanda dia tutup negeri, pasal yang beli banyak sekali, yang kaya sekali di dunia ini adalah orang Islam. "Kalau semua 1,300 juta orang Islam kata kami tidak kan beli barang dari Belanda, maka barulah berkesan. "Kalau nak pulau buatlah betul-betul.
Tapi orang kita kata, dia (Belanda) pun berniaga dengan kita juga, kalau kita tahan dia, dia rugilah. Jadi (kalau begini) kita tak fikir sebagai orang Islam, kita fikir untuk kepentingan diri," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan mesyuarat agung ke-46 Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam Malaysia (Perkim) di sini hari ini.
Filem Fitna itu, selama 15 minit yang disiarkan dalam sebuah laman web pada 27 Mac yang mengkritik Islam, yang menunjukkan surah Al-Quran dengan berlatar belakangkan imej keganasan akibat serangan pengganas.
Ahli majlis perundangan Belanda Geert Wilders menerbitkan filem itu, yang menunjukkan kenyataan daripada paderi yang radikal dan menyebut surah Al-Quran dengan diselitkan imej serangan 11 Sept terhadap Pusat Dagangan Dunia (WTC) di New York, pengeboman kereta api penumpang di Madrid, Sepanyol pada 2004 dan pembunuhan pengelur filem Belanda Theo van Gogh di Amsterdam street pada akhir tahun itu.
Sebelum itu, Dr Mahathir berkata filem tesebut disiarkan berikutan salah faham dan "sudah pasti ada motif kritikal".
"Mereka akan terus berbuat demikian sehingga kita menunjukkan Islam itu satu agama yang baik, kita bukan orang yang ganas, bahawa kita tidak berbohong kepada orang ramai...tetapi ini mesti ditunjukkan dalam amalan oleh masyarakat Islam ," kata beliau.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Pak Lah Still Refuses to Resign!
The best news that came out of the UMNO MT's marathon meeting this afternoon was the top 2 posts, well all the posts can be contested and the UMNO party polls will be held in December this year.
Unfortunately, the much expected news for PM Abdullah to resign still fell on his deaf ears.
I wonder if PM Abdullah and Khairy think this will give them enough time to buy as much nominations and votes.. since they have collected enuff loots in their warchest for the last 4 years. Luckily, the Terengganu RM1.3 billion source of income is being cut off by Tuanku Mizan.
Jawatan Presiden, Timbalan Presiden UMNO boleh dicabar
27/03/2008 7:50pm
KUALA LUMPUR 27 Mac - Majlis Tertinggi (MT) UMNO hari ini memutuskan semua jawatan termasuk Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden boleh dicabar dalam pemilihan parti yang akan datang jika ada pencalonan.
Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi malah berkata, beliau sendiri sedia untuk dicabar. - Utusan.
Umno party polls in December
Thursday, 27 March 2008
(The Malaysian Insider) KUALA LUMPUR, March 27 – Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will face his day of reckoning this year. The Umno Supreme Council decided that the party will not be postponed till early next year and will be held instead from Dec 16 to 20.
Their rationale: The party needed to allow its grassroots to vent their anger and frustration over Election 2008. Only after this catharsis could Umno realistically embark on a period of reform and move to win back the support of Malaysians.
This decision was not surprising given the fact that the management committee comprising Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and other senior party officials decided unanimously yesterday to push for elections to be held this year. The party bigwigs know that there is a lot of anger and confusion on the ground about the gains made by the opposition at the expense of Umno and the future of the party. Much of the anger is targeted at Abdullah.
Some of the party foot soldiers want him to step down now, blaming him for leading his army into battle without realising that the terrain had changed and the enemy was much stronger. There remains strong support for Abdullah among supreme council members, but they know that shielding him from the full force of criticism could have serious consequences for themselves and also for the party president.
The council members could be open to charges of self-preservation and any move to prevent Abdullah being challenged for the Number 1 position this year could invite even more negative feelings towards him.
Abdullah will be able to beat off the challenge of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah for the party president’s position as long as his deputy, the supreme council members and state liaison chiefs stand by him. In such a scenario, it may be difficult for any challenger to obtain the 60 nominations from divisions to take on Abdullah.
Says Professor Shamsul Amri Baharudin, a political commentator: “It makes sense for elections to be held as soon as possible. Even though there are a lot of negative feelings towards Abdullah, I expect him to come through. But he will not be unscathed as he will realise the depth of anger towards him, his family and anyone connected to him. Some of this will be irrational and based on rumours but the rank-and-file are in the mood to let off steam.’’
Shamsul believes that the sentiment at the assembly will persuade Abdullah to hand over the baton to his successor after he had strengthened the party and stability returned to the government.
“In some ways, this is also why some supreme council members are in favour of early elections. They know that the party delegates can pass a message which they may be unable to," he said.
Unfortunately, the much expected news for PM Abdullah to resign still fell on his deaf ears.
I wonder if PM Abdullah and Khairy think this will give them enough time to buy as much nominations and votes.. since they have collected enuff loots in their warchest for the last 4 years. Luckily, the Terengganu RM1.3 billion source of income is being cut off by Tuanku Mizan.
Jawatan Presiden, Timbalan Presiden UMNO boleh dicabar
27/03/2008 7:50pm
KUALA LUMPUR 27 Mac - Majlis Tertinggi (MT) UMNO hari ini memutuskan semua jawatan termasuk Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden boleh dicabar dalam pemilihan parti yang akan datang jika ada pencalonan.
Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi malah berkata, beliau sendiri sedia untuk dicabar. - Utusan.
Umno party polls in December
Thursday, 27 March 2008
(The Malaysian Insider) KUALA LUMPUR, March 27 – Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will face his day of reckoning this year. The Umno Supreme Council decided that the party will not be postponed till early next year and will be held instead from Dec 16 to 20.
Their rationale: The party needed to allow its grassroots to vent their anger and frustration over Election 2008. Only after this catharsis could Umno realistically embark on a period of reform and move to win back the support of Malaysians.
This decision was not surprising given the fact that the management committee comprising Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and other senior party officials decided unanimously yesterday to push for elections to be held this year. The party bigwigs know that there is a lot of anger and confusion on the ground about the gains made by the opposition at the expense of Umno and the future of the party. Much of the anger is targeted at Abdullah.
Some of the party foot soldiers want him to step down now, blaming him for leading his army into battle without realising that the terrain had changed and the enemy was much stronger. There remains strong support for Abdullah among supreme council members, but they know that shielding him from the full force of criticism could have serious consequences for themselves and also for the party president.
The council members could be open to charges of self-preservation and any move to prevent Abdullah being challenged for the Number 1 position this year could invite even more negative feelings towards him.
Abdullah will be able to beat off the challenge of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah for the party president’s position as long as his deputy, the supreme council members and state liaison chiefs stand by him. In such a scenario, it may be difficult for any challenger to obtain the 60 nominations from divisions to take on Abdullah.
Says Professor Shamsul Amri Baharudin, a political commentator: “It makes sense for elections to be held as soon as possible. Even though there are a lot of negative feelings towards Abdullah, I expect him to come through. But he will not be unscathed as he will realise the depth of anger towards him, his family and anyone connected to him. Some of this will be irrational and based on rumours but the rank-and-file are in the mood to let off steam.’’
Shamsul believes that the sentiment at the assembly will persuade Abdullah to hand over the baton to his successor after he had strengthened the party and stability returned to the government.
“In some ways, this is also why some supreme council members are in favour of early elections. They know that the party delegates can pass a message which they may be unable to," he said.
Why Tuanku Mizan Murka
I was in Kuala Terengganu yesterday and this info came to me from close source and err.. behind closed door.. why Derih Jusoh can no longer be the MB.
It seems DYMM Tuanku Mizan is very upset with Idris Jusoh, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Khairy Jamaluddin and Patrick Badawi with regards to these issues:
How the State Wang Ehsan Fund aka Oil Royalty was channeled, an amount of RM1.3 billion per year which is being siphoned to Khairy, Patrick and Abdullah coffer via Idris Jusoh conduit.
It was told, there is a memo via Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS) to pay the amount of RM1 million per week to InaiKiara Sdn Bhd, an entity set up by Khairy Jamaluddin. This RM1 million per week is to be paid rain or shine whether there are any jobs done or not. So InaiKiara gets RM365 million per year.. just like that. I wonder whether "straightening the rivers" project will be another one of Khairy's scheme to siphon off more money from this "special" fund.
Government servants are "ordered" to heed the politicians instead of the Government servants "advising" the elected politicians as per protocols.
The ppl of Terengganu is also upset with regards that all mega projects done in the past 4 years only benefit the outsiders. All these money to fund the mega projects must have come from the Special Fund. This to include the Monsoon Cup, the River Reclamation projects, etc which conveniently only benefits Patrick Lim Badawi and Khairy cronies, while the only benefits locals get are by selling Goreng Pisang.. to use their own words.
All its beautiful beaches have been plundered by Non-Malays developers. This can be seen on Pulau Redang especially.
Terengganu land was sold for cheap to outsiders such as Pulau Duyong, especially to Chinese, outsiders and Non-Malaysians for them to build their own private domain.
The Masjid Crystal padded up so much on the price, and developed by Patrick Badawi, are only allowed to be used for solat 5 waktu and not for solat Jumaah. The only good thing that came out of this project is the fact the mat salleh's architect conversion to Islam.
I am hoping the Sultan would call for a Suruhanjaya to fully investigate all the items above.
Before I left Kuala Terengganu, this fruit vendor a PAS supporter in front of Pasar Payang aptly told me.. "macamana pung org PAS dok suke pada Dr. Mahathir kami tahu dia sayang Melayu, apa dia buat semua nak tolong orang Melayu.. tapi Pak Lah dan Khairy ni memang jahat dan benci Melayu..ambik dari Melayu bagi kat bukan Melayu, semua projek masuk poket sendiri.. rakyat biar mati.."
No wonder Tuanku Mizan tersangat murka. Daulat Tuanku!
It seems DYMM Tuanku Mizan is very upset with Idris Jusoh, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Khairy Jamaluddin and Patrick Badawi with regards to these issues:
How the State Wang Ehsan Fund aka Oil Royalty was channeled, an amount of RM1.3 billion per year which is being siphoned to Khairy, Patrick and Abdullah coffer via Idris Jusoh conduit.
It was told, there is a memo via Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS) to pay the amount of RM1 million per week to InaiKiara Sdn Bhd, an entity set up by Khairy Jamaluddin. This RM1 million per week is to be paid rain or shine whether there are any jobs done or not. So InaiKiara gets RM365 million per year.. just like that. I wonder whether "straightening the rivers" project will be another one of Khairy's scheme to siphon off more money from this "special" fund.
Government servants are "ordered" to heed the politicians instead of the Government servants "advising" the elected politicians as per protocols.
The ppl of Terengganu is also upset with regards that all mega projects done in the past 4 years only benefit the outsiders. All these money to fund the mega projects must have come from the Special Fund. This to include the Monsoon Cup, the River Reclamation projects, etc which conveniently only benefits Patrick Lim Badawi and Khairy cronies, while the only benefits locals get are by selling Goreng Pisang.. to use their own words.
All its beautiful beaches have been plundered by Non-Malays developers. This can be seen on Pulau Redang especially.
Terengganu land was sold for cheap to outsiders such as Pulau Duyong, especially to Chinese, outsiders and Non-Malaysians for them to build their own private domain.
The Masjid Crystal padded up so much on the price, and developed by Patrick Badawi, are only allowed to be used for solat 5 waktu and not for solat Jumaah. The only good thing that came out of this project is the fact the mat salleh's architect conversion to Islam.
I am hoping the Sultan would call for a Suruhanjaya to fully investigate all the items above.
Before I left Kuala Terengganu, this fruit vendor a PAS supporter in front of Pasar Payang aptly told me.. "macamana pung org PAS dok suke pada Dr. Mahathir kami tahu dia sayang Melayu, apa dia buat semua nak tolong orang Melayu.. tapi Pak Lah dan Khairy ni memang jahat dan benci Melayu..ambik dari Melayu bagi kat bukan Melayu, semua projek masuk poket sendiri.. rakyat biar mati.."
No wonder Tuanku Mizan tersangat murka. Daulat Tuanku!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The War Has Begun - Akar Umbi vs Pak Lah & MT
Finally the news all ahli2 UMNO akar umbi WANT to hear! hehe tajam tajam Mukhriz dan Syed Ali bila bersuara..
I am all for:
Najib or Ku Li to go for Presiden
Khir Toyo to run for Naib Presiden, Rafidah and Hishamuddin should go for it as well.
Mukhriz to go for Ketua Pemuda
The whole Puteri needs a major revamping instead of the cheerleading pompom girls d'Rockette dancers role they have been playing.
Pemilihan UMNO Tidak Harus Ditunda Lagi, Kata Mukhriz
Oleh Azeman Ariffin
JERLUN, 25 Mac (Bernama) -- Pemilihan UMNO yang dijadualkan pada tahun ini tidak wajar ditunda bagi menghormati suara para anggota UMNO untuk memilih siapakah pemimpin yang mereka kehendaki, kata Anggota Parlimen Jerlun Datuk Mukhriz Tun Dr Tun Dr. Mahathir.
Katanya pemilihan parti adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting dan ia merupakan satu proses demokrasi yang harus dilalui oleh parti.
"Saya merayu kepada kepimpinan UMNO supaya tidak menunda pemilihan dan ikutlah seperti apa yang telah dikatakan (oleh Presiden parti pada tahun lepas) iaitu pemilihan akan diadakan pada tahun ini", katanya kepada Bernama di sini hari ini.
Mukhriz, yang juga anggota Exco Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO, itu berkata beliau yakin pertandingan merebut jawatan tidak akan menyebabkan perpecahan dalam parti kerana perwakilan sekarang mampu membuat keputusan yang bijak tanpa emosi.
Beliau berkata pemimpin UMNO mesti mengikut perlembagaan parti dan semua anggota UMNO harus membuat keputusan yang rasional dan bijak.
Ketua Penerangan UMNO Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib hari ini berkata badan-badan perhubungan UMNO negeri menyarankan supaya pemilihan parti yang dijadual diadakan tahun ini ditunda kepada Jun tahun depan bagi mengelakkan kekecohan dalam parti.
Muhammad, yang juga Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, berkata badan-badan perhubungan itu termasuk ketua masing-masing sebulat suara menyatakan persetujuan itu dalam beberapa pertemuan berasingan dengan Presiden UMNO Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sejak Jumaat lepas.
Pemilihan UMNO yang dijadual tahun lepas ditunda hingga tahun ini ekoran jangkaan pilihan raya umum ke-12. Kali terakhir pemilihan diadakan adalah pada tahun 2004. Mengikut perlembagaan parti, pemilihan UMNO boleh ditunda sehingga 18 bulan dan tempoh itu berakhir pada Jun 2009.
Mukhriz berkata jika terdapat pertandingan di peringkat jawatan Presiden sekalipun, beliau yakin UMNO tidak akan berpecah jika pertandingan diadakan secara "gentleman".
"Yang paling penting jangan ada rasuah politik kerana itulah yang boleh menyebabkan perpecahan... Saya tidak nampak boleh berlaku sebarang perpecahan jika kita bertanding dalam suasana yang terkawal dan tanpa emosi," kata beliau.
Mukhriz berkata semua anggota parti haruslah mengutamakan keharmonian parti kerana semua tindakan mereka akan mendapat perhatian umum.
"Untuk kebaikan parti, yang penting kita mesti sedar bahawa semua tindakan kita mendapat perhatian umum dan lebih-lebih lagi jadi tradisi kepimpinan teratas lazimnya Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden adalah juga Perdana Menteri dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri," kata beliau.
Buka Jawatan Presiden Dan Timbalan Presiden UMNO Untuk Ditandingi
KUALA LUMPUR, 26 Mac (Bernama) -- UMNO Bahagian Cheras menyarankan semua jawatan tertinggi parti itu di semua peringkat, termasuk jawatan Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden dipertandingkan.
Cadangan itu adalah satu daripada 12 resolusi yang dilulus oleh UMNO Bahagian Cheras pada Mesyuarat Khas Empat Peringkat di sini, Selasa malam.
Ketua UMNO bahagian Cheras Senator Datuk Wira Syed Ali Al-Habshee berkata cadangan yang akan dikemukakan kepada Majlis Tertinggi UMNO itu dibuat berikutan kekalahan teruk Barisan Nasional pada pilihan raya umum baru-baru ini, di samping selaras dengan sistem demokrasi yang diamal dalam parti.
"Kalau jawatan-jawatan ini tidak dipertandingkan, kita tidak tahu kekuatan Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden di dalam parti. Jika ada pertandingan, kita boleh menilai kekuatan Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden di akar umbi," katanya kepada pemberita selepas mesyuarat itu.
Beliau yakin pertandingan untuk dua jawatan tertinggi itu tidak akan memecah belahkan parti, malah akan mengukuhkan perpaduan dalaman dan meningkatkan maruah mereka yang menang.
"Biar rakyat tahu UMNO amalkan demokrasi sihat, biar orang bertanding.
Pertandingan akan memberi ruang untuk ahli-ahli UMNO di akar umbi untuk menterjemahkan kepimpinan sebenar dalam UMNO dan kita mahu pemimpin kita betul-betul mendapat sokongan akar umbi," katanya.
Mesyuarat itu juga meluluskan supaya sistem kuota bagi pertandingan jawatan parti yang diamalkan kini dimansuhkan dan harus kembali kepada prinsip asal iaitu mereka yang ingin bertanding boleh berbuat demikian jika mendapat dua pencalonan.
"Kalau kita ada sistem kuota, kita menidakkan orang yang ingin menawarkan diri untuk bertanding. Jika kita mansuhkan, ramai yang akan bertanding dan ahli-ahli mempunyai pilihan untuk memilih pemimpin yang mereka kehendaki," katanya.
Syed Ali berkata resolusi yang dibuat bahagian itu turut mencadangkan supaya satu Perhimpunan Agung Khas diadakan dalam masa terdekat bagi membolehkan kepimpinan UMNO mendengar secara jelas dan terbuka kritikan dan saranan anggota parti untuk memantapkan semula organisasi parti.
Resolusi lain yang diluluskan ialah meminta seluruh rakyat Malaysia khususnya orang Melayu dan UMNO supaya memelihara, mempertahan dan menghormati kedaulatan institusi Kesultanan Raja-raja Melayu seperti yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan Negara.
I am all for:
Najib or Ku Li to go for Presiden
Khir Toyo to run for Naib Presiden, Rafidah and Hishamuddin should go for it as well.
Mukhriz to go for Ketua Pemuda
The whole Puteri needs a major revamping instead of the cheerleading pompom girls d'Rockette dancers role they have been playing.
Pemilihan UMNO Tidak Harus Ditunda Lagi, Kata Mukhriz
Oleh Azeman Ariffin
JERLUN, 25 Mac (Bernama) -- Pemilihan UMNO yang dijadualkan pada tahun ini tidak wajar ditunda bagi menghormati suara para anggota UMNO untuk memilih siapakah pemimpin yang mereka kehendaki, kata Anggota Parlimen Jerlun Datuk Mukhriz Tun Dr Tun Dr. Mahathir.
Katanya pemilihan parti adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting dan ia merupakan satu proses demokrasi yang harus dilalui oleh parti.
"Saya merayu kepada kepimpinan UMNO supaya tidak menunda pemilihan dan ikutlah seperti apa yang telah dikatakan (oleh Presiden parti pada tahun lepas) iaitu pemilihan akan diadakan pada tahun ini", katanya kepada Bernama di sini hari ini.
Mukhriz, yang juga anggota Exco Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO, itu berkata beliau yakin pertandingan merebut jawatan tidak akan menyebabkan perpecahan dalam parti kerana perwakilan sekarang mampu membuat keputusan yang bijak tanpa emosi.
Beliau berkata pemimpin UMNO mesti mengikut perlembagaan parti dan semua anggota UMNO harus membuat keputusan yang rasional dan bijak.
Ketua Penerangan UMNO Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib hari ini berkata badan-badan perhubungan UMNO negeri menyarankan supaya pemilihan parti yang dijadual diadakan tahun ini ditunda kepada Jun tahun depan bagi mengelakkan kekecohan dalam parti.
Muhammad, yang juga Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, berkata badan-badan perhubungan itu termasuk ketua masing-masing sebulat suara menyatakan persetujuan itu dalam beberapa pertemuan berasingan dengan Presiden UMNO Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sejak Jumaat lepas.
Pemilihan UMNO yang dijadual tahun lepas ditunda hingga tahun ini ekoran jangkaan pilihan raya umum ke-12. Kali terakhir pemilihan diadakan adalah pada tahun 2004. Mengikut perlembagaan parti, pemilihan UMNO boleh ditunda sehingga 18 bulan dan tempoh itu berakhir pada Jun 2009.
Mukhriz berkata jika terdapat pertandingan di peringkat jawatan Presiden sekalipun, beliau yakin UMNO tidak akan berpecah jika pertandingan diadakan secara "gentleman".
"Yang paling penting jangan ada rasuah politik kerana itulah yang boleh menyebabkan perpecahan... Saya tidak nampak boleh berlaku sebarang perpecahan jika kita bertanding dalam suasana yang terkawal dan tanpa emosi," kata beliau.
Mukhriz berkata semua anggota parti haruslah mengutamakan keharmonian parti kerana semua tindakan mereka akan mendapat perhatian umum.
"Untuk kebaikan parti, yang penting kita mesti sedar bahawa semua tindakan kita mendapat perhatian umum dan lebih-lebih lagi jadi tradisi kepimpinan teratas lazimnya Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden adalah juga Perdana Menteri dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri," kata beliau.
Buka Jawatan Presiden Dan Timbalan Presiden UMNO Untuk Ditandingi
KUALA LUMPUR, 26 Mac (Bernama) -- UMNO Bahagian Cheras menyarankan semua jawatan tertinggi parti itu di semua peringkat, termasuk jawatan Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden dipertandingkan.
Cadangan itu adalah satu daripada 12 resolusi yang dilulus oleh UMNO Bahagian Cheras pada Mesyuarat Khas Empat Peringkat di sini, Selasa malam.
Ketua UMNO bahagian Cheras Senator Datuk Wira Syed Ali Al-Habshee berkata cadangan yang akan dikemukakan kepada Majlis Tertinggi UMNO itu dibuat berikutan kekalahan teruk Barisan Nasional pada pilihan raya umum baru-baru ini, di samping selaras dengan sistem demokrasi yang diamal dalam parti.
"Kalau jawatan-jawatan ini tidak dipertandingkan, kita tidak tahu kekuatan Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden di dalam parti. Jika ada pertandingan, kita boleh menilai kekuatan Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden di akar umbi," katanya kepada pemberita selepas mesyuarat itu.
Beliau yakin pertandingan untuk dua jawatan tertinggi itu tidak akan memecah belahkan parti, malah akan mengukuhkan perpaduan dalaman dan meningkatkan maruah mereka yang menang.
"Biar rakyat tahu UMNO amalkan demokrasi sihat, biar orang bertanding.
Pertandingan akan memberi ruang untuk ahli-ahli UMNO di akar umbi untuk menterjemahkan kepimpinan sebenar dalam UMNO dan kita mahu pemimpin kita betul-betul mendapat sokongan akar umbi," katanya.
Mesyuarat itu juga meluluskan supaya sistem kuota bagi pertandingan jawatan parti yang diamalkan kini dimansuhkan dan harus kembali kepada prinsip asal iaitu mereka yang ingin bertanding boleh berbuat demikian jika mendapat dua pencalonan.
"Kalau kita ada sistem kuota, kita menidakkan orang yang ingin menawarkan diri untuk bertanding. Jika kita mansuhkan, ramai yang akan bertanding dan ahli-ahli mempunyai pilihan untuk memilih pemimpin yang mereka kehendaki," katanya.
Syed Ali berkata resolusi yang dibuat bahagian itu turut mencadangkan supaya satu Perhimpunan Agung Khas diadakan dalam masa terdekat bagi membolehkan kepimpinan UMNO mendengar secara jelas dan terbuka kritikan dan saranan anggota parti untuk memantapkan semula organisasi parti.
Resolusi lain yang diluluskan ialah meminta seluruh rakyat Malaysia khususnya orang Melayu dan UMNO supaya memelihara, mempertahan dan menghormati kedaulatan institusi Kesultanan Raja-raja Melayu seperti yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan Negara.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Pengampu, penasihat yang membawa reba dan rebah
Pemimpin2 Parti Komponen seperti Gerakan, MCA dan MIC telah pun menyindir Pak Lah dan Khairy Jamaluddin dgn menolak jawatan di dalam Kabinet 2008. Pemimpin UMNO seperti Mukhriz telahpun menyampaikan hasrat rakyat dgn sepucuk surat supaya Pak Lah meletakkan jawatan, disusuli pula oleh pemimpin UMNO seperti Khir Toyo juga telah memberi isyarat dgn perletakan jawatan sebagai tanggungjawab di atas kekalahan BN di PRU 12. Sultan2 dan YDP Agong juga telah cuba menyampaikan hasrat menolak Pak Lah melalui penolakan calon Pak Lah sebagai menteri2 besar.
Sekarang, badan agama melalui Mufti Perlis pula telah terpaksa mula bersuara.
Adakah Pak Lah masih mahu buat2 tidak faham?
Terimalah keputusan semua yg Pak Lah harus meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri, Presiden UMNO dan Presiden BN. Sekiranya Pak Lah tidak mahu menerima pandangan2 yg lain termasuk YDP Agong, seharusnya Pak Lah menerima pandangan dari seorang alim ulamak supaya meletakkan jawatan.
Oleh: DR. MOHD. ASRI ZAINUL ABIDIN (Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Perlis)
SAYA pernah menyebut dalam satu tulisan yang lepas tentang nasihat Syaiban al-Ra‘i kepada Harun al-Rasyid: “Wahai Amir al-Mukminin, andainya engkau bersahabat dengan orang yang menjadikan engkau rasa takut sehingga engkau berasa aman lebih baik dari engkau bersahabat dengan orang yang menjadi engkau rasa aman sehingga menyebabkan engkau mendapat ketakutan.
” Tanya Harun al-Rasyid: “Jelaskan maksudnya untukku.” Jawab Syaiban: “Sesiapa yang berkata kepada engkau: “Engkau bertanggungjawab terhadap rakyatmu, takutlah Allah” lebih baik dari orang yang berkata “Kamu daripada kaum keluarga Nabi diampunkan dosa kamu, kamulah kerabat Nabi!” Maka menangislah Harun al-Rasyid sehingga mereka yang berada di sekelilingnya bersimpati kepadanya. Kata Syaiban lagi: “Wahai Amirul Mukminin, apabila saya bercakap, saya bimbangkan tindakan kamu terhadap saya. Jika saya diam, saya bimbangkan bahaya menimpa kamu. Maka saya utamakan kebimbangan bahaya menimpa kamu lebih daripada kebimbangan tindakan kamu ke atas saya.” (Ibn Muflih, Al-Adab al-Syar‘iyyah, 1/198, Beirut: Muassasah al-Risalah).
Para penasihat yang jujur yang memberitahu hakikat yang sebenar, – sekalipun boleh menimbulkan keresahan – adalah lebih baik untuk seseorang pemimpin daripada pengampu yang membohonginya sehingga dia buta dengan keadaan negara dan rakyatnya. Penasihat yang jujur akan memberitahu hakikat yang sebenar tentang suasana negara, rakyat dan tanggungjawab itu semua di hadapan Allah sekalipun mungkin akan menimbulkan ketakutan kepada seorang pemimpin. Dengan ketakutan itu, pemimpin membaiki diri dan keadaan, maka ketakutan akan bertukar menjadi kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat.
Adapun pengampu, demi kepentingan diri, kedudukan dan harta yang diharapkan dari pemimpin, maka mereka akan mendendang lagu-lagu asyik agar pemimpin nyenyak tidur dibuai mimpi indah sehingga akhirnya ketakutan pun menjelang tiba. Hanya cerita-cerita indah sahaja yang disampaikan ke telinga pemimpin, lalu pemimpin pun gembira dan buta hakikat sebenar rakyatnya..
Saya teringatkan kisah dongeng raja telanjang yang menjadi bahan bacaan kanak-kanak. Kononnya, ada seorang raja yang gilakan pakaian yang cantik-cantik. Lalu muncul beberapa orang penipu yang kononnya boleh menghasilkan pakaian yang paling cantik untuknya. Raja pun bersetuju. Mereka meminta beberapa hari untuk menenunnya di sebuah bilik di istana. Saban malam raja tersebut melawat hasil kerja yang sedang ditenun mereka. Namun, beliau tidak melihat sebarang benang atau kain yang terhasil, sebaliknya hanya tenunan kosong semata. Apabila raja bertanya, mereka menjawap: “Jika tuanku tidak nampak, menunjukkan tuanku mempunyai penyakit yang berbahaya dan boleh membawa maut.” Dalam ketakutan raja menjawab: “Ya, saya nampak, alangkah cantiknya.” Demikianlah juga menteri- menteri dan para pengiring raja juga mengaku perkara yang sama, kerana ingin mengampu raja. Sehingga pada hari yang dijanjikan, raja pun memakai pakaian yang tidak wujud itu dan disarungkan secara tipu oleh penenun-penenun karut tersebut. Semua pengampu raja memuji keindahan pakaian yang tidak wujud itu, padahal raja sedang bertelanjang. Apabila raja keluar menemui rakyat, maka semua mata terbeliak dan mulut ternganga. Raja menyangka mereka kagum dengan pakaiannya yang indah. Tiba-tiba beberapa budak kecil menjerit: “Hei! Lihat! Raja kita sedang bertelanjang.” Maka semua rakyat ketawa. Barulah raja tahu bahawa dia telah ditipu oleh ‘tauke-tauke’ tenun dan para pengampu yang berada di kelilingnya. Namun masa telah terlambat, dia telah dimalukan di hadapan rakyat.
Walaupun cerita ini dongeng, namun janganlah ia menjadi realiti dalam dunia politik kita hari ini. Seorang pemimpin amatlah malang jika dia ditipu oleh para pengampu sehingga akhirnya dia ditertawakan oleh rakyatnya dek kesilapan yang dilakukannya. Atau dia dibenci oleh rakyatnya, kerana dia ditipu oleh para pengampu konon rakyat sentiasa puas hati dan sukakannya. Sebab itulah, dosa para pengampu amatlah besar. Dengan nasihat yang buruk, jatuhnya kerajaan-kerajaan lampau dan akan datang. Tuan penasihat ‘dua puluh lima persen’ seperti dalam filem “Tiga Abdul” boleh menyebabkan orang yang dinasihati itu dijual secara lelong. Wahai pemimpin! Berhati-hati dengan para penasihat kalian!”
Saya tertarik dengan perkataan Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Thaqafi apabila Khalifah ‘Abd al-Malik bin Marwan meminta dia mensifatkan fitnah. Perkataan ‘fitnah’ seperti yang telah saya sebutkan bermaksud ketidak tenteraram, kekacauan atau hilang keamanan dan kedamaian. Kata al-Hajjaj: “Fitnah itu merebah dengan bisikan, ianya lahir dari aduan” (Ibn Muflih, Al-Adab al-Syar‘iyyah, 1/201). Maka bisikan dan aduan rakyat bawahan janganlah dipandang ringan. Jangan pemimpin hanya akan mendengar aduan golongan korporat dan berpangkat semata. Tangisan rakyat dan tidak puas hati mereka selalu tidak sampai ke telinga seorang pemimpin jika dia hanya dikelilingi oleh manusia-manusia pengampu dan mencari kemewahan semata. Jika seseorang ingin menjadikan jawatan kepimpinan sebagai tempat ‘makan angin’ dan santai maka dia seorang yang sangat fasik dan jahat. Pemecah amanah lagi khianat. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.: Tiada seorang pemimpin yang memimpin sepuluh orang (dan ke atas) melainkan dibawa datang pada hari kiamat dalam keadaan diikat. Tidak akan melepaskannya melainkan keadilan, atau dia akan dibinasakan oleh kezaliman (riwayat Ahmad, Abu Ya‘la dan al- Baihaqi, dinilai sahih oleh al-Albani). Kepimpinan adalah tanggungjawab dan khidmat. Kecuaian menunaikannya adalah kezaliman. Aduan rakyat dan bisikan mereka jika tidak ditangani boleh menjadi api membakar perasaan kebencian yang meluap-luap. Jika itu diterjemahkan dalam tindakan, maka kestabilan negara akan merasai padahnya.
Media juga janganlah memperbodohkan rakyat dan menipu para pemimpin. Jangan hanya disiarkan berita mengampu semata, sebaliknya siarkan kisah duka dan derita rakyat. Kerana, jika tiada saluran untuk mereka meluahkan rasa, maka ianya akan menjelma dalam bisikan senyap dan aduan pada bukan tempatnya. Maka api fitnah akan merebak, lalu membakar keamanan masyarakat dan negara. Jika sesuatu isu tidak adil untuk rakyat, janganlah media membuat pembohongan dengan menyiarkan temu bual insan-insan yang terpinggir dari realiti sebenar. Lalu pemimpin atasan tertipu, rakyat rasa diperbodohkan. Lantas mereka menyimpan perasaan dendam. Lalu hilang kasih sayang antara rakyat dan pemimpin akibat perbuatan para pengampu.
Wahai pemimpin, bukalah ruang seluas-luasnya untuk setiap orang mendapatkan haknya.
Mudahkanlah jalan untuk sampai kepada kebenaran tanpa gangguan dan tekanan. Jangan pula hanya yang berharta boleh menuntut hak mereka, sementara yang miskin dan susah terpaksa merintih untuk mendapatkannya. Kata Khalifah ‘Ali bin Abi Talib: “Sesungguhnya binasanya manusia terdahulu kerana mereka menghalang kebenaran sehingga ianya dibeli. Mereka membentangkan kezaliman sehingga ianya ditebus.” (Ibn Muflih, Al- Adab al-Syar‘iyyah, 1/201) Pemerintahan yang adil adalah pemerintahan yang kerahmatannya dirasai oleh setiap lapisan rakyat. Seperti kata Muhammad bin Ka‘ab al-Qurtubi apabila diminta menyifatkan keadilan pemerintah, katanya: “Jadilah engkau bapa kepada yang muda, anak kepada yang tua, saudara kepada yang sebaya. Hukumlah manusia dengan kadar kesalahan dan kemampuan mereka. Jangan engkau pukul disebabkan kemarahanmu walaupun satu pukulan, nanti engkau termasuk dalam golongan yang melampau.” (Ibn Muflih, Al-Adab al-Syar‘iyyah, 1/202).
Jangan pula pemimpin hanya jadi godfather kepada tauke-tauke besar yang menjadi pengampu dan tidak mengambil pusing tangisan insan-insan bawahan. Apabila anda memimpin sebuah negara, maka seluruh rakyatnya adalah di bawah tanggungjawab anda. Jika tidak jangan mengidam jawatan kepimpinan. Wujudkan saluran yang ikhlas agar suara orang bawahan sampai ke pendengaran anda. Hapuskan para pembodek yang membohongi anda sehingga garam dikatakan gula, pasir dikatakan beras, tangisan rakyat diberitakan sebagai senyuman.
Saya sentuh tajuk ini kerana saya melihat yang cuba mencari sebab kenapa rakyat menolak mereka. Sesungguhnya sebab itu tidak dapat diperoleh, jika pemberi maklumat atau penganalisis itu masih lagi membodek dan mengampu. Carilah insan-insan jujur yang takutkan Allah dan selalu bercakap benar. Di situ akan terubatlah banyak luka dan cedera yang dialami.
Pemimpin apabila membiarkan rakyat yang baik dalam kesusahan, sementara golongan yang tamak lagi mengampu ‘penuh kantung’ dan kekenyangan lagi mewah, maka negara akan rosak. Penentangan terhadap pemimpin akan berlaku dari rakyat bawahan yang tertindas dan golongan tamak yang mula ‘besar kepala’. Dengarlah apa nasihat Khalifah Mu‘awiyah kepada ‘Amr bin al-As yang sedang berangkat menuju ke Mesir untuk menjadi pemimpin di sana. Kata Mu‘awiyah: “Lihatlah kepada keperluan rakyat dan berusahalah untuk menunaikannya. Lihatlah kepada kemelampauan puak yang hina dan berusahalah menghapuskannya. Takutlah kepada orang baik yang lapar dan orang jahat yang kenyang. Sesungguh yang akan memberontak ialah orang baik apabila dia lapar dan orang jahat apabila dia kenyang.” (Ibn Muflih, Al-Adab al-Syar‘iyyah, 1/202).
Lebih buruk lagi para pengampu ini apabila melihat seseorang pemimpin akan jatuh atau rebah, mereka akan lari mencari dahan baru untuk berpaut. Maka, pemimpin yang diampu akan menjadi raja telanjang berseorangan, sementara yang mengampu akan menyembunyikan diri di belakang atau melarikan diri dan meletak jawatan. Maka berhati-hati wahai pemimpin dengan para pengampu anda.
Seakan perangai syaitan seperti yang disebut dalam al-Quran: (maksudnya) (Sikap kaum munafik) itu samalah seperti syaitan ketika dia berkata kepada manusia: “kufurlah kamu!” setelah orang itu kufur, berkatalah syaitan kepadanya: “Sesungguhnya aku berlepas diri daripadamu, kerana sebenarnya aku takut kepada Allah, Tuhan Yang Menguasai seluruh alam!” (surah al-Hasyr: 16).
Dalam ayat lain Allah berfirman: (maksudnya) Dan (ingatlah) ketika syaitan memperhiaskan kepada mereka perbuatan mereka (yang salah itu, untuk dipandang elok dan diteruskan), serta menghasut mereka dengan berkata: “Pada hari ini tidak ada sesiapa pun dari umat manusia Yang dapat mengalahkan kamu, dan sesungguhnya aku adalah pelindung kamu.” Maka apabila kedua-dua puak (angkatan tentera Islam dan kafir musyrik) masing-masing kelihatan (berhadapan), syaitan itu berundur ke belakang sambil berkata: “Aku berlepas diri dari kamu, kerana aku dapat melihat apa yang kamu tidak dapat melihatnya; sesungguhnya aku takut kepada Allah, dan Allah sangat berat azab seksa-Nya.” (surah al-Anfal: 4).
Ya Allah! Daku telah menyampaikan!
Sekarang, badan agama melalui Mufti Perlis pula telah terpaksa mula bersuara.
Adakah Pak Lah masih mahu buat2 tidak faham?
Terimalah keputusan semua yg Pak Lah harus meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri, Presiden UMNO dan Presiden BN. Sekiranya Pak Lah tidak mahu menerima pandangan2 yg lain termasuk YDP Agong, seharusnya Pak Lah menerima pandangan dari seorang alim ulamak supaya meletakkan jawatan.
Oleh: DR. MOHD. ASRI ZAINUL ABIDIN (Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Perlis)
SAYA pernah menyebut dalam satu tulisan yang lepas tentang nasihat Syaiban al-Ra‘i kepada Harun al-Rasyid: “Wahai Amir al-Mukminin, andainya engkau bersahabat dengan orang yang menjadikan engkau rasa takut sehingga engkau berasa aman lebih baik dari engkau bersahabat dengan orang yang menjadi engkau rasa aman sehingga menyebabkan engkau mendapat ketakutan.
” Tanya Harun al-Rasyid: “Jelaskan maksudnya untukku.” Jawab Syaiban: “Sesiapa yang berkata kepada engkau: “Engkau bertanggungjawab terhadap rakyatmu, takutlah Allah” lebih baik dari orang yang berkata “Kamu daripada kaum keluarga Nabi diampunkan dosa kamu, kamulah kerabat Nabi!” Maka menangislah Harun al-Rasyid sehingga mereka yang berada di sekelilingnya bersimpati kepadanya. Kata Syaiban lagi: “Wahai Amirul Mukminin, apabila saya bercakap, saya bimbangkan tindakan kamu terhadap saya. Jika saya diam, saya bimbangkan bahaya menimpa kamu. Maka saya utamakan kebimbangan bahaya menimpa kamu lebih daripada kebimbangan tindakan kamu ke atas saya.” (Ibn Muflih, Al-Adab al-Syar‘iyyah, 1/198, Beirut: Muassasah al-Risalah).
Para penasihat yang jujur yang memberitahu hakikat yang sebenar, – sekalipun boleh menimbulkan keresahan – adalah lebih baik untuk seseorang pemimpin daripada pengampu yang membohonginya sehingga dia buta dengan keadaan negara dan rakyatnya. Penasihat yang jujur akan memberitahu hakikat yang sebenar tentang suasana negara, rakyat dan tanggungjawab itu semua di hadapan Allah sekalipun mungkin akan menimbulkan ketakutan kepada seorang pemimpin. Dengan ketakutan itu, pemimpin membaiki diri dan keadaan, maka ketakutan akan bertukar menjadi kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat.
Adapun pengampu, demi kepentingan diri, kedudukan dan harta yang diharapkan dari pemimpin, maka mereka akan mendendang lagu-lagu asyik agar pemimpin nyenyak tidur dibuai mimpi indah sehingga akhirnya ketakutan pun menjelang tiba. Hanya cerita-cerita indah sahaja yang disampaikan ke telinga pemimpin, lalu pemimpin pun gembira dan buta hakikat sebenar rakyatnya..
Saya teringatkan kisah dongeng raja telanjang yang menjadi bahan bacaan kanak-kanak. Kononnya, ada seorang raja yang gilakan pakaian yang cantik-cantik. Lalu muncul beberapa orang penipu yang kononnya boleh menghasilkan pakaian yang paling cantik untuknya. Raja pun bersetuju. Mereka meminta beberapa hari untuk menenunnya di sebuah bilik di istana. Saban malam raja tersebut melawat hasil kerja yang sedang ditenun mereka. Namun, beliau tidak melihat sebarang benang atau kain yang terhasil, sebaliknya hanya tenunan kosong semata. Apabila raja bertanya, mereka menjawap: “Jika tuanku tidak nampak, menunjukkan tuanku mempunyai penyakit yang berbahaya dan boleh membawa maut.” Dalam ketakutan raja menjawab: “Ya, saya nampak, alangkah cantiknya.” Demikianlah juga menteri- menteri dan para pengiring raja juga mengaku perkara yang sama, kerana ingin mengampu raja. Sehingga pada hari yang dijanjikan, raja pun memakai pakaian yang tidak wujud itu dan disarungkan secara tipu oleh penenun-penenun karut tersebut. Semua pengampu raja memuji keindahan pakaian yang tidak wujud itu, padahal raja sedang bertelanjang. Apabila raja keluar menemui rakyat, maka semua mata terbeliak dan mulut ternganga. Raja menyangka mereka kagum dengan pakaiannya yang indah. Tiba-tiba beberapa budak kecil menjerit: “Hei! Lihat! Raja kita sedang bertelanjang.” Maka semua rakyat ketawa. Barulah raja tahu bahawa dia telah ditipu oleh ‘tauke-tauke’ tenun dan para pengampu yang berada di kelilingnya. Namun masa telah terlambat, dia telah dimalukan di hadapan rakyat.
Walaupun cerita ini dongeng, namun janganlah ia menjadi realiti dalam dunia politik kita hari ini. Seorang pemimpin amatlah malang jika dia ditipu oleh para pengampu sehingga akhirnya dia ditertawakan oleh rakyatnya dek kesilapan yang dilakukannya. Atau dia dibenci oleh rakyatnya, kerana dia ditipu oleh para pengampu konon rakyat sentiasa puas hati dan sukakannya. Sebab itulah, dosa para pengampu amatlah besar. Dengan nasihat yang buruk, jatuhnya kerajaan-kerajaan lampau dan akan datang. Tuan penasihat ‘dua puluh lima persen’ seperti dalam filem “Tiga Abdul” boleh menyebabkan orang yang dinasihati itu dijual secara lelong. Wahai pemimpin! Berhati-hati dengan para penasihat kalian!”
Saya tertarik dengan perkataan Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Thaqafi apabila Khalifah ‘Abd al-Malik bin Marwan meminta dia mensifatkan fitnah. Perkataan ‘fitnah’ seperti yang telah saya sebutkan bermaksud ketidak tenteraram, kekacauan atau hilang keamanan dan kedamaian. Kata al-Hajjaj: “Fitnah itu merebah dengan bisikan, ianya lahir dari aduan” (Ibn Muflih, Al-Adab al-Syar‘iyyah, 1/201). Maka bisikan dan aduan rakyat bawahan janganlah dipandang ringan. Jangan pemimpin hanya akan mendengar aduan golongan korporat dan berpangkat semata. Tangisan rakyat dan tidak puas hati mereka selalu tidak sampai ke telinga seorang pemimpin jika dia hanya dikelilingi oleh manusia-manusia pengampu dan mencari kemewahan semata. Jika seseorang ingin menjadikan jawatan kepimpinan sebagai tempat ‘makan angin’ dan santai maka dia seorang yang sangat fasik dan jahat. Pemecah amanah lagi khianat. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.: Tiada seorang pemimpin yang memimpin sepuluh orang (dan ke atas) melainkan dibawa datang pada hari kiamat dalam keadaan diikat. Tidak akan melepaskannya melainkan keadilan, atau dia akan dibinasakan oleh kezaliman (riwayat Ahmad, Abu Ya‘la dan al- Baihaqi, dinilai sahih oleh al-Albani). Kepimpinan adalah tanggungjawab dan khidmat. Kecuaian menunaikannya adalah kezaliman. Aduan rakyat dan bisikan mereka jika tidak ditangani boleh menjadi api membakar perasaan kebencian yang meluap-luap. Jika itu diterjemahkan dalam tindakan, maka kestabilan negara akan merasai padahnya.
Media juga janganlah memperbodohkan rakyat dan menipu para pemimpin. Jangan hanya disiarkan berita mengampu semata, sebaliknya siarkan kisah duka dan derita rakyat. Kerana, jika tiada saluran untuk mereka meluahkan rasa, maka ianya akan menjelma dalam bisikan senyap dan aduan pada bukan tempatnya. Maka api fitnah akan merebak, lalu membakar keamanan masyarakat dan negara. Jika sesuatu isu tidak adil untuk rakyat, janganlah media membuat pembohongan dengan menyiarkan temu bual insan-insan yang terpinggir dari realiti sebenar. Lalu pemimpin atasan tertipu, rakyat rasa diperbodohkan. Lantas mereka menyimpan perasaan dendam. Lalu hilang kasih sayang antara rakyat dan pemimpin akibat perbuatan para pengampu.
Wahai pemimpin, bukalah ruang seluas-luasnya untuk setiap orang mendapatkan haknya.
Mudahkanlah jalan untuk sampai kepada kebenaran tanpa gangguan dan tekanan. Jangan pula hanya yang berharta boleh menuntut hak mereka, sementara yang miskin dan susah terpaksa merintih untuk mendapatkannya. Kata Khalifah ‘Ali bin Abi Talib: “Sesungguhnya binasanya manusia terdahulu kerana mereka menghalang kebenaran sehingga ianya dibeli. Mereka membentangkan kezaliman sehingga ianya ditebus.” (Ibn Muflih, Al- Adab al-Syar‘iyyah, 1/201) Pemerintahan yang adil adalah pemerintahan yang kerahmatannya dirasai oleh setiap lapisan rakyat. Seperti kata Muhammad bin Ka‘ab al-Qurtubi apabila diminta menyifatkan keadilan pemerintah, katanya: “Jadilah engkau bapa kepada yang muda, anak kepada yang tua, saudara kepada yang sebaya. Hukumlah manusia dengan kadar kesalahan dan kemampuan mereka. Jangan engkau pukul disebabkan kemarahanmu walaupun satu pukulan, nanti engkau termasuk dalam golongan yang melampau.” (Ibn Muflih, Al-Adab al-Syar‘iyyah, 1/202).
Jangan pula pemimpin hanya jadi godfather kepada tauke-tauke besar yang menjadi pengampu dan tidak mengambil pusing tangisan insan-insan bawahan. Apabila anda memimpin sebuah negara, maka seluruh rakyatnya adalah di bawah tanggungjawab anda. Jika tidak jangan mengidam jawatan kepimpinan. Wujudkan saluran yang ikhlas agar suara orang bawahan sampai ke pendengaran anda. Hapuskan para pembodek yang membohongi anda sehingga garam dikatakan gula, pasir dikatakan beras, tangisan rakyat diberitakan sebagai senyuman.
Saya sentuh tajuk ini kerana saya melihat yang cuba mencari sebab kenapa rakyat menolak mereka. Sesungguhnya sebab itu tidak dapat diperoleh, jika pemberi maklumat atau penganalisis itu masih lagi membodek dan mengampu. Carilah insan-insan jujur yang takutkan Allah dan selalu bercakap benar. Di situ akan terubatlah banyak luka dan cedera yang dialami.
Pemimpin apabila membiarkan rakyat yang baik dalam kesusahan, sementara golongan yang tamak lagi mengampu ‘penuh kantung’ dan kekenyangan lagi mewah, maka negara akan rosak. Penentangan terhadap pemimpin akan berlaku dari rakyat bawahan yang tertindas dan golongan tamak yang mula ‘besar kepala’. Dengarlah apa nasihat Khalifah Mu‘awiyah kepada ‘Amr bin al-As yang sedang berangkat menuju ke Mesir untuk menjadi pemimpin di sana. Kata Mu‘awiyah: “Lihatlah kepada keperluan rakyat dan berusahalah untuk menunaikannya. Lihatlah kepada kemelampauan puak yang hina dan berusahalah menghapuskannya. Takutlah kepada orang baik yang lapar dan orang jahat yang kenyang. Sesungguh yang akan memberontak ialah orang baik apabila dia lapar dan orang jahat apabila dia kenyang.” (Ibn Muflih, Al-Adab al-Syar‘iyyah, 1/202).
Lebih buruk lagi para pengampu ini apabila melihat seseorang pemimpin akan jatuh atau rebah, mereka akan lari mencari dahan baru untuk berpaut. Maka, pemimpin yang diampu akan menjadi raja telanjang berseorangan, sementara yang mengampu akan menyembunyikan diri di belakang atau melarikan diri dan meletak jawatan. Maka berhati-hati wahai pemimpin dengan para pengampu anda.
Seakan perangai syaitan seperti yang disebut dalam al-Quran: (maksudnya) (Sikap kaum munafik) itu samalah seperti syaitan ketika dia berkata kepada manusia: “kufurlah kamu!” setelah orang itu kufur, berkatalah syaitan kepadanya: “Sesungguhnya aku berlepas diri daripadamu, kerana sebenarnya aku takut kepada Allah, Tuhan Yang Menguasai seluruh alam!” (surah al-Hasyr: 16).
Dalam ayat lain Allah berfirman: (maksudnya) Dan (ingatlah) ketika syaitan memperhiaskan kepada mereka perbuatan mereka (yang salah itu, untuk dipandang elok dan diteruskan), serta menghasut mereka dengan berkata: “Pada hari ini tidak ada sesiapa pun dari umat manusia Yang dapat mengalahkan kamu, dan sesungguhnya aku adalah pelindung kamu.” Maka apabila kedua-dua puak (angkatan tentera Islam dan kafir musyrik) masing-masing kelihatan (berhadapan), syaitan itu berundur ke belakang sambil berkata: “Aku berlepas diri dari kamu, kerana aku dapat melihat apa yang kamu tidak dapat melihatnya; sesungguhnya aku takut kepada Allah, dan Allah sangat berat azab seksa-Nya.” (surah al-Anfal: 4).
Ya Allah! Daku telah menyampaikan!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Anwar Has Spoken to Idiot and S-I-L
More from Little Bird on Anwar and Khairy link.. hmmm.. it seems what we've been thinking about Khairy and Anwar are revelling quickly.. Are Anwar and Khairy going for the kill and WHY is Najib not moving???
Posted @
Saturday, 22 March 2008
By Little Bird
New Information Minister Dato Shabery Chik says that he wants to meet the Bloggers. Well Dato we have met so many times, even before I became a Blogger. Dato tak ingat ke?
Anyway I don't want to meet you any more lah. Assolaatu was salaam ya rasulil islam. Wabilaahi taufik wal hidayah.
Kawan-kawan, just a few days after the Election results, I first mentioned that Anwar Ibrahim had been to Sarawak and Sabah to try and 'win' over some BN MPs there. A few of you did not like to hear this and even questioned my objectivity.
Well it is public knowledge now. Here is today's Star:
IPOH: PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said that he has met with Barisan Nasional MPs from Sabah and Sarawak over the issue of crossing over without him needing to go to the two states. “It is true that Barisan MPs from Sabah, Sarawak and the peninsula have met me. I don’t deny that,” he said. . .He claimed he had also been talking to MPs from Peninsular Malaysia and not only those from Sabah and Sarawak. He, however, did not say where the meeting took place. Anwar was speaking to reporters after calling on Perak Mentri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin at his office at the State Secretariat here yesterday.
Anwar is saying that the BN MP's met him. I dont see what is there to hide anymore. The facts are the other way around. Anwar is actively (day and night, siang dan malam, 24-7) courting the BN MPs.
And yes Anwar is not just talking to the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak. I have heard from the vine that Anwar has spoken to Idiot and the S-I-L in Kuala Lumpur. What do you say to that? He has also met a very senior Pemuda UMNO EXCO member.
Anwar told The Star that 'the principle of the BN MPs crossing over was based on an agenda of struggle and changes for the nation.' 'The question of buying people does not arise. It is not our tradition' he said.
Well my dear friends on Thursday, 15 MPs from Sabah (and possibly Sarawak) were in Melbourne, Australia being entertained by Saifuddin Nasution and Musa Aman's brother, Hanipah (?) - the guy who did not want to be Deputy Minister. They are being courted by Anwar to cross over. This is an all expenses paid trip. Where is the money coming from and who is paying for it?
They are being served not just food ok. There may be a couple of Australian sheepksins thrown into the deal . They may be engaged in some vigorous pushing and struggling over the weekend in Melbourne but let me assure you that 'struggle and changes for the nation' are the furthest things from their minds.
These are Sabah MPs. Have you heard of a jumping animal called the katak?
Money is involved. How much money? Well here is an idea for you to mull over: UMNO-BN tried to buy over three ADUNs in Perak - they are three short for a simple majority Folks say they were ADUNs from PAS. Folks say that PAS Perak and Hassan Ali, PAS Commissioner in Selangor had agreed to the crossover. The offer was in the millions of Ringgit. Yet this offer was turned down.
Why? A few reasons were because Hadi Awang and Husam Musa came out with strict and public warnings against any PAS people teaming up with BN. Also there was quick agreement that the PAS man Jamaluddin would be the MB of Perak, thus defusing the talk of crossing over. But there was something else. There was also a counter offer that was even better. Kawan-kawan this time there is money available on both sides of the divide.
Whatever amount UMNO can offer, Anwar can counter offer.
These are political animals ok. Lets not kid ourselves. And in Melbourne the ASIO (Australian Secret Intelligence Organisation) - the Aussie version of the MI5 lah, is busy bugging and video taping the 15 MPs and their antics. The British are also watching and so are the Singaporeans.
Talk is Anwar has also met Idiot and S-I-L.
This is simple common sense from a political survival point of view. The Gomen is weak. People say that Idiot may not last more than 30 days. Something is cooking over in UMNO with Tengku Razaleigh sending off letters, making statements and getting things organised. Big wheels are turning.
By coincidence or not today's Star Online is running a two page Google Ad about Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Hmm... I wonder who put it there. The Ad is at this location : Do check it out. Something is surely cooking.
Idiot's days are numbered. Dato Najib is a non starter. For the past one week his wife Rosmah looks like a dead zombie on TV and in the newspapers. So Idiot sees no harm in talking with Anwar and exploring possibilities.
The S-I-L is also an Anwar fan. Did any of you attend any of Anwar's ceramahs during the campaigning recently? I did. He said Najib will be sent off as Ambassador to Mongolia. He made fun of Idiot.
But never once did Anwar criticise S-I-L.
Why? Dont' accuse me of losing my objectivity okay. Please think.
I wonder if any of you were 'blogging' in the late 90s and early 2000? Does anyone recall the pantun 'Hujan Renyai Renyai'? Here they are again.
Hujan Renyai Renyai
Toyol bukan Batak
Duit punya pasai
Orang jadi katak
Hujan Renyai Renyai
Santan boleh berlada
Kuasa punya pasai
Kawan jadi kuda
And here are the lyrics to an old song by Tony Christie.
In the avenues and alleyways alike,
Everybody's wheelin', everybody's dealin'
All the low are living high
Every City's got them
Can't we ever stop them
Some of us are gonna try.
Lets keep our eyes and ears open.. Just talking about it is powerful enough.
Posted @
Saturday, 22 March 2008
By Little Bird
New Information Minister Dato Shabery Chik says that he wants to meet the Bloggers. Well Dato we have met so many times, even before I became a Blogger. Dato tak ingat ke?
Anyway I don't want to meet you any more lah. Assolaatu was salaam ya rasulil islam. Wabilaahi taufik wal hidayah.
Kawan-kawan, just a few days after the Election results, I first mentioned that Anwar Ibrahim had been to Sarawak and Sabah to try and 'win' over some BN MPs there. A few of you did not like to hear this and even questioned my objectivity.
Well it is public knowledge now. Here is today's Star:
IPOH: PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said that he has met with Barisan Nasional MPs from Sabah and Sarawak over the issue of crossing over without him needing to go to the two states. “It is true that Barisan MPs from Sabah, Sarawak and the peninsula have met me. I don’t deny that,” he said. . .He claimed he had also been talking to MPs from Peninsular Malaysia and not only those from Sabah and Sarawak. He, however, did not say where the meeting took place. Anwar was speaking to reporters after calling on Perak Mentri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin at his office at the State Secretariat here yesterday.
Anwar is saying that the BN MP's met him. I dont see what is there to hide anymore. The facts are the other way around. Anwar is actively (day and night, siang dan malam, 24-7) courting the BN MPs.
And yes Anwar is not just talking to the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak. I have heard from the vine that Anwar has spoken to Idiot and the S-I-L in Kuala Lumpur. What do you say to that? He has also met a very senior Pemuda UMNO EXCO member.
Anwar told The Star that 'the principle of the BN MPs crossing over was based on an agenda of struggle and changes for the nation.' 'The question of buying people does not arise. It is not our tradition' he said.
Well my dear friends on Thursday, 15 MPs from Sabah (and possibly Sarawak) were in Melbourne, Australia being entertained by Saifuddin Nasution and Musa Aman's brother, Hanipah (?) - the guy who did not want to be Deputy Minister. They are being courted by Anwar to cross over. This is an all expenses paid trip. Where is the money coming from and who is paying for it?
They are being served not just food ok. There may be a couple of Australian sheepksins thrown into the deal . They may be engaged in some vigorous pushing and struggling over the weekend in Melbourne but let me assure you that 'struggle and changes for the nation' are the furthest things from their minds.
These are Sabah MPs. Have you heard of a jumping animal called the katak?
Money is involved. How much money? Well here is an idea for you to mull over: UMNO-BN tried to buy over three ADUNs in Perak - they are three short for a simple majority Folks say they were ADUNs from PAS. Folks say that PAS Perak and Hassan Ali, PAS Commissioner in Selangor had agreed to the crossover. The offer was in the millions of Ringgit. Yet this offer was turned down.
Why? A few reasons were because Hadi Awang and Husam Musa came out with strict and public warnings against any PAS people teaming up with BN. Also there was quick agreement that the PAS man Jamaluddin would be the MB of Perak, thus defusing the talk of crossing over. But there was something else. There was also a counter offer that was even better. Kawan-kawan this time there is money available on both sides of the divide.
Whatever amount UMNO can offer, Anwar can counter offer.
These are political animals ok. Lets not kid ourselves. And in Melbourne the ASIO (Australian Secret Intelligence Organisation) - the Aussie version of the MI5 lah, is busy bugging and video taping the 15 MPs and their antics. The British are also watching and so are the Singaporeans.
Talk is Anwar has also met Idiot and S-I-L.
This is simple common sense from a political survival point of view. The Gomen is weak. People say that Idiot may not last more than 30 days. Something is cooking over in UMNO with Tengku Razaleigh sending off letters, making statements and getting things organised. Big wheels are turning.
By coincidence or not today's Star Online is running a two page Google Ad about Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Hmm... I wonder who put it there. The Ad is at this location : Do check it out. Something is surely cooking.
Idiot's days are numbered. Dato Najib is a non starter. For the past one week his wife Rosmah looks like a dead zombie on TV and in the newspapers. So Idiot sees no harm in talking with Anwar and exploring possibilities.
The S-I-L is also an Anwar fan. Did any of you attend any of Anwar's ceramahs during the campaigning recently? I did. He said Najib will be sent off as Ambassador to Mongolia. He made fun of Idiot.
But never once did Anwar criticise S-I-L.
Why? Dont' accuse me of losing my objectivity okay. Please think.
I wonder if any of you were 'blogging' in the late 90s and early 2000? Does anyone recall the pantun 'Hujan Renyai Renyai'? Here they are again.
Hujan Renyai Renyai
Toyol bukan Batak
Duit punya pasai
Orang jadi katak
Hujan Renyai Renyai
Santan boleh berlada
Kuasa punya pasai
Kawan jadi kuda
And here are the lyrics to an old song by Tony Christie.
In the avenues and alleyways alike,
Everybody's wheelin', everybody's dealin'
All the low are living high
Every City's got them
Can't we ever stop them
Some of us are gonna try.
Lets keep our eyes and ears open.. Just talking about it is powerful enough.
Masa Utk Melayu Menderhaka
Tun Dr. Mahathir:Tiba masa Melayu perlu ‘menderhaka’ & ada "Majlis Presiden"
Saturday, March 22 @ 12:34:59 MYT
Topic: MEDIA
Tun Dr. Mahathir: Tiba masa Melayu perlu ‘menderhaka’ dan ada ‘Majlis Presiden’ untuk UMNO
Mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad petang ini mengutarakan konsep ‘Majlis Presiden’, sebagai badan penasihat rasmi dalaman UMNO, untuk memberikan pandangan dan teguran strategik kepada seorang Presiden UMNO. Beliau berkata demikian apabila ditanya pemberita selepas majlis pelancaran buku Allahyarham Tan Sri Basir Ismail “Management Astray: Resuscitation Ailing Organisation”.
Beliau masih lagi menegaskan bahawa masih lagi ujud “Iklim Takut” (Climate of fear) dalam UMNO dan pemimpin dan ahli tidak berani bersuara dan berkata benar, walaupun keadaan meruncing seperti sekarang. “Selepas kekalahan dalam 5 + 1 negeri dan prestasi buruk BN/UMNO seluruh Negara, pemimpin UMNO masih lagi kata “Kami sokong Kepimpinan” ujar mantan Presiden UMNO untuk lebih 22 tahun itu.
Malah beliau mengulas bahawa dalam peringkat mesyuarat, termasuk Majlis Tertinggi UMNO dan Perhimpunan Agung UMNO, semua pemimpin hanya berkata “Kami sokong Kepimpinan" dan "Bila saya minta PM Abdullah meletakan jawatan, tiada siapa menyahutnya tetapi dibelakang, ada antara mereka berjumpa saya dan mengatakan sebaliknya!”
Apabila diminta mengulas usaha mantan Naib Presiden UMNO Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah untuk mengajak 18, 000 pemimpin UMNO peringkat Cawangan mengadakan Mesyuarat Agung Luar Biasa (EGM), Tun Dr. Mahathir bersetuju kerana ianya tepat dan UMNO perlu membincangkan hala tuju UMNO dan orang Melayu. Terutama apabila berlaku keadaan ahli UMNO sendiri mengundi Pembangkang. “Ini berlaku bukan kerana ahli UMNO tidak sayang parti, ini berlaku kerana mereka tidak suka kepada Kepimpinan!” tegas beliau.
Tun Dr. Mahathir menjelaskan bahawa masa yang amat sesuai untuk orang Melayu ‘menegur’ Kepimpinan. Beliau member tafsiran sejarah bahawa orang Melayu pada masa silam amat taat dan tidak menderhaka kepada Raja dan akibatnya, orang Melayu terjajah selama 450 tahun. Hanya pada tahun 1946, orang Melayu berani bangkit, ‘menderhaka’ dan menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati mereka dan hasilnya, orang Melayu berjaya membebaskan diri dari belengu penjajahan.
Mungkin masanya amat sesuai bagi orang Melayu ‘menderhaka’ kembali, untuk mengembalikan ‘hak’ mereka. Ini mengundang soal mencabar Kepimpinan dan kemungkinan berlaku perpecahan kepada UMNO, maka reaksi beliau ialah “UMNO masa saya pun biasa berpecah. Dua kali. Sekali Tengku Razaleigh cabar saya dan sekali lagi kes Anwar. Namun UMNO berjaya dipulihkan dan orang Melayu kembali bersatu, dalam masa terdekat. Lihat bagaimana UMNO begitu kuat dalam tahun 2004 (Walaupun kes Anwar Ibrahim memecahkan UMNO dan sokongan orang Melayu)”.
Apabila diminta mengulas mengenai dua orang MP UMNO menolak jawatan Timbalan Menteri, Setiausaha Agung UMNO/BN dan Pengerusi UMNO/BN Selangor meletakan jawatan, Tun Dr. Mahathir berkata mereka berbuat demikian kerana “Tidak dapat jadi Menteri” dan menambah “Sepatutnya mereka memberikan alasan bahawa Perjuangan Bangsa lebih utama dan menolak Kepimpinan!”.
‘Majlis Presiden UMNO’ yang dicadangkan Tun Dr. Mahathir ini boleh dianggotai golongan professional dan bebas (independent), iaitu tidak semesti pemimpin politik, selagi mereka menjadi ahli UMNO. Apabila ditanya apakah ‘Tingkat Empat’ merupakan badan bertindak sebagai ‘Majlis Presiden UMNO’, beliau memberikan reaksi sinis bahawa “Mereka diturunkan oleh Malaikat (created by Angel)”. Kepada soalan cadangan agar penggal Kepimpinan dihadkan, beliau menjawab “Mungkin ianya bagus dan perlu dikaji. Tetapi ianya tiada makna sekiranya Presiden UMNO dihadkan tempoh dan dalam tempoh masa itu, ‘mengatur’ agar menantunya akan mengambil alih sebagai Presiden selepas itu”.
*Perkembangan terkini, Sabtu 22 Mac 2008 1.16am membuat laporan ini:
21 Mac, 2008 23:13 PM
Dr Mahathir Sokong Cadangan Mesyuarat Agung Luar Biasa
KUALA LUMPUR, 21 Mac (Bernama) — Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hari ini berkata beliau menyokong cadangan anggota Parlimen Gua Musang Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah supaya Umno mengadakan mesyuarat agung luarbiasa pada 11 Mei depan.
Beliau berkata mesyuarat agung luarbiasa itu perlu diadakan bagi membincangkan sebab-sebab mengapa Barisan Nasional (BN) yang diterajui Umno hilang majoriti dua pertiga dan mengalami kekalahan di lima buah negeri pada pilihan raya umum lepas.
Beliau mendakwa banyak orang termasuk anggota Umno mengundi parti pembangkang bukan kerana mahu menyokong parti lawan, tetapi disebabkan mereka tidak menyukai kepimpinan parti tersebut.
“Tetapi mereka takut untuk menyuarakan pendapat,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas melancarkan buku bertajuk “Management Astray: Resuscitating Ailing Organisations” yang ditulis Allayarham Tan Sri Basir Ismail, di sini.
Ditanya sama ada beliau menyokong hasrat Tengku Razaleigh bertanding jawatan Presiden Umno bagi memulihkan parti itu, beliau berkata soal siapa mahu bertanding sepatutnya dibincangkan selepas mesyuarat agung luar biasa tersebut.
Dr Mahathir berkata: “Mungkin ada orang lain juga berminat nak jadi presiden, jadi kena beri peluang kepada semua orang. Bukan soal presiden, soalnya Umno. Apa yang kita lihat pada pilihan raya lepas ramai anggota Umno telah mengundi parti lawan.
Beliau berkata rasa takut untuk menyuarakan pendapat di kalangan anggota Umno tampak jelas kerana tiada seorangpun anggota Umno yang berani menyokongnya semasa beliau menggesa Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi meletakkan jawatan berikutan kekalahan teruk BN dalam pilihan raya umum. “Namun saya berjumpa dengan banyak daripada mereka ini yang melahirkan rasa tidak puas hati dengan pucuk pimpinan (sekarang),” dakwa beliau.
Beliau mendakwa anggota Umno sekarang tidak berani menyuarakan pendapat mereka tentang kepimpinan parti kerana takut diambil tindakan sekiranya mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak disukai kerajaan.
Ditanya sama ada Umno kemungkinan berpecah jika Tengku Razaleigh mencabar presiden parti, Dr Mahathir berkata semasa beliau menjadi presiden Umno dan Perdana Menteri, Umno berpecah sebanyak dua kali tetapi bercantum semula.
Dr Mahathir juga mencadangkan Umno meminda perlembagaannya untuk memperuntukkan penubuhan majlis presiden untuk menasihatkan presiden kerana “kita tidak boleh mengamanahkan terlalu banyak kuasa pada satu orang”.
Beliau berkata anggota majlis itu tidak boleh dipilih oleh bahagian parti kerana mereka kemungkinan dimanipulasi, dan mereka sepatutnya terdiri daripada anggota parti yang tidak cenderung kepada mana-mana pihak serta orang luar daripada golongan profesional.
Katanya perkara itu perlu kerana akhir-akhir ini Majlis Tertinggi Umno didapati tidak efektif berikutan anggota menganggap tindakan mengkritik pucuk pimpinan sebagai sikap tidak hormat.
Mengenai 25 pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) dan badan amal Melayu yang bersepakat menubuhkan Barisan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu (BBPM) untuk menyatukan orang Melayu tanpa mengira fahaman politik, beliau berkata ia baik tetapi perlu dilihat kepada tujuan ia ditubuhkan.
Mengenai tiada wakil Wanita Umno dalam Kabinet, beliau berkata mereka sepatutnya memprotes tetapi beliau mendengar “pemberontakan itu hanya sekerat jalan sahaja dan selepas itu kata, saya sokong”.
Ditanya mengenai ada cubaan membeli anggota Parlimen dari BN untuk menyertai pembangkang, beliau secara sinis berkata ia berlaku pada kedua-dua pihak dan `ia sangat demokratik’.
Saturday, March 22 @ 12:34:59 MYT
Topic: MEDIA
Tun Dr. Mahathir: Tiba masa Melayu perlu ‘menderhaka’ dan ada ‘Majlis Presiden’ untuk UMNO
Mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad petang ini mengutarakan konsep ‘Majlis Presiden’, sebagai badan penasihat rasmi dalaman UMNO, untuk memberikan pandangan dan teguran strategik kepada seorang Presiden UMNO. Beliau berkata demikian apabila ditanya pemberita selepas majlis pelancaran buku Allahyarham Tan Sri Basir Ismail “Management Astray: Resuscitation Ailing Organisation”.
Beliau masih lagi menegaskan bahawa masih lagi ujud “Iklim Takut” (Climate of fear) dalam UMNO dan pemimpin dan ahli tidak berani bersuara dan berkata benar, walaupun keadaan meruncing seperti sekarang. “Selepas kekalahan dalam 5 + 1 negeri dan prestasi buruk BN/UMNO seluruh Negara, pemimpin UMNO masih lagi kata “Kami sokong Kepimpinan” ujar mantan Presiden UMNO untuk lebih 22 tahun itu.
Malah beliau mengulas bahawa dalam peringkat mesyuarat, termasuk Majlis Tertinggi UMNO dan Perhimpunan Agung UMNO, semua pemimpin hanya berkata “Kami sokong Kepimpinan" dan "Bila saya minta PM Abdullah meletakan jawatan, tiada siapa menyahutnya tetapi dibelakang, ada antara mereka berjumpa saya dan mengatakan sebaliknya!”
Apabila diminta mengulas usaha mantan Naib Presiden UMNO Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah untuk mengajak 18, 000 pemimpin UMNO peringkat Cawangan mengadakan Mesyuarat Agung Luar Biasa (EGM), Tun Dr. Mahathir bersetuju kerana ianya tepat dan UMNO perlu membincangkan hala tuju UMNO dan orang Melayu. Terutama apabila berlaku keadaan ahli UMNO sendiri mengundi Pembangkang. “Ini berlaku bukan kerana ahli UMNO tidak sayang parti, ini berlaku kerana mereka tidak suka kepada Kepimpinan!” tegas beliau.
Tun Dr. Mahathir menjelaskan bahawa masa yang amat sesuai untuk orang Melayu ‘menegur’ Kepimpinan. Beliau member tafsiran sejarah bahawa orang Melayu pada masa silam amat taat dan tidak menderhaka kepada Raja dan akibatnya, orang Melayu terjajah selama 450 tahun. Hanya pada tahun 1946, orang Melayu berani bangkit, ‘menderhaka’ dan menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati mereka dan hasilnya, orang Melayu berjaya membebaskan diri dari belengu penjajahan.
Mungkin masanya amat sesuai bagi orang Melayu ‘menderhaka’ kembali, untuk mengembalikan ‘hak’ mereka. Ini mengundang soal mencabar Kepimpinan dan kemungkinan berlaku perpecahan kepada UMNO, maka reaksi beliau ialah “UMNO masa saya pun biasa berpecah. Dua kali. Sekali Tengku Razaleigh cabar saya dan sekali lagi kes Anwar. Namun UMNO berjaya dipulihkan dan orang Melayu kembali bersatu, dalam masa terdekat. Lihat bagaimana UMNO begitu kuat dalam tahun 2004 (Walaupun kes Anwar Ibrahim memecahkan UMNO dan sokongan orang Melayu)”.
Apabila diminta mengulas mengenai dua orang MP UMNO menolak jawatan Timbalan Menteri, Setiausaha Agung UMNO/BN dan Pengerusi UMNO/BN Selangor meletakan jawatan, Tun Dr. Mahathir berkata mereka berbuat demikian kerana “Tidak dapat jadi Menteri” dan menambah “Sepatutnya mereka memberikan alasan bahawa Perjuangan Bangsa lebih utama dan menolak Kepimpinan!”.
‘Majlis Presiden UMNO’ yang dicadangkan Tun Dr. Mahathir ini boleh dianggotai golongan professional dan bebas (independent), iaitu tidak semesti pemimpin politik, selagi mereka menjadi ahli UMNO. Apabila ditanya apakah ‘Tingkat Empat’ merupakan badan bertindak sebagai ‘Majlis Presiden UMNO’, beliau memberikan reaksi sinis bahawa “Mereka diturunkan oleh Malaikat (created by Angel)”. Kepada soalan cadangan agar penggal Kepimpinan dihadkan, beliau menjawab “Mungkin ianya bagus dan perlu dikaji. Tetapi ianya tiada makna sekiranya Presiden UMNO dihadkan tempoh dan dalam tempoh masa itu, ‘mengatur’ agar menantunya akan mengambil alih sebagai Presiden selepas itu”.
*Perkembangan terkini, Sabtu 22 Mac 2008 1.16am membuat laporan ini:
21 Mac, 2008 23:13 PM
Dr Mahathir Sokong Cadangan Mesyuarat Agung Luar Biasa
KUALA LUMPUR, 21 Mac (Bernama) — Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hari ini berkata beliau menyokong cadangan anggota Parlimen Gua Musang Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah supaya Umno mengadakan mesyuarat agung luarbiasa pada 11 Mei depan.
Beliau berkata mesyuarat agung luarbiasa itu perlu diadakan bagi membincangkan sebab-sebab mengapa Barisan Nasional (BN) yang diterajui Umno hilang majoriti dua pertiga dan mengalami kekalahan di lima buah negeri pada pilihan raya umum lepas.
Beliau mendakwa banyak orang termasuk anggota Umno mengundi parti pembangkang bukan kerana mahu menyokong parti lawan, tetapi disebabkan mereka tidak menyukai kepimpinan parti tersebut.
“Tetapi mereka takut untuk menyuarakan pendapat,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas melancarkan buku bertajuk “Management Astray: Resuscitating Ailing Organisations” yang ditulis Allayarham Tan Sri Basir Ismail, di sini.
Ditanya sama ada beliau menyokong hasrat Tengku Razaleigh bertanding jawatan Presiden Umno bagi memulihkan parti itu, beliau berkata soal siapa mahu bertanding sepatutnya dibincangkan selepas mesyuarat agung luar biasa tersebut.
Dr Mahathir berkata: “Mungkin ada orang lain juga berminat nak jadi presiden, jadi kena beri peluang kepada semua orang. Bukan soal presiden, soalnya Umno. Apa yang kita lihat pada pilihan raya lepas ramai anggota Umno telah mengundi parti lawan.
Beliau berkata rasa takut untuk menyuarakan pendapat di kalangan anggota Umno tampak jelas kerana tiada seorangpun anggota Umno yang berani menyokongnya semasa beliau menggesa Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi meletakkan jawatan berikutan kekalahan teruk BN dalam pilihan raya umum. “Namun saya berjumpa dengan banyak daripada mereka ini yang melahirkan rasa tidak puas hati dengan pucuk pimpinan (sekarang),” dakwa beliau.
Beliau mendakwa anggota Umno sekarang tidak berani menyuarakan pendapat mereka tentang kepimpinan parti kerana takut diambil tindakan sekiranya mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak disukai kerajaan.
Ditanya sama ada Umno kemungkinan berpecah jika Tengku Razaleigh mencabar presiden parti, Dr Mahathir berkata semasa beliau menjadi presiden Umno dan Perdana Menteri, Umno berpecah sebanyak dua kali tetapi bercantum semula.
Dr Mahathir juga mencadangkan Umno meminda perlembagaannya untuk memperuntukkan penubuhan majlis presiden untuk menasihatkan presiden kerana “kita tidak boleh mengamanahkan terlalu banyak kuasa pada satu orang”.
Beliau berkata anggota majlis itu tidak boleh dipilih oleh bahagian parti kerana mereka kemungkinan dimanipulasi, dan mereka sepatutnya terdiri daripada anggota parti yang tidak cenderung kepada mana-mana pihak serta orang luar daripada golongan profesional.
Katanya perkara itu perlu kerana akhir-akhir ini Majlis Tertinggi Umno didapati tidak efektif berikutan anggota menganggap tindakan mengkritik pucuk pimpinan sebagai sikap tidak hormat.
Mengenai 25 pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) dan badan amal Melayu yang bersepakat menubuhkan Barisan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu (BBPM) untuk menyatukan orang Melayu tanpa mengira fahaman politik, beliau berkata ia baik tetapi perlu dilihat kepada tujuan ia ditubuhkan.
Mengenai tiada wakil Wanita Umno dalam Kabinet, beliau berkata mereka sepatutnya memprotes tetapi beliau mendengar “pemberontakan itu hanya sekerat jalan sahaja dan selepas itu kata, saya sokong”.
Ditanya mengenai ada cubaan membeli anggota Parlimen dari BN untuk menyertai pembangkang, beliau secara sinis berkata ia berlaku pada kedua-dua pihak dan `ia sangat demokratik’.
Shabery or is it Khairy monitoring bloggers?
The news yesterday announced Shabery Cheek, the newly appointed Information Minister from Terengganu as wanting to know and to monitor political bloggers closely.
Since Shabery is another proxy to Khairy in the cabinet, we can take this as Khairy's warning to bloggers.
Becoz if the Pak Lah's Government is really TRUTHFUL about tyring to gauge the ppl's thots thru the internet..well if they have been monitoring the bloggers closely, it is unanimous the ppl wants Khairy and Pak Lah out of the country's management. Khairy Jamaluddin and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi are the TWO main reasons for the BN voters sway in PRU 12. BN didn't lose becoz the ppl want the Opposition, BN lost becoz the ppl want Khairy and Pak Lah's out. Other than voicing it out in their political blogs, which the Government (read Pak Lah and Khairy) conveniently labeled as opposition voices, while taunting us to show it thru the ballot box, well the we did!.. the ppl can only do this thru the PRU 12.
Interestingly Pak Lah and Khairy are still not heeding us. How many ways can we say Pak Lah and Khairy PLEASE RESIGN!
Shabery on bloggers, politics and the middle-class
Posted by kasee
Thursday, 20 March 2008
NEW Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek shares a few quick thoughts on his appointment and the general election results.
Q: The Information Minister post is a contentious position. (Former information minister) Datuk Zainuddin Maidin had his hands full?
A: I take it as a serious challenge that I have to bear. Information is always very important. Everybody wants to know what's happening in the country and what are the government policies, or how we are going to manage things that could easily be misunderstood by people. That is a challenge for me.
Q: The new media has exploded. Are you going to engage the bloggers at all?
A: Well, I wish I could see them. But I don't know how many there are. Bloggers can be local and global. They can be everywhere and they emerge every day. They are important. In this explosion of information technology, everywhere is the centre of information. And people are free to express what they think. There is the good and bad about that. I wish we can sit down and talk to them and think openly what's best for the country. That's the bottom line.
Q: Your jump from parliamentary secretary to minister has been phenomenal.
A: Politics is not like you need to sit for STPM or before that SPM, PMR or UPSR. It doesn't work that way.
In politics, somebody can emerge from nothing. And somebody can almost become prime minister and then they are nothing after that. That's politics. Everything is temporary. What remains is your integrity and your good name. And that's the thing I think that our team is trying to promote this time.
Q: Are you nervous at all about your appointment?
A: Yesterday, yes I was. But today, I look around and there are people around me who share the same vision, the same ideas of what the Government and country should become.
Q: Will the new Cabinet line-up inject new spirit into the Government?
A: There are new faces and young faces. The new faces might not be all that young. But, I hope the people accept this as something that is fresh – a new approach brought about by the Prime Minister. Surely it will bring new inspiration especially to those who want to see current developments truly fulfil the aspirations of the new generation in our country.
Q: Why do you think Barisan Nasional did not do well in the elections this time?
A: My thinking is that it is the middle-class urban voters who shape the ideas and the outcome throughout the country. This also happens in other South-East Asian countries. In Indonesia for example, we see it in Jakarta. In the Philippines, we see it in Manila, in Thailand it's Bangkok. In Malaysia, we feel it in the Klang Valley.
The thinking of the young people in the Klang Valley – their doubts, uneasiness, new ideas – these are what they bring with them. If I go to a kampung in Terengganu, for example, there is not one household there where they do not have a child or a cousin who is living in the Klang Valley.
It is the thinking of the middle-class people or the urban voters that is very much going to shape the outcome of the election as a whole. We have to look at this. We have to tackle this. We may be a good constituent worker, take care of our voters and meet them; but if we are out of touch with the thinking of the people here, we may get some results which are out of expectations. That's the thing.- STAR
Since Shabery is another proxy to Khairy in the cabinet, we can take this as Khairy's warning to bloggers.
Becoz if the Pak Lah's Government is really TRUTHFUL about tyring to gauge the ppl's thots thru the internet..well if they have been monitoring the bloggers closely, it is unanimous the ppl wants Khairy and Pak Lah out of the country's management. Khairy Jamaluddin and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi are the TWO main reasons for the BN voters sway in PRU 12. BN didn't lose becoz the ppl want the Opposition, BN lost becoz the ppl want Khairy and Pak Lah's out. Other than voicing it out in their political blogs, which the Government (read Pak Lah and Khairy) conveniently labeled as opposition voices, while taunting us to show it thru the ballot box, well the we did!.. the ppl can only do this thru the PRU 12.
Interestingly Pak Lah and Khairy are still not heeding us. How many ways can we say Pak Lah and Khairy PLEASE RESIGN!
Shabery on bloggers, politics and the middle-class
Posted by kasee
Thursday, 20 March 2008
NEW Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek shares a few quick thoughts on his appointment and the general election results.
Q: The Information Minister post is a contentious position. (Former information minister) Datuk Zainuddin Maidin had his hands full?
A: I take it as a serious challenge that I have to bear. Information is always very important. Everybody wants to know what's happening in the country and what are the government policies, or how we are going to manage things that could easily be misunderstood by people. That is a challenge for me.
Q: The new media has exploded. Are you going to engage the bloggers at all?
A: Well, I wish I could see them. But I don't know how many there are. Bloggers can be local and global. They can be everywhere and they emerge every day. They are important. In this explosion of information technology, everywhere is the centre of information. And people are free to express what they think. There is the good and bad about that. I wish we can sit down and talk to them and think openly what's best for the country. That's the bottom line.
Q: Your jump from parliamentary secretary to minister has been phenomenal.
A: Politics is not like you need to sit for STPM or before that SPM, PMR or UPSR. It doesn't work that way.
In politics, somebody can emerge from nothing. And somebody can almost become prime minister and then they are nothing after that. That's politics. Everything is temporary. What remains is your integrity and your good name. And that's the thing I think that our team is trying to promote this time.
Q: Are you nervous at all about your appointment?
A: Yesterday, yes I was. But today, I look around and there are people around me who share the same vision, the same ideas of what the Government and country should become.
Q: Will the new Cabinet line-up inject new spirit into the Government?
A: There are new faces and young faces. The new faces might not be all that young. But, I hope the people accept this as something that is fresh – a new approach brought about by the Prime Minister. Surely it will bring new inspiration especially to those who want to see current developments truly fulfil the aspirations of the new generation in our country.
Q: Why do you think Barisan Nasional did not do well in the elections this time?
A: My thinking is that it is the middle-class urban voters who shape the ideas and the outcome throughout the country. This also happens in other South-East Asian countries. In Indonesia for example, we see it in Jakarta. In the Philippines, we see it in Manila, in Thailand it's Bangkok. In Malaysia, we feel it in the Klang Valley.
The thinking of the young people in the Klang Valley – their doubts, uneasiness, new ideas – these are what they bring with them. If I go to a kampung in Terengganu, for example, there is not one household there where they do not have a child or a cousin who is living in the Klang Valley.
It is the thinking of the middle-class people or the urban voters that is very much going to shape the outcome of the election as a whole. We have to look at this. We have to tackle this. We may be a good constituent worker, take care of our voters and meet them; but if we are out of touch with the thinking of the people here, we may get some results which are out of expectations. That's the thing.- STAR
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Message to UMNO and Barisan Nasional
Here's the best post mortem written on the recent BN worst lost in history at PRU 12, by a contributor at
Someone should forward THIS POST MORTEM to a Mr Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar - residence Son-In-Law, c/o Seri Perdana -who was heard on RTM1, RTM2 and TV3 demanding a post mortem to be done. Sdra Songkok Hitam should submit his post mortem consultation fee to the UMNO and BN President's office.
by songkok_hitam on Monday, March 17 @ 08:50:00 MYT
The People’s Remark of 8th March 2008
National Front is the longest serving legitimate party administering Malaysia for more than fifty years starting with the Municipal Elections in 1955 in the town area of Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Johor Bharu where UMNO (United Malay National Organization-Malay based party) and MCA (Malayan Chinese Associations-Chinese based party) had agreed on certain terms cooperating with each other to grab seats in the Members Committee formed by the British government as an accord and test whether the Malays can unite with the other main races (Chinese and Hindus) thus paving the way for Malaya independence in 1957.
After the triumph of the 1955 Municipal Elections, then MIC (Malaysian Indian Congress-Indian based party) had agreed to band wagon the alliance of UMNO-MCA thus forming an Alliance party inadvertently close the doors for Dato’ Onn to be the first Malaya Chief Minister with his non-communal party of Independence Malayan Party (IMF). Along the way, the Alliance had achieved great successes in building Malaysia as a great economic powerhouse and filling its independence. The party itself had experienced a lot of ups and downs and internal contradictions such as in 1969, thus transforming it into National Front party and again endured an internal and external crisis such had happened in 1989 (UMNO was declared illegal), Sabah political crisis and the sacking of Anwar Ibrahim in 1999 (just to name a few).
But for all the momentous outlining that National Front had endured and experienced, nothing can be compared with the elections result of the year 2008. For all the bad records of Alliance party or National Front setbacks, 2008 election results is the worst ever results which had been experienced by the National Front and such factors that contributes towards this worst defeat came from an internal factor within UMNO itself and an external factors which were dealt wrongly by the incumbent government thus precipitating a protest vote by all the three main races (Malay, Chinese and Hindus) against the National Front.
Differences between 1969 and 2008 election
If the year 1969 had showed how much the wealth gap between the Malays and the Chinese race had spark the racial violence which was transposed through the race riot of 1969. Plus the divide and rule policy of the British government for more than 200 years which was later inflamed by the uneven treatment by the Japanese government during the three years and eight months of the World War II, this factors had contributed by the uprising of the existing grudges by the two main races of Malaysia. This problem was later dealt with the understanding that the government with the need to reform the racial wealth balances by not extricate the wealth of the Chinese and give it to the Malays, but by creating a larger economic cake and bringing back the sidetrack Malay race after 200 years of isolations by the British government through the implementations of the New Economic Policy. I don’t wish to delve deep the differences of the economic wealth pre-1969 elections as my topic is concentrating on the 2008 election results.
The Worst Election Ever for National Front
2008 is a whole different matter for National Front. None of the factors which contribute towards the defeat of that party in 1969 anymore contributes towards the defeat in 2008. In 2008, the opposition’s party only reaping the benefits of sheer ignorance of the incumbent government in settling issues arises which affecting the Malaysian peoples. Here I underline the reasons and factors which contribute to the worst defeat ever since 1957 in a chronology manner:-
Bad advisers – Prime Minister Abdullah had been getting bad advices from the beginning of his tenure as the fifth Prime Minister. Such advices had lead to numerous bad decisions by the executive power such as:-
The bad formations of the cabinet portfolios in 2004 (after the 11th elections) which sees redundant responsibilities of the government ministries that impedes the executive branch from executing efficient order or task and confused the government apparatus with their mechanism in catering the needs of the Malaysian citizens such cases can be seen in areas concerns:-
1) Ministry of Home Affairs vs Ministry of Internal Security;
2) Ministry of Regional (Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan) vs Ministry of Rural Areas and Regional (Kementerian Luar Bandar dan Wilayah) vs Local Council vs Ministry of Housing and Local Government (Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan);
3) Ministry of National Heritage and Culture vs Ministry of Tourism ;
The cancellations of the Malaysian bidding for Asia’s Games in 2006 which shows that Malaysia unwilling to challenge human ingenuity of making the games succeed on Malaysia’s soil despite having the first class facilities after the success of 1998 Commonwealth games;
The Foreign Office blunder of apologizing to the Chinese government on the video case of allegedly Chinese citizens squatting despite the true identity of the women after detail investigations which shows that it was a Malay lady. The failure of PR to explain the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for such accused individual to squat aim to force any foreign object in accused body or in that particular case drugs substance to voluntarily push out from her vagina;
The terminations of PROTON’s CEO (Tengku Tan Sri Mahaleel Tengku Ariff), despite his achievement in accumulating PROTON’s cash savings and with the building of the Tanjung Malim Proton’s City at the costing of 1.3 billion using PROTON’s own funds without borrowing any single cents form the government;
The cancellations of the double railway electric trains projects along the West coast lines (16 trains/ a day) at 160kmph which will see the integrations of rural area into big cities of Johor Bharu - Kuala Lumpur – Ipoh – Penang – Padang Besar and all the cities along the proposed lines;
The selling of the MV Agusta company at the price of 1 Euro far outweigh its real market price despite buying the coveted high-tech Italian motorcycle company at the 400 million dollars on the intentions of small engine technology transfer to PROTON to built its own small engine consuming less fuel in parallel with the market demand;
The cancellations of the Scenic Bridge on the Johore Causeway after the projects had been undertaken on the views that such structure development had interfered on the sovereignty of Singapore and the cancellations reimbursement which cost higher than building the bridge itself to Gerbang Perdana that was in charge on the project development;
The desertion of Multimedia Super Corridor project and it’s lost of exclusiveness when areas concerns are unable to be determined lucidly and land that was neglect unproductively. The unproductive e-village projects and un-enthusiast investment on such areas even though such potentials is still high where Infosys that was set up in India at the same time amounting to more than 40 billion dollars;
The stagnations of Putrajaya development projects with the cancellations of its monorail intercity projects and slow pace of Putrajaya development itself.
Tun Dr. Mahathir’s character assassinations by the media –
After the Prime Minister Abdullah took over the helm from his predecessor; the media’s had launched a character assassinations campaign non-stop by portraying a very bad image of the former Prime Minister. The public especially the Chinese community feel discontented because they revered the former Prime Minister as their saviour in the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and the Malays community themselves who remembered Tun Dr. Mahathir as one of the great statesmen Malaysia had offered before feel dissatisfied and disgruntled seeing the unjust treatment of the media towards their national hero.
Tun Dr. Mahathir open critics towards his successor – This factor played a major part when Tun Dr. Mahathir failed to advise Prime Minister Abdullah in his decision making process on certain matters and launched an open critics on how Prime Minister Abdullah decision’s was decided. Seeing such an act by the former Prime Minister, Malaysian especially the Chinese community that was far economic aware feel such critics must at least be heard and understood in an intellectual manner. But again Prime Minister Abdullah failed to understand such critics and advice.
Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar factor - Perhaps one of the major factors which contribute to the worst defeat ever of the National Front party is the ambitious young man named Khairy Jamaluddin. Being cropped up from nowhere, most Malaysian believes this young man is the main factor behind every government decision making process. His relationship with Prime Minister Abdullah as the Abdullah’s son in law and even though denied by Prime Minister Abdullah that this man had influenced him on every government decision making process, but the public perceptions is high that he is the man behind all the bad government decisions.
In politics, where perceptions is much more important than reality, Khairy Jamaluddin perhaps is the most hated man in Malaysia of all time but with his powerful connections and daily image boost through the media put him on the post of UMNO Youth Deputy and he often talks on government policies where the cabinet ministers themselves shunned talking about it. The scandals behind Khairy Jamaluddin is numerous as underline below (just to name a few):-
i. Khairy Jamaluddin was first seen above the rules and regulations or the law by the public when he was officially involved in the politics despite holding professional governmental post in the Prime Minister department which according to the rules he had to let go his governmental post to get involved actively in politics;
ii. ECM-Libra Avenue scandal;
iii. Pantai Holdings sell out to Singapore owned GLC’s;
iv. The cancellations of Scenic Bridge projects;
v. The personal passing hand to hand of Former Deputy Prime Minister passport when Anwar Ibrahim was freed by the Malaysian court;
vi. Much publicised his MyTeam football team which was sponsored by Scomi;
vii. Peoples perceptions on his personal influences and involvement in any government decisions and contracts awards;
viii. Peoples perceptions on his personal involvement in the naming of the 2008 National Fronts UMNO elections candidates;
ix. The usage of UMNO owned media companies to boost Khairy’s own image through daily exposure of his personal activities and views regarding governmental policies and decisions despite no cabinet post portfolio vested when he is only holding the political post of UMNO Youth Deputy;
x. Khairy’s numerous blunder’s remarks against the oppositions leaders such as to PAS spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat challenging him to take back particular views regarding certain matters or law action will taken but at the end nothing happens;
xi. Khairy’s personal racist sentiments remarks against the Chinese community when there is no issues to be raised so that he will be seen as the saviour of the Malay based community;
xii. Khairy’s incorrect remarks on the New Economic Policy whereas such policies had already over in 1990 and was replaced by the New Development Policy and Vision 2020 policy. Such remarks on the New Economic Policy was seen by the public as to only boost his image as the championing of the Malay based community;
xiii. Khairy’s personal involvement in building Putera UMNO brigade consisting members from “Mat Rempits/ Illegal street racers” to be the action arms of UMNO Youth despite bad records from Malaysian Royal Police that such an act will only worsen the illegal racing in Malaysia;
xiv. Royal Malaysian Police staffs perceptions towards Khairy’s personal involvement in the formations of IPCMC (Independent Police Commissions of Conduct) which was seen by the Police as unnecessary check and balance apparatus;
xv. The conduct of Khairy in leading the UMNO members gathering during Condoleezza Rice visits to Malaysia on the issues of Palestinian treatment by the Israelis where such gathering was seen by the public as double standard measures by the local authorities and Malaysian Police in awarding permits and treatment on the rioting of UMNO members;
xvi. Khairy’s purposelessness and un-bearings personal vendetta against the former Prime Minister Mahathir which was seen by the public as a rash act and foolhardy on the comparative basis that this young man without any achievement went against an old and revered statesman.
Unclear answers on certain issues by the particular Cabinet Ministers of Prime Minister Abdullah on the issues of Approved Permits (AP’s);
Immature remarks by some Cabinet Ministers of many issues answered in a childish manner on public media such as by Minister Nazri Aziz, Minister Zainuddin Maidin and Deputy Minister Shaziman;
Of many issues answered in a childish manner on public media such as by Minister Nazri Aziz, Minister Zainuddin Maidin and Deputy Minister Shaziman;
Unclear scandal and grudges arises between the Minister of Internal Security and the Malaysian Inspector General of Police on the issues of the release of convicts by the Minister himself whereas the bloggers who revealed such scandal haven’t been found yet and no progress report on the investigations case;
The performance of National Front Members of Parliament in explaining and debating issues in the lower house whereas National Front’s MPs were more prone to raise personal issues such as personal applications of AP’s, grudges towards the bloggers, and dull remarks on the issues of bloggers and women in Malaysia (proved one point of raised by Thomas Friedman in his book The World is Flat);
The waving of the “Keris” (Malay’s traditional weapons) during the UMNO General Assembly thus depicting an unnecessary act of rocking the racial boat of understanding between the Malays and the Chinese. It was seen by the critics that such act as a deviations by the UMNO Youth to be seen as the champion of the Malays race on the reality basis there are no real issues to be debated (the status quo remains unchallenged);
The increasing price of the world crude oil which exceeds 60 dollar per barrel thus affecting every products price within the Malaysian market. Such inflations problems or the increase of product prices was seen by the public are not dealt correctly where big companies are allowed to reap the profits while Malaysian consumers had to deal with the spiralling inflations plus the increase of the toll hike;
Basic necessities of the Malaysian daily products such as flour, cooking oil, sugar that was lost in the daily market seen by the Malaysian peoples as obsolete third world economic problems and the handling of such crisis are sure to be doom where the government took the approach of suppressing the market forces thus ensuring the losing the products necessities in the market;
Unwise handling of the HINDRAF issues by the security analyst which failed to advise Prime Minister Abdullah to act fast on the dire allegations made by the HINDRAF members which escalate the situations thus bent the support of the Hindus vote for the National Front completely during the 2008 elections;
Complete utilization of the media as a propaganda tools for National Front in putting Prime Minister Abdullah and boosting his personal image more than it should had inculcate a reverse psychology message to the Malaysian that they fed up with such cheap publicity.
People’s message
The peoples of Malaysia had cast a very clear message to Prime Minister Abdullah to act in a rightful manner. Whether Prime Minister Abdullah will do the right thing to rectify back on what National Front had gone wrong, only he and himself have the answer. The longer he delayed on the right decision, UMNO and National Front will pay the price of such ignorance.
Clearly one factors doesn’t chip in to the National Front worst defeat in 2008 elections. But with the build up of wrong decisions after another, and the appointment of wrong advisers who advice Prime Minister on what he wants to hear, National Front had to endure its worst embarrassment. For the performance and factors which contributes to the worst defeat of the National Front, I have underline clearly as above details. For that I rest my case.
Someone should forward THIS POST MORTEM to a Mr Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar - residence Son-In-Law, c/o Seri Perdana -who was heard on RTM1, RTM2 and TV3 demanding a post mortem to be done. Sdra Songkok Hitam should submit his post mortem consultation fee to the UMNO and BN President's office.
by songkok_hitam on Monday, March 17 @ 08:50:00 MYT
The People’s Remark of 8th March 2008
National Front is the longest serving legitimate party administering Malaysia for more than fifty years starting with the Municipal Elections in 1955 in the town area of Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Johor Bharu where UMNO (United Malay National Organization-Malay based party) and MCA (Malayan Chinese Associations-Chinese based party) had agreed on certain terms cooperating with each other to grab seats in the Members Committee formed by the British government as an accord and test whether the Malays can unite with the other main races (Chinese and Hindus) thus paving the way for Malaya independence in 1957.
After the triumph of the 1955 Municipal Elections, then MIC (Malaysian Indian Congress-Indian based party) had agreed to band wagon the alliance of UMNO-MCA thus forming an Alliance party inadvertently close the doors for Dato’ Onn to be the first Malaya Chief Minister with his non-communal party of Independence Malayan Party (IMF). Along the way, the Alliance had achieved great successes in building Malaysia as a great economic powerhouse and filling its independence. The party itself had experienced a lot of ups and downs and internal contradictions such as in 1969, thus transforming it into National Front party and again endured an internal and external crisis such had happened in 1989 (UMNO was declared illegal), Sabah political crisis and the sacking of Anwar Ibrahim in 1999 (just to name a few).
But for all the momentous outlining that National Front had endured and experienced, nothing can be compared with the elections result of the year 2008. For all the bad records of Alliance party or National Front setbacks, 2008 election results is the worst ever results which had been experienced by the National Front and such factors that contributes towards this worst defeat came from an internal factor within UMNO itself and an external factors which were dealt wrongly by the incumbent government thus precipitating a protest vote by all the three main races (Malay, Chinese and Hindus) against the National Front.
Differences between 1969 and 2008 election
If the year 1969 had showed how much the wealth gap between the Malays and the Chinese race had spark the racial violence which was transposed through the race riot of 1969. Plus the divide and rule policy of the British government for more than 200 years which was later inflamed by the uneven treatment by the Japanese government during the three years and eight months of the World War II, this factors had contributed by the uprising of the existing grudges by the two main races of Malaysia. This problem was later dealt with the understanding that the government with the need to reform the racial wealth balances by not extricate the wealth of the Chinese and give it to the Malays, but by creating a larger economic cake and bringing back the sidetrack Malay race after 200 years of isolations by the British government through the implementations of the New Economic Policy. I don’t wish to delve deep the differences of the economic wealth pre-1969 elections as my topic is concentrating on the 2008 election results.
The Worst Election Ever for National Front
2008 is a whole different matter for National Front. None of the factors which contribute towards the defeat of that party in 1969 anymore contributes towards the defeat in 2008. In 2008, the opposition’s party only reaping the benefits of sheer ignorance of the incumbent government in settling issues arises which affecting the Malaysian peoples. Here I underline the reasons and factors which contribute to the worst defeat ever since 1957 in a chronology manner:-
Bad advisers – Prime Minister Abdullah had been getting bad advices from the beginning of his tenure as the fifth Prime Minister. Such advices had lead to numerous bad decisions by the executive power such as:-
The bad formations of the cabinet portfolios in 2004 (after the 11th elections) which sees redundant responsibilities of the government ministries that impedes the executive branch from executing efficient order or task and confused the government apparatus with their mechanism in catering the needs of the Malaysian citizens such cases can be seen in areas concerns:-
1) Ministry of Home Affairs vs Ministry of Internal Security;
2) Ministry of Regional (Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan) vs Ministry of Rural Areas and Regional (Kementerian Luar Bandar dan Wilayah) vs Local Council vs Ministry of Housing and Local Government (Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan);
3) Ministry of National Heritage and Culture vs Ministry of Tourism ;
The cancellations of the Malaysian bidding for Asia’s Games in 2006 which shows that Malaysia unwilling to challenge human ingenuity of making the games succeed on Malaysia’s soil despite having the first class facilities after the success of 1998 Commonwealth games;
The Foreign Office blunder of apologizing to the Chinese government on the video case of allegedly Chinese citizens squatting despite the true identity of the women after detail investigations which shows that it was a Malay lady. The failure of PR to explain the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for such accused individual to squat aim to force any foreign object in accused body or in that particular case drugs substance to voluntarily push out from her vagina;
The terminations of PROTON’s CEO (Tengku Tan Sri Mahaleel Tengku Ariff), despite his achievement in accumulating PROTON’s cash savings and with the building of the Tanjung Malim Proton’s City at the costing of 1.3 billion using PROTON’s own funds without borrowing any single cents form the government;
The cancellations of the double railway electric trains projects along the West coast lines (16 trains/ a day) at 160kmph which will see the integrations of rural area into big cities of Johor Bharu - Kuala Lumpur – Ipoh – Penang – Padang Besar and all the cities along the proposed lines;
The selling of the MV Agusta company at the price of 1 Euro far outweigh its real market price despite buying the coveted high-tech Italian motorcycle company at the 400 million dollars on the intentions of small engine technology transfer to PROTON to built its own small engine consuming less fuel in parallel with the market demand;
The cancellations of the Scenic Bridge on the Johore Causeway after the projects had been undertaken on the views that such structure development had interfered on the sovereignty of Singapore and the cancellations reimbursement which cost higher than building the bridge itself to Gerbang Perdana that was in charge on the project development;
The desertion of Multimedia Super Corridor project and it’s lost of exclusiveness when areas concerns are unable to be determined lucidly and land that was neglect unproductively. The unproductive e-village projects and un-enthusiast investment on such areas even though such potentials is still high where Infosys that was set up in India at the same time amounting to more than 40 billion dollars;
The stagnations of Putrajaya development projects with the cancellations of its monorail intercity projects and slow pace of Putrajaya development itself.
Tun Dr. Mahathir’s character assassinations by the media –
After the Prime Minister Abdullah took over the helm from his predecessor; the media’s had launched a character assassinations campaign non-stop by portraying a very bad image of the former Prime Minister. The public especially the Chinese community feel discontented because they revered the former Prime Minister as their saviour in the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and the Malays community themselves who remembered Tun Dr. Mahathir as one of the great statesmen Malaysia had offered before feel dissatisfied and disgruntled seeing the unjust treatment of the media towards their national hero.
Tun Dr. Mahathir open critics towards his successor – This factor played a major part when Tun Dr. Mahathir failed to advise Prime Minister Abdullah in his decision making process on certain matters and launched an open critics on how Prime Minister Abdullah decision’s was decided. Seeing such an act by the former Prime Minister, Malaysian especially the Chinese community that was far economic aware feel such critics must at least be heard and understood in an intellectual manner. But again Prime Minister Abdullah failed to understand such critics and advice.
Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar factor - Perhaps one of the major factors which contribute to the worst defeat ever of the National Front party is the ambitious young man named Khairy Jamaluddin. Being cropped up from nowhere, most Malaysian believes this young man is the main factor behind every government decision making process. His relationship with Prime Minister Abdullah as the Abdullah’s son in law and even though denied by Prime Minister Abdullah that this man had influenced him on every government decision making process, but the public perceptions is high that he is the man behind all the bad government decisions.
In politics, where perceptions is much more important than reality, Khairy Jamaluddin perhaps is the most hated man in Malaysia of all time but with his powerful connections and daily image boost through the media put him on the post of UMNO Youth Deputy and he often talks on government policies where the cabinet ministers themselves shunned talking about it. The scandals behind Khairy Jamaluddin is numerous as underline below (just to name a few):-
i. Khairy Jamaluddin was first seen above the rules and regulations or the law by the public when he was officially involved in the politics despite holding professional governmental post in the Prime Minister department which according to the rules he had to let go his governmental post to get involved actively in politics;
ii. ECM-Libra Avenue scandal;
iii. Pantai Holdings sell out to Singapore owned GLC’s;
iv. The cancellations of Scenic Bridge projects;
v. The personal passing hand to hand of Former Deputy Prime Minister passport when Anwar Ibrahim was freed by the Malaysian court;
vi. Much publicised his MyTeam football team which was sponsored by Scomi;
vii. Peoples perceptions on his personal influences and involvement in any government decisions and contracts awards;
viii. Peoples perceptions on his personal involvement in the naming of the 2008 National Fronts UMNO elections candidates;
ix. The usage of UMNO owned media companies to boost Khairy’s own image through daily exposure of his personal activities and views regarding governmental policies and decisions despite no cabinet post portfolio vested when he is only holding the political post of UMNO Youth Deputy;
x. Khairy’s numerous blunder’s remarks against the oppositions leaders such as to PAS spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat challenging him to take back particular views regarding certain matters or law action will taken but at the end nothing happens;
xi. Khairy’s personal racist sentiments remarks against the Chinese community when there is no issues to be raised so that he will be seen as the saviour of the Malay based community;
xii. Khairy’s incorrect remarks on the New Economic Policy whereas such policies had already over in 1990 and was replaced by the New Development Policy and Vision 2020 policy. Such remarks on the New Economic Policy was seen by the public as to only boost his image as the championing of the Malay based community;
xiii. Khairy’s personal involvement in building Putera UMNO brigade consisting members from “Mat Rempits/ Illegal street racers” to be the action arms of UMNO Youth despite bad records from Malaysian Royal Police that such an act will only worsen the illegal racing in Malaysia;
xiv. Royal Malaysian Police staffs perceptions towards Khairy’s personal involvement in the formations of IPCMC (Independent Police Commissions of Conduct) which was seen by the Police as unnecessary check and balance apparatus;
xv. The conduct of Khairy in leading the UMNO members gathering during Condoleezza Rice visits to Malaysia on the issues of Palestinian treatment by the Israelis where such gathering was seen by the public as double standard measures by the local authorities and Malaysian Police in awarding permits and treatment on the rioting of UMNO members;
xvi. Khairy’s purposelessness and un-bearings personal vendetta against the former Prime Minister Mahathir which was seen by the public as a rash act and foolhardy on the comparative basis that this young man without any achievement went against an old and revered statesman.
Unclear answers on certain issues by the particular Cabinet Ministers of Prime Minister Abdullah on the issues of Approved Permits (AP’s);
Immature remarks by some Cabinet Ministers of many issues answered in a childish manner on public media such as by Minister Nazri Aziz, Minister Zainuddin Maidin and Deputy Minister Shaziman;
Of many issues answered in a childish manner on public media such as by Minister Nazri Aziz, Minister Zainuddin Maidin and Deputy Minister Shaziman;
Unclear scandal and grudges arises between the Minister of Internal Security and the Malaysian Inspector General of Police on the issues of the release of convicts by the Minister himself whereas the bloggers who revealed such scandal haven’t been found yet and no progress report on the investigations case;
The performance of National Front Members of Parliament in explaining and debating issues in the lower house whereas National Front’s MPs were more prone to raise personal issues such as personal applications of AP’s, grudges towards the bloggers, and dull remarks on the issues of bloggers and women in Malaysia (proved one point of raised by Thomas Friedman in his book The World is Flat);
The waving of the “Keris” (Malay’s traditional weapons) during the UMNO General Assembly thus depicting an unnecessary act of rocking the racial boat of understanding between the Malays and the Chinese. It was seen by the critics that such act as a deviations by the UMNO Youth to be seen as the champion of the Malays race on the reality basis there are no real issues to be debated (the status quo remains unchallenged);
The increasing price of the world crude oil which exceeds 60 dollar per barrel thus affecting every products price within the Malaysian market. Such inflations problems or the increase of product prices was seen by the public are not dealt correctly where big companies are allowed to reap the profits while Malaysian consumers had to deal with the spiralling inflations plus the increase of the toll hike;
Basic necessities of the Malaysian daily products such as flour, cooking oil, sugar that was lost in the daily market seen by the Malaysian peoples as obsolete third world economic problems and the handling of such crisis are sure to be doom where the government took the approach of suppressing the market forces thus ensuring the losing the products necessities in the market;
Unwise handling of the HINDRAF issues by the security analyst which failed to advise Prime Minister Abdullah to act fast on the dire allegations made by the HINDRAF members which escalate the situations thus bent the support of the Hindus vote for the National Front completely during the 2008 elections;
Complete utilization of the media as a propaganda tools for National Front in putting Prime Minister Abdullah and boosting his personal image more than it should had inculcate a reverse psychology message to the Malaysian that they fed up with such cheap publicity.
People’s message
The peoples of Malaysia had cast a very clear message to Prime Minister Abdullah to act in a rightful manner. Whether Prime Minister Abdullah will do the right thing to rectify back on what National Front had gone wrong, only he and himself have the answer. The longer he delayed on the right decision, UMNO and National Front will pay the price of such ignorance.
Clearly one factors doesn’t chip in to the National Front worst defeat in 2008 elections. But with the build up of wrong decisions after another, and the appointment of wrong advisers who advice Prime Minister on what he wants to hear, National Front had to endure its worst embarrassment. For the performance and factors which contributes to the worst defeat of the National Front, I have underline clearly as above details. For that I rest my case.
Kitchen Cabinet 2008
Dari seorang poster di
I thot this is hilarious hahaha Kabinet Anak Beranak
Dapat berita terbaru....!!!!
Senarai Kabinet 2008
Perdana Menteri :YAB Dato Seri Abdullah Hj Ahmad Badawi,
Timbalan Perdana Menteri :Dato Kamaludin Abdullah Badawi
Menteri Kewangan :Dato Seri Kalimullah Hassan
Menteri Dalam Negeri :Khairy Jamaluddin (Badawi)
Menteri Penerangan :Dato Seri Anuar Zaini
Menteri Pengangkutan :Dato Seri Tony Fernandez
Menteri Perumahan, Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembinaan Masjid :Dato Patrick Badawi (Lim)
Menteri Kesihatan :Dato Dr. Vincent Lim Ah Pek
Menteri Hal Ehwal Wanita dan Pembangunan Masyarakat :Nori Abdullah Badawi
Menteri Dijabatan Perdana Menteri :Dato Zaki Ahmad Zahid
Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa :Dato Azim Zabidi
Menteri Hal Ehwal kaum India :Dato Reezal Merican Naina Pottu Marican
Menteri Hal Ehwal Warga Emas :Dato Hajjah Rahmah (Ibu Khairy) (Besan Badawi)
Menteri Belia, Sukan dan Kereta Terpakai :Dato Azeez Rahim Rempit
Menteri Sains, Teknologi, Innovasi Dan Alam Sekitar :Maya Karin
-Org Tingkat 8-
March 17, 2008 7:41 PM
I thot this is hilarious hahaha Kabinet Anak Beranak
Dapat berita terbaru....!!!!
Senarai Kabinet 2008
Perdana Menteri :YAB Dato Seri Abdullah Hj Ahmad Badawi,
Timbalan Perdana Menteri :Dato Kamaludin Abdullah Badawi
Menteri Kewangan :Dato Seri Kalimullah Hassan
Menteri Dalam Negeri :Khairy Jamaluddin (Badawi)
Menteri Penerangan :Dato Seri Anuar Zaini
Menteri Pengangkutan :Dato Seri Tony Fernandez
Menteri Perumahan, Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembinaan Masjid :Dato Patrick Badawi (Lim)
Menteri Kesihatan :Dato Dr. Vincent Lim Ah Pek
Menteri Hal Ehwal Wanita dan Pembangunan Masyarakat :Nori Abdullah Badawi
Menteri Dijabatan Perdana Menteri :Dato Zaki Ahmad Zahid
Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa :Dato Azim Zabidi
Menteri Hal Ehwal kaum India :Dato Reezal Merican Naina Pottu Marican
Menteri Hal Ehwal Warga Emas :Dato Hajjah Rahmah (Ibu Khairy) (Besan Badawi)
Menteri Belia, Sukan dan Kereta Terpakai :Dato Azeez Rahim Rempit
Menteri Sains, Teknologi, Innovasi Dan Alam Sekitar :Maya Karin
-Org Tingkat 8-
March 17, 2008 7:41 PM
Kuasa Kini Di Tangan Ahli2 UMNO
Ahli2 UMNO di akar umbi sudah masanya utk anda semua bersuara melalui cawangan2 dan bahagian2. Pemimpin di atas hanya segelintir, suara andalah yg akan menentukannya.
Posted on Monday, March 17
Oleh: A Kadir Jasin
Presiden Umno merangkap Perdana Menteri, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, terus mendapat sokongan dan ikrar taat setia daripada kelompok kuasa dan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dalam parti itu, gerakan ke arah memaksa beliau menerima tanggungjawab dan meletakkan jawatan juga semakin hebat.
Hakikat bahawa kelompok-kelompok kuasa dan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan ini, termasuk ahli Majlis Tertinggi, anggota Kabinet, Menteri Besar dan Ketua, terus menyokong Abdullah tidaklah sukar difahami.
Antara faktor yang memaksa mereka terus menyokong Abdullah dan taat setia kepadanya adalah:
1. Mereka sama ada bersekongkol dengan beliau atau turut menjadi punca pengundi menolak Umno dan Barisan Nasional;
2. Mulut mereka dikunci dan terkunci kerana Abdullah masih mempunyai cukup kuasa dan pengaruh untuk menentukan nasib dan periuk nasi mereka;
3. Kerana keperibadian mereka tercela (compromised) dan boleh dijadikan bahan peras ugut politik – political blackmail;
4. Mereka tidak lagi mempunyai pautan yang bebas dan akrab dengan ahli akar umbi Umno untuk memahami dan merasai kemarahan ahli biasa Umno; dan
5. Mereka mungkin bukan lagi orang yang sesuai menerajui Umno dan Kerajaan kerana kedudukan mereka yang tercela (compromised) itu akan mendorong mereka bersekongkol (conspire) untuk melindungi satu sama lain.
Walaupun media massa arus perdana masih takut untuk menyiarkan berita yang tidak memihak kepada Abdullah selain menguar-uarkan kecaman terhadap Ahli Parlimen Jerlun, Mukhriz Mahathir, khalayak sudah tahu mengenai tekanan ke atas Perdana Menteri.
Surat Mukhriz bertarikh 12 Mac sudah pun diketahui umum apabila media massa alternatif dan media asing mendedahkan kewujudannya.
Kesedaran mengenai surat Mukhriz yang, antara lain, menggesa Perdana Menteri meletakkan jawatan, menjadi semakin luas apabila media massa arus perdana mula menyiarkan berita serangan terhadap beliau oleh pengikut-pengikut Perdana Menteri, khasnya Ketua Pemuda Hishammuddin Hussein.
Kemudian semalam (16 Mac), laman berita bebas Malaysiakini mendedahkan mengenai surat Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah kepada 193 bahagian Umno menggesa mereka menuntut agar Mesyuarat Agung Luar Biasa diadakan.
Antara lain, Tengku Razaleigh, 70 tahun, yang pernah menjadi Naib Presiden Umno dan Menteri Kewangan, mencadangkan agar mesyuarat itu membincangkan pencapaian buruk Umno dalam pilihan raya.
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah mencadangkan 11 Mei sebagai tarikh mesyuarat itu bagi mengambil sempena penubuhan Umno pada tanggal itu pada tahun 1946.
Tengku Razaleigh berkata kepimpinan dan keahlian Umno tidak seharusnya menuding jari kepada orang lain dan cuba membersihkan tangan daripada tanggungjawab kekalahan teruk parti. Katanya parti tidak seharusnya membenarkan kepemimpinan atasan melakukan kesilapan yang begitu besar.
Tegasnya lagi, ini adalah tanggungjawab bersama -- tanggungjawab semua ahli Umno dan kepemimpinan, Umno di semua peringkat daripada cawangan ke bahagian dan Majlis Tertinggi dan bukan tanggungjawab beberapa orang pemimpin atasan sahaja.
Adalah menakjubkan yang begitu ramai pembesar Umno, sama ada yang masih bergayut kepada kuasa atau yang sudah dinyahkan oleh pengundi, terus membisu dan menipu diri dengan berpura-pura seolah-olah tidak ada apa yang terjadi.
Atau apakah kebisuan sebahagian besar daripada mereka membawa maksud mereka bersetuju dengan pendirian Tengku Razaleigh dan Mukhriz?
Majoriti senyap – silent majority - sudah bersuara. Kalau kepemimpinan atasan Umno tidak cacat pengelihatan, pendengaran dan percakapan, mereka sudah pasti dapat melihat, mendengar dan mengakui wujudnya amaran buruk di dinding benteng pasir mereka.
Ulama besar Allahyarham Sheikh Abdullah Fahim pernah dipetik oleh Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra sebagai berkata:
“Sesiapa yang berjuang dengan nama Allah dan niat baik sentiasa dalam keredaan Allah, tetapi sesiapa yang lupakan niat, khianat dan tamak akan dimurkai Allah, akhirnya menjadi hina. Kalau orang Melayu (yang) beragama Islam mengkhianati bangsa, negara dan agama, Allah akan gantikan (dengan) bangsa lain yang beragama Islam (bagi) menjaga tanah air kita.”(Daripada buku “Sheikh Abdullah Fahim Penentu Tarikh Kemerdekaan Negara 13 Ogos ‘57” oleh Mokhtar Petah, Pustaka Antara 1997).
Posted on Monday, March 17
Oleh: A Kadir Jasin
Presiden Umno merangkap Perdana Menteri, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, terus mendapat sokongan dan ikrar taat setia daripada kelompok kuasa dan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dalam parti itu, gerakan ke arah memaksa beliau menerima tanggungjawab dan meletakkan jawatan juga semakin hebat.
Hakikat bahawa kelompok-kelompok kuasa dan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan ini, termasuk ahli Majlis Tertinggi, anggota Kabinet, Menteri Besar dan Ketua, terus menyokong Abdullah tidaklah sukar difahami.
Antara faktor yang memaksa mereka terus menyokong Abdullah dan taat setia kepadanya adalah:
1. Mereka sama ada bersekongkol dengan beliau atau turut menjadi punca pengundi menolak Umno dan Barisan Nasional;
2. Mulut mereka dikunci dan terkunci kerana Abdullah masih mempunyai cukup kuasa dan pengaruh untuk menentukan nasib dan periuk nasi mereka;
3. Kerana keperibadian mereka tercela (compromised) dan boleh dijadikan bahan peras ugut politik – political blackmail;
4. Mereka tidak lagi mempunyai pautan yang bebas dan akrab dengan ahli akar umbi Umno untuk memahami dan merasai kemarahan ahli biasa Umno; dan
5. Mereka mungkin bukan lagi orang yang sesuai menerajui Umno dan Kerajaan kerana kedudukan mereka yang tercela (compromised) itu akan mendorong mereka bersekongkol (conspire) untuk melindungi satu sama lain.
Walaupun media massa arus perdana masih takut untuk menyiarkan berita yang tidak memihak kepada Abdullah selain menguar-uarkan kecaman terhadap Ahli Parlimen Jerlun, Mukhriz Mahathir, khalayak sudah tahu mengenai tekanan ke atas Perdana Menteri.
Surat Mukhriz bertarikh 12 Mac sudah pun diketahui umum apabila media massa alternatif dan media asing mendedahkan kewujudannya.
Kesedaran mengenai surat Mukhriz yang, antara lain, menggesa Perdana Menteri meletakkan jawatan, menjadi semakin luas apabila media massa arus perdana mula menyiarkan berita serangan terhadap beliau oleh pengikut-pengikut Perdana Menteri, khasnya Ketua Pemuda Hishammuddin Hussein.
Kemudian semalam (16 Mac), laman berita bebas Malaysiakini mendedahkan mengenai surat Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah kepada 193 bahagian Umno menggesa mereka menuntut agar Mesyuarat Agung Luar Biasa diadakan.
Antara lain, Tengku Razaleigh, 70 tahun, yang pernah menjadi Naib Presiden Umno dan Menteri Kewangan, mencadangkan agar mesyuarat itu membincangkan pencapaian buruk Umno dalam pilihan raya.
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah mencadangkan 11 Mei sebagai tarikh mesyuarat itu bagi mengambil sempena penubuhan Umno pada tanggal itu pada tahun 1946.
Tengku Razaleigh berkata kepimpinan dan keahlian Umno tidak seharusnya menuding jari kepada orang lain dan cuba membersihkan tangan daripada tanggungjawab kekalahan teruk parti. Katanya parti tidak seharusnya membenarkan kepemimpinan atasan melakukan kesilapan yang begitu besar.
Tegasnya lagi, ini adalah tanggungjawab bersama -- tanggungjawab semua ahli Umno dan kepemimpinan, Umno di semua peringkat daripada cawangan ke bahagian dan Majlis Tertinggi dan bukan tanggungjawab beberapa orang pemimpin atasan sahaja.
Adalah menakjubkan yang begitu ramai pembesar Umno, sama ada yang masih bergayut kepada kuasa atau yang sudah dinyahkan oleh pengundi, terus membisu dan menipu diri dengan berpura-pura seolah-olah tidak ada apa yang terjadi.
Atau apakah kebisuan sebahagian besar daripada mereka membawa maksud mereka bersetuju dengan pendirian Tengku Razaleigh dan Mukhriz?
Majoriti senyap – silent majority - sudah bersuara. Kalau kepemimpinan atasan Umno tidak cacat pengelihatan, pendengaran dan percakapan, mereka sudah pasti dapat melihat, mendengar dan mengakui wujudnya amaran buruk di dinding benteng pasir mereka.
Ulama besar Allahyarham Sheikh Abdullah Fahim pernah dipetik oleh Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra sebagai berkata:
“Sesiapa yang berjuang dengan nama Allah dan niat baik sentiasa dalam keredaan Allah, tetapi sesiapa yang lupakan niat, khianat dan tamak akan dimurkai Allah, akhirnya menjadi hina. Kalau orang Melayu (yang) beragama Islam mengkhianati bangsa, negara dan agama, Allah akan gantikan (dengan) bangsa lain yang beragama Islam (bagi) menjaga tanah air kita.”(Daripada buku “Sheikh Abdullah Fahim Penentu Tarikh Kemerdekaan Negara 13 Ogos ‘57” oleh Mokhtar Petah, Pustaka Antara 1997).
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