Saturday, July 26, 2008
Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at July 25, 2008 12:10 PM
Tiap kali saya kritik Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai Perdana Menteri ada sahaja orang yang secara sinis berkata, "Awak yang lantik dia".
Ya, saya mengaku salah. Saya mengaku yang saya lantik Dato Seri Abdullah sebagai pengganti saya.
Tetapi ahli UMNO juga pilih Dato Seri Abdullah.
Dato Seri Abdullah memihak kepada Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah dan Musa Hitam dalam usaha untuk menjatuhkan saya pada tahun 1986-1987. Apabila Team B kalah dan UMNO diharamkan, Dato Seri Abdullah tidak menyertai Semangat 46 tajaan Tengku Razaleigh. Sebaliknya dia pilih untuk menjadi ahli UMNO Baru yang saya pimpin.
Saya tidak berhak menolaknya sebagai ahli UMNO Baru. Tetapi saya gugurkannya daripada Jemaah Menteri.
Dalam pemilihan Majlis Tertinggi yang menyusul Dato Seri Abdullah bertanding untuk ahli Majlis Tertinggi. Mesyuarat Agong UMNO memilih Dato Seri Abdullah sebagai ahli Majlis Tertinggi.
Saya masih tidak terima dia balik jadi Menteri.
Di Mesyuarat Agong selepas itu dia bertanding untuk jawatan Naib Presiden. Dia menang dengan undi kedua terbesar jumlahnya berbanding Dato Seri Najib.
Saya berpendapat UMNO hendakkan kepimpinan Dato Seri Abdullah. Walau apa pun perasaan saya terhadap orang yang bersubahat untuk jatuhkan saya, saya tidak berhak untuk menolak kehendak UMNO.
Justeru itu saya kembalikan Dato Seri Abdullah sebagai Menteri dalam Kabinet.
Puji-pujian didengar merata-rata yang Dato Seri Abdullah adalah "Bersih", "Mr Clean". Oleh itu apabila saya terpaksa gugurkan Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri, saya pilih Dato Seri Abdullah untuk mengisi jawatan itu walaupun Dato Seri Najib adalah Naib Presiden yang mendapat undi tertinggi.
Kenapa tidak dipilih Dato Seri Najib?
Sebabnya ialah dia lebih muda dan harapan saya selepas satu, dua penggal sebagai Perdana Menteri, Dato Seri Abdullah akan serahkan jawatan itu kepada Dato Seri Najib. Sebab itu saya berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk menentukan Dato Seri Abdullah pilih Dato Seri Najib sebagai timbalannya.
Pemilihan Naib Presiden bukan yang pertama sebagai timbalan pernah berlaku. Saya Naib Presiden yang ke-tiga tetapi Tun Hussein Onn pilih saya jadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri.
Seperti juga dengan diri saya, Mesyuarat Agong UMNO mengesahkan pemilihan Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai Timbalan Presiden parti dalam pemilihan yang berikut.
Selepas itu saya anggap penyerahan kuasa kepada Dato Seri Abdullah bukanlah sesuatu yang tidak dikehendaki oleh UMNO. Tidak ada sesiapa yang membantah.
Saya jelaskan latarbelakang pemilihan Dato Seri Abdullah sebagai Perdana Menteri bukan kerana hendak bersihkan diri saya. Saya rela dihukum jika saya salah.
Yang penting bagi saya ialah apabila kita lakukan sesuatu yang salah, menuding jari tidak mendatangkan apa-apa faedah.
Yang penting ialah kita cuba betulkan keadaan. Dalam perkara ini pendapat saya ialah Dato Seri Abdullah perlu letak jawatan dengan sendirinya atau dia disingkir.
Kenyataan olehnya yang dia akan serahkan jawatan dalam parti dan Kerajaan pada bulan Jun 2010 disambut baik bahkan dengan gembira oleh hadirin serta orang ramai, Melayu dan bukan Melayu. Tiada siapa yang merayu supaya dia teruskan pimpinannya.
Dari ini agak jelas yang semua pihak hendak Dato Seri Abdullah letak jawatan. Tetapi meletak jawatan dua tahun dari sekarang bermakna penggantinya hanya mempunyai dua setengah tahun untuk pulihkan parti untuk hadapi Pilihanraya Umum ke-13. Masa ini terlalu singkat kerana kerosakan yang dibuat oleh Dato Seri Abdullah kepada UMNO, Barisan Nasional dan parti-parti komponennya amat teruk. Masa yang lebih panjang diperlukan.
Jika Dato Seri Abdullah benar-benar sayang kepada UMNO, dia harus rela korban dirinya untuk penggantinya berpeluang memulihkan UMNO. Alasannya yang dia ingin awasi pelaksanaan Rancangan Malaysia ke-9 tidak boleh diterima kerana sesungguhnya kehadirannya adalah sebab UMNO dan Barisan Nasional jadi lemah.
Saya terima saya bersalah kerana memilih Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai pengganti saya. Sekarang saya menyesal kerana saya tidak sangka "Mr Clean" tidak begitu clean.
Saya percaya ahli UMNO dan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO di semua peringkat yang marah saya tentu tidak ingin membuat kesalahan yang sama.
Hari ini yang berkuasa menggantikan Dato Seri Abdullah hanyalah ahli dan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO.
Janganlah tunggu Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 untuk kalahkan BN dan UMNO supaya Dato Seri Abdullah jatuh. Yang salah bukan BN atau UMNO. Yang salah ialah Dato Seri Abdullah.
Jika ahli UMNO hendak melihat UMNO dan BN dipulih semula, paksalah Dato Seri Abdullah letak jawatan sekarang. Jangan calon Dato Seri Abdullah di peringkat cawangan atau bahagian.
Jika kerana cawangan dan bahagian mengizinkan Dato Seri Abdullah terus menjadi Presiden UMNO, yang salah ialah ahli UMNO sendiri.
Ahli UMNO akan bertanggungjawab terhadap kehancuran UMNO dan malapetaka yang akan timpa orang Melayu dan negara Malaysia. Yang akan hancur bersama ialah parti-parti komponen BN.
Setelah mengetahui kekalahan teruk yang menimpa UMNO dan BN di bawah kepimpinan Dato Seri Abdullah, UMNO masih kekalkan kepimpinannya, yang bertanggungjawab dan salah ialah ahli dan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO sendiri.
Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at July 25, 2008 12:10 PM
Tiap kali saya kritik Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai Perdana Menteri ada sahaja orang yang secara sinis berkata, "Awak yang lantik dia".
Ya, saya mengaku salah. Saya mengaku yang saya lantik Dato Seri Abdullah sebagai pengganti saya.
Tetapi ahli UMNO juga pilih Dato Seri Abdullah.
Dato Seri Abdullah memihak kepada Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah dan Musa Hitam dalam usaha untuk menjatuhkan saya pada tahun 1986-1987. Apabila Team B kalah dan UMNO diharamkan, Dato Seri Abdullah tidak menyertai Semangat 46 tajaan Tengku Razaleigh. Sebaliknya dia pilih untuk menjadi ahli UMNO Baru yang saya pimpin.
Saya tidak berhak menolaknya sebagai ahli UMNO Baru. Tetapi saya gugurkannya daripada Jemaah Menteri.
Dalam pemilihan Majlis Tertinggi yang menyusul Dato Seri Abdullah bertanding untuk ahli Majlis Tertinggi. Mesyuarat Agong UMNO memilih Dato Seri Abdullah sebagai ahli Majlis Tertinggi.
Saya masih tidak terima dia balik jadi Menteri.
Di Mesyuarat Agong selepas itu dia bertanding untuk jawatan Naib Presiden. Dia menang dengan undi kedua terbesar jumlahnya berbanding Dato Seri Najib.
Saya berpendapat UMNO hendakkan kepimpinan Dato Seri Abdullah. Walau apa pun perasaan saya terhadap orang yang bersubahat untuk jatuhkan saya, saya tidak berhak untuk menolak kehendak UMNO.
Justeru itu saya kembalikan Dato Seri Abdullah sebagai Menteri dalam Kabinet.
Puji-pujian didengar merata-rata yang Dato Seri Abdullah adalah "Bersih", "Mr Clean". Oleh itu apabila saya terpaksa gugurkan Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri, saya pilih Dato Seri Abdullah untuk mengisi jawatan itu walaupun Dato Seri Najib adalah Naib Presiden yang mendapat undi tertinggi.
Kenapa tidak dipilih Dato Seri Najib?
Sebabnya ialah dia lebih muda dan harapan saya selepas satu, dua penggal sebagai Perdana Menteri, Dato Seri Abdullah akan serahkan jawatan itu kepada Dato Seri Najib. Sebab itu saya berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk menentukan Dato Seri Abdullah pilih Dato Seri Najib sebagai timbalannya.
Pemilihan Naib Presiden bukan yang pertama sebagai timbalan pernah berlaku. Saya Naib Presiden yang ke-tiga tetapi Tun Hussein Onn pilih saya jadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri.
Seperti juga dengan diri saya, Mesyuarat Agong UMNO mengesahkan pemilihan Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai Timbalan Presiden parti dalam pemilihan yang berikut.
Selepas itu saya anggap penyerahan kuasa kepada Dato Seri Abdullah bukanlah sesuatu yang tidak dikehendaki oleh UMNO. Tidak ada sesiapa yang membantah.
Saya jelaskan latarbelakang pemilihan Dato Seri Abdullah sebagai Perdana Menteri bukan kerana hendak bersihkan diri saya. Saya rela dihukum jika saya salah.
Yang penting bagi saya ialah apabila kita lakukan sesuatu yang salah, menuding jari tidak mendatangkan apa-apa faedah.
Yang penting ialah kita cuba betulkan keadaan. Dalam perkara ini pendapat saya ialah Dato Seri Abdullah perlu letak jawatan dengan sendirinya atau dia disingkir.
Kenyataan olehnya yang dia akan serahkan jawatan dalam parti dan Kerajaan pada bulan Jun 2010 disambut baik bahkan dengan gembira oleh hadirin serta orang ramai, Melayu dan bukan Melayu. Tiada siapa yang merayu supaya dia teruskan pimpinannya.
Dari ini agak jelas yang semua pihak hendak Dato Seri Abdullah letak jawatan. Tetapi meletak jawatan dua tahun dari sekarang bermakna penggantinya hanya mempunyai dua setengah tahun untuk pulihkan parti untuk hadapi Pilihanraya Umum ke-13. Masa ini terlalu singkat kerana kerosakan yang dibuat oleh Dato Seri Abdullah kepada UMNO, Barisan Nasional dan parti-parti komponennya amat teruk. Masa yang lebih panjang diperlukan.
Jika Dato Seri Abdullah benar-benar sayang kepada UMNO, dia harus rela korban dirinya untuk penggantinya berpeluang memulihkan UMNO. Alasannya yang dia ingin awasi pelaksanaan Rancangan Malaysia ke-9 tidak boleh diterima kerana sesungguhnya kehadirannya adalah sebab UMNO dan Barisan Nasional jadi lemah.
Saya terima saya bersalah kerana memilih Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai pengganti saya. Sekarang saya menyesal kerana saya tidak sangka "Mr Clean" tidak begitu clean.
Saya percaya ahli UMNO dan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO di semua peringkat yang marah saya tentu tidak ingin membuat kesalahan yang sama.
Hari ini yang berkuasa menggantikan Dato Seri Abdullah hanyalah ahli dan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO.
Janganlah tunggu Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 untuk kalahkan BN dan UMNO supaya Dato Seri Abdullah jatuh. Yang salah bukan BN atau UMNO. Yang salah ialah Dato Seri Abdullah.
Jika ahli UMNO hendak melihat UMNO dan BN dipulih semula, paksalah Dato Seri Abdullah letak jawatan sekarang. Jangan calon Dato Seri Abdullah di peringkat cawangan atau bahagian.
Jika kerana cawangan dan bahagian mengizinkan Dato Seri Abdullah terus menjadi Presiden UMNO, yang salah ialah ahli UMNO sendiri.
Ahli UMNO akan bertanggungjawab terhadap kehancuran UMNO dan malapetaka yang akan timpa orang Melayu dan negara Malaysia. Yang akan hancur bersama ialah parti-parti komponen BN.
Setelah mengetahui kekalahan teruk yang menimpa UMNO dan BN di bawah kepimpinan Dato Seri Abdullah, UMNO masih kekalkan kepimpinannya, yang bertanggungjawab dan salah ialah ahli dan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO sendiri.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
By Matthias Chang
Badawi, the Finance Minister
Before retiring in 2003, I had warned that Badawi and his son-in-law would bring chaos and financial ruin to Malaysia. This is on record. No one cared to listen to my dire warnings. Those within the corridors of power chose to wear blinkers. Others were taken up by the spin, “work with me and not for me” without once considering that Badawi’s entire political career was based on the strategy: “survive at all costs to move upwards.”
So skilful was Badawi’s spin that only a handful of us saw through his schemes. He was and remains the political chameleon! UMNO, the various component parties of the Barisan Nasional, and specifically, the Opposition Parties did not even question his credentials to be the Finance Minister.
Blinded by his own agenda, Lim Kit Siang was more than willing to put up with Badawi and his band of spin doctors. Not that Kit Siang knows any better. But one would have thought that an effective opposition would have zeroed in on Barisan Nasional’s Achilles Heel.
The rationale for Badawi to be the Finance Minister was explained to me by my former colleague, Dato Johari Baharom, who was also a political secretary to the then prime minister, Tun Dr. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. He explained that, “unless Badawi assumes the post of Finance Minister, whosoever is appointed in his stead would soon challenge Badawi, and the challenger, controlling the Treasury would have a formidable advantage - the means to buy the delegates’ votes! Badawi was merely following Tun’s footsteps.”
I was flabbergasted and told Johari that Tun Dr. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had no choice but to take over as finance minister as our enemies within and without were hell- bent to destroy our economy. Those were desperate times and control of the economy was necessary to be centralized to turn the economy around and save the country. Tun stabilized the economy and outwitted our enemies and the rest is history! In any event, it was for a short duration and it was not meant to set a precedent for others to follow.
I reiterated that it would be a grave mistake. But Johari brushed aside my objections.
From then on, I realized that Badawi’s instinct for survival is fundamental to his political psyche. It is also a reflection of Badawi’s insecurity and that is why he cannot trust any member of his Cabinet to hold the keys to the nation’s vault. Given this background, is it any wonder that our economy is on a roller-coaster ride? Read on!
Voodoo Economics
(i) Budget 2006 (Presented in Sept. 2005)
Malaysia’s Budget is submitted to Parliament in September of each year for allocations in the next year. The 2006 Budget was submitted in September 2005 for expenditures in 2006. A total of RM136.8 billion was appropriated to the said budget for which RM101.3 billion was for Operating Expenditure and RM35.5 billion for Development Expenditure.
Something strange happened in November of 2006.
The New Straits Times on 3rd November 2006 blasted in its headlines the following spin:
“RM 100 Billion Bonanza”
“Roll out of 20 high impact projects will shore up the economy and boost construction activities.”
On page 6, the newspaper quoted at length Datuk Effendi Norwawi’s explanation for this massive expenditure.
Please pick up the calculator and do the calculations. Where did the extra RM65 billion for development expenditure come from when only RM35.5 billion was allocated under the budget? Alternatively, if RM136.8 billion was appropriated for the entire budget year, how did RM100 billion end up being allocated only in November 2006?
(ii) 9th Malaysia Plan (Presented in March, 2006)
I had recently offered a RM5,000 reward to anyone who could prove that Badawi’s five development corridors were part of the 9th Malaysia Plan. None could do so for the simple reason that the development corridors were never part of the 9th Malaysia Plan! Badawi did not even mention these projects in his Foreword to the 9th Malaysia Plan.
(iii) Budget 2007 (Presented in Sept 2006)
Again Budget 2007 was presented in September 2006 for expenditure in 2007.
It was only in Budget 2007 that the corridors were mentioned, but only three, namely – “The Northern Economic Corridor”, “East Coast Corridor” and “The Southern Johore Economic region” [See paragraphs 77, 78 and 79 of Badawi’s Budget]. These corridors were introduced to support the “Third Thrust” referred to in the 9th Malaysia Plan (but note that there is no reference to them in the said 9th Malaysia Plan).
The Five Thrusts are:
1. To move the economy up the value chain;
2. To raise the capacity for knowledge and innovation and nurture ‘first class mentality’;
3. To address persistent socio-economic inequalities constructively and productively;
4. To improve the standard and sustainability of quality of life;
5. To strengthen the Institutional and implementation capacity.
There were no specific allocations in the budget for the Northern Economic Corridor and the East Coast Corridor. There was a “development” allocation of only RM2.3 billion in the budget for the Southern Johore Economic Region and a sum of RM200 million for a strategic investment fund.
And although there were brief references to some road, airport and port development projects in Sarawak and Sabah as stated in paragraphs 80 and 81 of Badawi’s 2007 Budget, there were no specific references to the “Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy” and the “Sabah Development Corridor”.
Therefore, in approving the 2007 budget, Parliament only approved a specific development allocation of RM2.3 billion for the Southern Johore Economic region. It is clear from Budget 2007, that not much thought were put into the so-called development corridors.
RM159.4 billion was appropriated to the 2007 budget for which RM112.9 billion was allocated for operating expenditure and RM46.5 billion for development expenditure.
(iv) Budget 2008 (Presented in Sept 2007)
RM176.9 billion was appropriated to the 2008 budget for which RM128.8 billion was allocated for operating expenditure and RM48.1 billion for development expenditure.
Surprise, surprise! There was only a brief mention of the “corridors” in Badawi’s 2008 budget - to be precise in only two short paragraphs, namely paragraphs 38 and 79.
In paragraph 38, Badawi fleetingly mentioned that there will be an additional RM100 million to the existing RM200 million strategic investment fund for the Iskandar project which was approved in the previous budget.
The Corridors were mentioned specifically in paragraph 79:
“An important agenda of the government is to ensure that development is spread throughout the country. Towards this end, the economic corridor development continues to be intensified, beginning with the IDR and the NCER. I am glad that these two initiatives have been well received by all Malaysians. The East Coast Economic Region, Sabah Corridor and Sarawak Corridor will be launched soon …”
It is therefore to be noted that when Badawi mentioned the East Coast Corridor in the 2007 budget, the same was not even launched. It was a mere idea in his head. That was why there were no allocations for the East Coast Corridor. And although the Northern Corridor was launched, there was no allocation as well because it was still an idea.
(v) Fast Forward To July 2008
With much fanfare, Badawi has since officially launched the three remaining corridors. Many figures were touted as to the costs for the implementation of these five corridors – between RM800 Billion to RM1.3 Trillion.
Are these development projects mere spin for the purpose of the recently concluded General Elections or genuine initiatives to uplift and assist Malaysians in the present global financial meltdown?
Badawi has just announced that he intends to retire in June 2010. So, will all these projects be implemented and or completed by the time he leaves the political stage, if at all?
I leave it to the readers to judge for themselves.
The recent interview given by Badawi in the New Straits Times on 13th July 2008 may assist us in coming to the right conclusions. I quote:
Q: Yesterday you announced the date of the power transition will be in 2010. Why did you choose 2010 and not any other year?
A: That is the year that the 9th Malaysia Plan (9MP) ends. The year 2010 is also when I hope that hardcore poverty will be eradicated.
Q: Some people say that the two year period is too long while others say it is too short a time for you to complete the tasks to be carried out?
A: Much work has to be done and development must be carried out, work associated with the government’s promises contained in its election manifesto. In addition, there are Corridor development (regional development) that have yet to be implemented.
Q: So, in 2010 you feel everything will show the desired results and success?
A: It is my wish that in 2010 many of the projects would have been completed, they are progressing well.
Wishful thinking or realistic assessments of Badawi’s own capabilities and the government’s sincerity when they have stated expressly that the 5 Corridor projects span a period of 12 years or more and cost between RM800 billion to RM 1.3 trillion?
I call this kind of economics and financial planning – Voodoo Economics!
Badawi, the Finance Minister
Before retiring in 2003, I had warned that Badawi and his son-in-law would bring chaos and financial ruin to Malaysia. This is on record. No one cared to listen to my dire warnings. Those within the corridors of power chose to wear blinkers. Others were taken up by the spin, “work with me and not for me” without once considering that Badawi’s entire political career was based on the strategy: “survive at all costs to move upwards.”
So skilful was Badawi’s spin that only a handful of us saw through his schemes. He was and remains the political chameleon! UMNO, the various component parties of the Barisan Nasional, and specifically, the Opposition Parties did not even question his credentials to be the Finance Minister.
Blinded by his own agenda, Lim Kit Siang was more than willing to put up with Badawi and his band of spin doctors. Not that Kit Siang knows any better. But one would have thought that an effective opposition would have zeroed in on Barisan Nasional’s Achilles Heel.
The rationale for Badawi to be the Finance Minister was explained to me by my former colleague, Dato Johari Baharom, who was also a political secretary to the then prime minister, Tun Dr. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. He explained that, “unless Badawi assumes the post of Finance Minister, whosoever is appointed in his stead would soon challenge Badawi, and the challenger, controlling the Treasury would have a formidable advantage - the means to buy the delegates’ votes! Badawi was merely following Tun’s footsteps.”
I was flabbergasted and told Johari that Tun Dr. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had no choice but to take over as finance minister as our enemies within and without were hell- bent to destroy our economy. Those were desperate times and control of the economy was necessary to be centralized to turn the economy around and save the country. Tun stabilized the economy and outwitted our enemies and the rest is history! In any event, it was for a short duration and it was not meant to set a precedent for others to follow.
I reiterated that it would be a grave mistake. But Johari brushed aside my objections.
From then on, I realized that Badawi’s instinct for survival is fundamental to his political psyche. It is also a reflection of Badawi’s insecurity and that is why he cannot trust any member of his Cabinet to hold the keys to the nation’s vault. Given this background, is it any wonder that our economy is on a roller-coaster ride? Read on!
Voodoo Economics
(i) Budget 2006 (Presented in Sept. 2005)
Malaysia’s Budget is submitted to Parliament in September of each year for allocations in the next year. The 2006 Budget was submitted in September 2005 for expenditures in 2006. A total of RM136.8 billion was appropriated to the said budget for which RM101.3 billion was for Operating Expenditure and RM35.5 billion for Development Expenditure.
Something strange happened in November of 2006.
The New Straits Times on 3rd November 2006 blasted in its headlines the following spin:
“RM 100 Billion Bonanza”
“Roll out of 20 high impact projects will shore up the economy and boost construction activities.”
On page 6, the newspaper quoted at length Datuk Effendi Norwawi’s explanation for this massive expenditure.
Please pick up the calculator and do the calculations. Where did the extra RM65 billion for development expenditure come from when only RM35.5 billion was allocated under the budget? Alternatively, if RM136.8 billion was appropriated for the entire budget year, how did RM100 billion end up being allocated only in November 2006?
(ii) 9th Malaysia Plan (Presented in March, 2006)
I had recently offered a RM5,000 reward to anyone who could prove that Badawi’s five development corridors were part of the 9th Malaysia Plan. None could do so for the simple reason that the development corridors were never part of the 9th Malaysia Plan! Badawi did not even mention these projects in his Foreword to the 9th Malaysia Plan.
(iii) Budget 2007 (Presented in Sept 2006)
Again Budget 2007 was presented in September 2006 for expenditure in 2007.
It was only in Budget 2007 that the corridors were mentioned, but only three, namely – “The Northern Economic Corridor”, “East Coast Corridor” and “The Southern Johore Economic region” [See paragraphs 77, 78 and 79 of Badawi’s Budget]. These corridors were introduced to support the “Third Thrust” referred to in the 9th Malaysia Plan (but note that there is no reference to them in the said 9th Malaysia Plan).
The Five Thrusts are:
1. To move the economy up the value chain;
2. To raise the capacity for knowledge and innovation and nurture ‘first class mentality’;
3. To address persistent socio-economic inequalities constructively and productively;
4. To improve the standard and sustainability of quality of life;
5. To strengthen the Institutional and implementation capacity.
There were no specific allocations in the budget for the Northern Economic Corridor and the East Coast Corridor. There was a “development” allocation of only RM2.3 billion in the budget for the Southern Johore Economic Region and a sum of RM200 million for a strategic investment fund.
And although there were brief references to some road, airport and port development projects in Sarawak and Sabah as stated in paragraphs 80 and 81 of Badawi’s 2007 Budget, there were no specific references to the “Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy” and the “Sabah Development Corridor”.
Therefore, in approving the 2007 budget, Parliament only approved a specific development allocation of RM2.3 billion for the Southern Johore Economic region. It is clear from Budget 2007, that not much thought were put into the so-called development corridors.
RM159.4 billion was appropriated to the 2007 budget for which RM112.9 billion was allocated for operating expenditure and RM46.5 billion for development expenditure.
(iv) Budget 2008 (Presented in Sept 2007)
RM176.9 billion was appropriated to the 2008 budget for which RM128.8 billion was allocated for operating expenditure and RM48.1 billion for development expenditure.
Surprise, surprise! There was only a brief mention of the “corridors” in Badawi’s 2008 budget - to be precise in only two short paragraphs, namely paragraphs 38 and 79.
In paragraph 38, Badawi fleetingly mentioned that there will be an additional RM100 million to the existing RM200 million strategic investment fund for the Iskandar project which was approved in the previous budget.
The Corridors were mentioned specifically in paragraph 79:
“An important agenda of the government is to ensure that development is spread throughout the country. Towards this end, the economic corridor development continues to be intensified, beginning with the IDR and the NCER. I am glad that these two initiatives have been well received by all Malaysians. The East Coast Economic Region, Sabah Corridor and Sarawak Corridor will be launched soon …”
It is therefore to be noted that when Badawi mentioned the East Coast Corridor in the 2007 budget, the same was not even launched. It was a mere idea in his head. That was why there were no allocations for the East Coast Corridor. And although the Northern Corridor was launched, there was no allocation as well because it was still an idea.
(v) Fast Forward To July 2008
With much fanfare, Badawi has since officially launched the three remaining corridors. Many figures were touted as to the costs for the implementation of these five corridors – between RM800 Billion to RM1.3 Trillion.
Are these development projects mere spin for the purpose of the recently concluded General Elections or genuine initiatives to uplift and assist Malaysians in the present global financial meltdown?
Badawi has just announced that he intends to retire in June 2010. So, will all these projects be implemented and or completed by the time he leaves the political stage, if at all?
I leave it to the readers to judge for themselves.
The recent interview given by Badawi in the New Straits Times on 13th July 2008 may assist us in coming to the right conclusions. I quote:
Q: Yesterday you announced the date of the power transition will be in 2010. Why did you choose 2010 and not any other year?
A: That is the year that the 9th Malaysia Plan (9MP) ends. The year 2010 is also when I hope that hardcore poverty will be eradicated.
Q: Some people say that the two year period is too long while others say it is too short a time for you to complete the tasks to be carried out?
A: Much work has to be done and development must be carried out, work associated with the government’s promises contained in its election manifesto. In addition, there are Corridor development (regional development) that have yet to be implemented.
Q: So, in 2010 you feel everything will show the desired results and success?
A: It is my wish that in 2010 many of the projects would have been completed, they are progressing well.
Wishful thinking or realistic assessments of Badawi’s own capabilities and the government’s sincerity when they have stated expressly that the 5 Corridor projects span a period of 12 years or more and cost between RM800 billion to RM 1.3 trillion?
I call this kind of economics and financial planning – Voodoo Economics!
Monday, July 14, 2008

dipetik dari
sila sebarkan
Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at July 13, 2008 3:10 PM
Saya percaya ramai daripada ahli UMNO dan orang ramai juga berasa lega apabila Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengisytiharkan yang dianya akan letak jawatan sebagai Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri pada Jun 2010. Pengisytiharannya di hadapan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO dari seluruh Negara disambut dengan tepukan gemuruh.
Dia juga memilih Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai penggantinya.
Saya tidak hendak pertikai samada ini menurut tradisi UMNO atau tidak. Tetapi saya ingin tarik perhatian kepada keadaan dalam parti UMNO, parti Barisan Nasional dan Negara menjelang pilihanraya ke-13 hanya empat setengah tahun lagi.
Umum tahu bahawa UMNO, BN dan parti-parti komponennya sudah rosak teruk dan tidak mendapat kepercayaan daripada rakyat lagi setelah lima tahun Dato Seri Abdullah menerajui Parti dan Kerajaan. Buktinya ialah kekalahan teruk BN dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-12, 2008. Belum pernah BN kalah sebegini dalam sebelas Pilihanraya Umum yang terdahulu, termasuk pada tahun 1969.
Kerja untuk memulihkan parti-parti dan kepercayaan rakyat sebelum Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 memerlukan masa yang panjang. Masa yang ada hanyalah empat setengah tahun jika tidak kurang daripada itu.
Kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Dato Seri Abdullah bermakna dalam masa yang singkat ini, walaupun Dato Seri Najib mengambilalih pada Jun 2010; UMNO, BN dan Kerajaan akan dipimpin oleh dua pemimpin, masing-masing dengan masalah masing-masing dalam hanya dua setengah tahun bagi tiap satu.
Masa ini terlalu singkat untuk berusaha memulih semula parti BN, UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP dan lain-lain. Sesungguhnya selain daripada parti-parti di Sabah dan Sarawak semua parti BN di Semenanjung telah ditolak oleh rakyat dan perlu rawatan luar biasa.
Keadaan politik dan peristiwa selepas Pilihanraya Umum ke-12 bergolak dan tidak menentu. Sebenarnya kurang kepercayaan keapada BN menambah kerana mesej rakyat kepada pemimpin tertinggi Kerajaan tidak dipedulikan olehnya. Pemimpin ini ternampak khayal dan berada dalam keadaan menidakkan kenyataan.
Dengan Dato Seri Abdullah menerus kepimpinannya hingga Jun 2010, pemulihan tidak dapat dimulakan kerana beliau tidak faham kehendak rakyat - iaitu beliau berhenti daripada mengepalai parti dan Kerajaan.
Jika Dato Seri Najib ambil alih pada Jun 2010 dia hanya mempunyai dua setengah tahun untuk pulihkan UMNO, pulihkan BN dan menolong memulih parti-parti komponen dalam BN.
Kerja ini bukan mudah. Ia berkehendakkan Dato Seri Najib dan semua pemimpin UMNO dan BN turun padang untuk menjelaskan tindakan yang akan diambil oleh mereka untuk memperbaiki kerosakan dalam parti-parti mereka dan pemerintahan yang dilakukan oleh Dato Seri Abdullah.
Dimasa yang sama mereka perlu bertindak untuk memulih ekonomi Negara. Dalam tiga empat tahun yang menyusul ekonomi dunia akan alami huru-hara kerana kenaikan harga minyak, bahan mentah dan makanan. Amerika Syarikat akan terus menghadapi krisis kewangan disebabkan hutang Amerika Syarikat yang tidak dapat dibayar dan kemelesetan ekonominya.
Dalam Negara inflasi luar biasa akan berlaku disertai oleh pengangguran yang tinggi. Perniagaan runcit dan industri perkhidmatan akan tergugat. Kenaikan harga barang dan makanan akan diikuti dengan lebih ramai kes muflis dan penutupan perniagaan.
Semua ini perlu ditangani oleh Dato Seri Najib dan anggota Kabinet daripada BN dalam dua setengah tahun. Ini tidak boleh jadi kerja sambilan. Ia berkehendak tumpuan sepenuh masa.
Apakah Dato Seri Najib mampu menangani semua masalah-masalah ini disamping memulihkan parti-parti? Sebenarnya kredibiliti Dato Seri Najib telah banyak merosot sejak dia menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dibawah pimpinan Dato Seri Abdullah.
Dahulu Dato Seri Najib merupakan bintang yang gemilang di antara Menteri-Menteri Kabinet. Tetapi oleh kerana dia tunduk rendah kepada Dato Seri Abdullah, dengan selalunya mengia apa sahaja yang dikata dan dibuat oleh Dato Seri Abdullah, pandangan tinggi rakyat kepadanya sudah jatuh merudum. Dia perlu masa untuk memperbaiki semula imejnya. Jika daripada sekarang hingga Jun 2010 dia masih dilihat sebagai "Mr Yes" yang utama, mustahil dia akan dapat pulih imejnya.
Kenyataannya yang dia berasa terharu kerana kepercayaan Dato Seri Abdullah kepadanya tidak meyakinkan sesiapa yang dia boleh ubah sikapnya. Dia akan dilihat sebagai pemimpin yang lemah yang mudah dikongkong oleh Dato Seri Abdullah. Apakah ada jaminan yang dia akan dapat bebaskan dirinya daripada Dato Seri Abdullah setelah mengambil alih? Sukar bagi kita mempercayai yang dia mampu.
Di masa yang sama banyak tuduhan yang dilemparkan terhadapnya.
Dalam keadaan ini pemulihan UMNO, BN, MCA , MIC, Gerakan dan PPP tidak mungkin dijayakan sebelum Pilihanraya Umum ke-13.
Dato Seri Abdullah harus tahu bahawa akhirnya rakyat yang akan menentukan siapa menang dan siapa kalah.
Hari ini Dato Seri Abdullah boleh paksa, ugut, sogok ahli dan pemimpin UMNO untuk ikut kehendaknya, untuk sokong apa sahaja yang dikatakan olehnya, atau yang dibuat olehnya.
Tetapi seperti pada Pilihanraya Umum ke-12, ahli UMNO dan BN, penyokong biasa UMNO dan BN dan mereka yang secara terbuka pandang jijik kepada kepimpinannya akan tolak UMNO dan BN.
Percayalah jika UMNO dan BN hendak dipulih supaya tidak kalah lebih teruk dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 berbanding Pilihanraya Umum ke-12 Dato Seri Abdullah perlu letak jawatan sekarang juga.
Biarlah ada pertandingan untuk jawatan-jawatan presiden, timbalan presiden dan lain-lain dalam Mesyuarat Agong Disember ini.
Siapa juga yang dipilih hendaklah diasingkan daripada Dato Seri Abdullah supaya pengaruhnya dan ketamakan konco-konconya tidak lagi dapat merosakkan Negara.
Apabila ini berlaku maka kepemimpinan baru dan seluruh jentera parti boleh digerak dengan semangat yang baru untuk berusaha menarik balik ahli dan penyokong yang telah undi parti lawan atau merosakkan undi pada Pilihanraya Umum ke-12.
Kerajaan perlu disusun semula supaya dapat menghadapi dan mengatasi masalah ketidakstabilan politik, masalah ekonomi yang telah rosak dan tekanan politik dan ekonomi dari luar negeri.
Ahli UMNO yang sudah di sedapkan oleh kenyataan Dato Seri Abdullah perlu fikir dengan mendalam.
Jika kerana diri sendiri hendak senang Parti UMNO biar dihancurkan, generasi sekarang dan akan datang akan kutuk kamu. Janganlah kerana duit RM100, kain pulikat dan sejadah, bangsa sendiri dijual.
Janganlah utamakan kepentingan diri, keinginan untuk jadi menteri, untuk mendapat kontrak bagi diri sendiri, maka bangsa dan maruah dijual.
Ingatlah beberapa Menteri Besar yang begitu yakin mereka akan terus jadi MB, akan terus mengagih peluang jadi Exco, peluang untuk kekayaan dan dengan itu menyatakan dengan kuat sokongan mereka kepada Dato Seri Abdullah, Presiden UMNO, hari ini jadi ketua pembangkang, terpaksa tinggal mahligai mereka dan tidak boleh beri gula-gula kepada yang mencium tangan mereka.
Dan Dato Seri Abdullah sendiri harus ingat parti lawan hanya memerlukan 30 kerusi sahaja lagi untuk menang pilihanraya. Sokongan oleh ahli yang setia secara buta tuli tidak mencukupi untuk menang. Sokongan penyokong yang bukan ahli diperlukan.
Di masa yang sama jikalau calon-calon parti komponen tidak menang kerana orang Cina dan India tidak suka pada Dato Seri, justeru itu menolak MCA, MIC, Gerakan dan PPP, BN tidak akan menang Pilihanraya Umum ke-13, Dato Seri tidak akan dapat memberi gula-gula lagi.
Ingatlah kalau UMNO kalah Pilihanraya Umum ke-13, ia tidak akan kembali berkuasa walau siapa pun yang memimpinnya.
Sedarlah akan hakikat ini semua. Jika Dato Seri kalah, UMNO dan BN kalah, generasi ini dan akan datang akan kutuk Dato Seri, pemimpin dan ahli-ahli UMNO.
Saturday, July 12, 2008

(Sila sebarkan)
dipetik dari
Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at July 11, 2008 10:14 AM
Berkali-kali saya ditanya "saya orang biasa, saya hanya ahli biasa UMNO, saya hanya pemimpin kerdil UMNO dan sebagainya. Apa yang boleh saya buat?"
Selain daripada membuat komen dalam blog, kita boleh beritahu kepada ahli-ahli UMNO dan pemimpin cawangan dan bahagian UMNO, "Kami tak akan undi UMNO atau Barisan Nasional selagi ada Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dalam UMNO. BN akan kalah kerana undi kami undi penentu. Kekalahan UMNO akan lebih teruk kerana UMNO dan BN tidak lagi mewakili pandangan rakyat."
"Seperti yang berlaku kepada Menteri Besar Kedah, Perak dan Selangor, dan lain-lain pemimpin UMNO di Negeri-negeri ini, jawatan yang diharap Dato Seri Abdullah akan beri kepada kamu, tidak dapat diberi kerana UMNO dan BN kalah dan menjadi parti pembangkang."
"Demikian juga di peringkat pusat kerana tanpa undi kami yang kerdil, kamu akan kalah."
"Jika kamu boleh berfikir, fikirlah"
Ingatlah, untuk kalah atau menang undi penentu yang menentukan. Jumlah mereka tak perlu banyak. Hanya separuh daripada jumlah lebihan undi yang diperolehi 2008 untuk menang dalam sesuatu kawasan sudah memadai untuk menentukan kalah atau menang sesuatu calon.
Jangan anggap kerana yang berkata "ya" itu ramai maka kemenangan terjamin. Yang kata "ya" mungkin tidak akan undi calon parti. Yang tidak berkata "ya" pun sama. Jika semua mereka rosakkan undi atau undi parti lawan, jumlah undi parti lawan akan melebihi yang berkata "ya" dan undi parti BN.
UMNO dan BN yang tidak peduli pandangan ramai akan tersungkur.
Hanya UMNO dan BN yang mendokong kehendak dan kepentingan rakyat sahaja yang akan selamat.
Kehendak majoriti rakyat ialah untuk Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi letak jawatan. Renunglah. Fikirlah.
Yang mampu selamatkan UMNO dan BN bukan Dato Seri Abdullah.
Yang mampu dan boleh ialah undi penentu.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Snippets - Peralihan Kuasa

Dipetik dari
(sila sebarkan)
Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at July 10, 2008 12:48 PM
Seperti biasa dalam UMNO dibawah pemerintahan Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi apabila arahan diberi melarang parti daripada sesuatu tindakan, Presiden anggap dirinya tidak tertakluk kepada arahan ini.
Berkempen untuk pemilihan dalam mesyuarat agong tidak dibenarkan, tetapi Presiden membawa semua pemimpin daripada Bahagian untuk diarah supaya tidak mencabar sesiapa selain daripada dirinya sebagai Presiden.
Gula-gula diberikan kepada Dato Seri Najib bahawa dianya juga dikehendaki bebas daripada cabaran untuk Timbalan Presiden. Ini dituju kepada Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yang ingin bertanding Timbalan Presiden. Jika Muhyiddin bertanding juga maka ini bermakna dia tidak setia kepada parti, pengkhianat, kerana tidak hormat arahan demokratik oleh Presiden.
Najib akan dijanji peralihan kuasa akan dibuat pada 2010. Sebelum sampai tarikh keramat ini tuduhan akan dilempar terhadapnya supaya dia ternampak tidak lagi layak untuk menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri.
Seorang yang dianggap lebih setia kepada Dato Seri Abdullah akan menggantinya. Pengganti tidak akan ambil alih jawatan Perdana Menteri pada 2010 kerana kurang pengalaman. Dato Seri Abdullah akan bermurah hati untuk mengisi jawatan itu hingga Pilihanraya Umum ke-13.
Jika trend pemikiran rakyat berterusan Barisan Nasional akan kalah dalam Pilihanraya Umum ini dan Dato Seri Abdullah tidak akan jadi Perdana Menteri. Oleh itu tidak adalah jawatan yang hendak dialih kepada pengganti Dato Seri Najib.
Pengasas-pengasas UMNO daripada kubur mereka akan kutuk orang yang telah musnahkan parti yang mereka bentuk dan wujud guna untuk menebus maruah orang Melayu dan negara Malaysia.
Parti yang mereka tubuh sudah di hi-jack oleh Dato Seri Abdullah untuk kepentingan diri dan keluarga sehingga hancur parti dibuatnya.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Selamat Hari Lahir utk Negarawan Kita

Buat yg dikasehi Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir dan Tun. Dr. Siti Hasmah berdua, TERIMAKASIH atas semua jasa dan pengorbanan utk anak bangsa, rakyat Malaysia, negara tercinta, juga ummah Islam dan mereka2 yg tertindas di dunia. Hanya Allah yg dapat membalasnya.
Selamat Hari Lahir Tun Dr. Mahathir pada 10 hb Julai (1925) yg ke 83 tahun dan Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah pada 12 Julai (1926)yg ke 82 tahun.
(Sheila Majid) –dgn sedikit revisi
Sejuta bintang di angkasa
Sinarnya mempesona
Sebutir bintang di persada politik
Cahayanya berseri
Biar bertahun masa beredar
Satu wajah satu nama takkan pudar
Tetap jelas di ruang mata
Setiap gerak gaya
Bergetaran merdu sinar
Di persada negara
Hingga kini menjadi sebutan
Tetap terpahat namamu di ingatan
Kaulah satu satunya
Di antara berjuta
Insan teristimewa
Patah tak tumbuh lagi
Hilang tak mungkin berganti
Kerana kau tersendiri
Kau kebanggaan kita
Kau negarawan bangsa
Engkau lagenda..
Disini lahirnya sebuah cinta
Yang murni abadi sejati
Disini tersemai cita cita
Bercambah menjadi warisan
Andai ku terbuang tak diterima
Andai aku disingkirkan
Kemana harusku bawakan
Kemana harusku semaikan cinta ini
Dibumi ini ku melangkah
Keutara selatan timur dan barat
Ku jejaki
Bukanlah seorang perwira
Gagah menjunjung senjata
Namun hati rela berjuang
Walau dengan cara sendiri
Demi cinta ini
Ku ingin kotakan seribu janji
Sepanjang kedewasaan ini
Ku ingin sampaikan pesanan
Aku lah penyambung warisan
Terimakasih di atas segala2nya dan kerana menjadikan kami rakyat dan negara Malaysia dewasa, bermaruah dan dapat menebarkan sayap di persada dunia.
Hanya Allah dapat membalas jasa Tun berdua.
Semoga dirahmati Allah dunia dan akhirat.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
RM5,000 reward - Notice to the Public
By Matthias Chang
Future FastForward, Tuesday, 08 July 2008 15:01
Badawi’s Complaint
The headlines of the Sun newspaper screamed: “It’s treachery: PM Abdullah slams slander and lies spread in cyberspace.”
Badawi is quoted as saying:
“Conduct attributed to the truth is not appreciated. What is appreciated is the perception, and along with it the lies. Perception negates the truth. The truth is no longer talked about. The important thing is the perception.”
In my previous articles, I have exposed the lies and misrepresentation of Badawi and his cahoots.
Therefore, can the rakyat be blamed for calling him a liar and or perceived as a dishonest Prime Minister. The issue of the price hike for petrol is just one example. Prior to the General Elections, he said that there would be no more price hike for the remainder of the year. He then raised the price of petrol and assured us that there would not be anymore increase till end of 2008. A week later, Datuk Shahrir Samad, said that the price will hold until August only.
My Challenge to Badawi
Prove to me in an Open Public Debate that when you announced the 9th Malaysia Plan, the Economic Planning Unit had incorporated your super-mega projects more commonly known as the five development corridors in the said 9th Malaysia Plan.
Please show me where were the allocations in the 9th Malaysia Plan for all these development corridors.
Since I am not very clever with figures and do not have the benefit of experts, I may not have read properly and or understood the 9th Malaysia Plan.
So, I am more than willing to prove myself wrong by offering a RM5,000 reward to anyone who can show me with documentary evidence that your super-mega projects referred to above have been budgeted for in the 9th Malaysia Plan.
You have therefore an advantage in this public debate to determine whether you are dishonest in your public announcements and that you indulge in spin to gain popularity and public approval.
Notice to the Public
If you have any documentary evidence from the 9th Malaysia Plan to support the contention that the super-mega projects have been budgeted, and formally and expressly stated in the 9th Malaysian Plan, a reward of RM5,000 will be paid to the first person to deliver the evidence by courier service to my solicitors at:
Messrs Suhaimi Khor Zulkifli & Chang
Suite 10.01, 10th Floor
Plaza Permata
Jalan Kampar
50400 Kuala Lumpur
Rules for Eligibility:
1) You must be an adult of 21 years and above.
2) The documentary evidence must be found within the pages of the 9th Malaysia Plan as published by the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister Department and not in any other documents not considered part of the 9th Malaysia Plan.
3) The names of the 5 development corridors must be directly referred to in your documentary evidence.
4) The evidence must be couriered to the above address, properly dated and signed by you. You must also provide your NRIC number and address.
5) The documentary evidence must be a certified true copy of the relevant page or ages of the 9th Malaysia Plan and duly certified and attested by a Commissioner for Oaths.
6) My decision as to who is the first person to have provided the evidence shall be final and conclusive and not subject to any challenge whatsoever in any legal proceedings or otherwise.
7) Payment will be made within 48 hours from the date of announcement in my website as to the person who succeeded in proving the above challenge.
8) This invitation is for the duration of 7 days from the date of posting in my website and shall expire at the end of the 7th business day.
In the Event No Evidence is Adduced
In the event that no one in Malaysia can establish that Badawi’s super-mega projects are part of the 9th Malaysia Plan, I would be most obliged if you could write to me to confirm that you share my contention that the rakyat is entitled to hold the view and to perceive Badawi as being dishonest and that he resorts to spin and propaganda to gain popularity and public approval.
I thank you in anticipation.
Do not be intimidated. Be resilient and fight for honesty and transparency!
By Matthias Chang
Future FastForward, Tuesday, 08 July 2008 15:01
Badawi’s Complaint
The headlines of the Sun newspaper screamed: “It’s treachery: PM Abdullah slams slander and lies spread in cyberspace.”
Badawi is quoted as saying:
“Conduct attributed to the truth is not appreciated. What is appreciated is the perception, and along with it the lies. Perception negates the truth. The truth is no longer talked about. The important thing is the perception.”
In my previous articles, I have exposed the lies and misrepresentation of Badawi and his cahoots.
Therefore, can the rakyat be blamed for calling him a liar and or perceived as a dishonest Prime Minister. The issue of the price hike for petrol is just one example. Prior to the General Elections, he said that there would be no more price hike for the remainder of the year. He then raised the price of petrol and assured us that there would not be anymore increase till end of 2008. A week later, Datuk Shahrir Samad, said that the price will hold until August only.
My Challenge to Badawi
Prove to me in an Open Public Debate that when you announced the 9th Malaysia Plan, the Economic Planning Unit had incorporated your super-mega projects more commonly known as the five development corridors in the said 9th Malaysia Plan.
Please show me where were the allocations in the 9th Malaysia Plan for all these development corridors.
Since I am not very clever with figures and do not have the benefit of experts, I may not have read properly and or understood the 9th Malaysia Plan.
So, I am more than willing to prove myself wrong by offering a RM5,000 reward to anyone who can show me with documentary evidence that your super-mega projects referred to above have been budgeted for in the 9th Malaysia Plan.
You have therefore an advantage in this public debate to determine whether you are dishonest in your public announcements and that you indulge in spin to gain popularity and public approval.
Notice to the Public
If you have any documentary evidence from the 9th Malaysia Plan to support the contention that the super-mega projects have been budgeted, and formally and expressly stated in the 9th Malaysian Plan, a reward of RM5,000 will be paid to the first person to deliver the evidence by courier service to my solicitors at:
Messrs Suhaimi Khor Zulkifli & Chang
Suite 10.01, 10th Floor
Plaza Permata
Jalan Kampar
50400 Kuala Lumpur
Rules for Eligibility:
1) You must be an adult of 21 years and above.
2) The documentary evidence must be found within the pages of the 9th Malaysia Plan as published by the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister Department and not in any other documents not considered part of the 9th Malaysia Plan.
3) The names of the 5 development corridors must be directly referred to in your documentary evidence.
4) The evidence must be couriered to the above address, properly dated and signed by you. You must also provide your NRIC number and address.
5) The documentary evidence must be a certified true copy of the relevant page or ages of the 9th Malaysia Plan and duly certified and attested by a Commissioner for Oaths.
6) My decision as to who is the first person to have provided the evidence shall be final and conclusive and not subject to any challenge whatsoever in any legal proceedings or otherwise.
7) Payment will be made within 48 hours from the date of announcement in my website as to the person who succeeded in proving the above challenge.
8) This invitation is for the duration of 7 days from the date of posting in my website and shall expire at the end of the 7th business day.
In the Event No Evidence is Adduced
In the event that no one in Malaysia can establish that Badawi’s super-mega projects are part of the 9th Malaysia Plan, I would be most obliged if you could write to me to confirm that you share my contention that the rakyat is entitled to hold the view and to perceive Badawi as being dishonest and that he resorts to spin and propaganda to gain popularity and public approval.
I thank you in anticipation.
Do not be intimidated. Be resilient and fight for honesty and transparency!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Kabinet Anwar dan Pakatan BABI
Monday, July 7, 2008
Dollah- Khairy- Anwar's game plan utk kuburkan Najib
Mungkinkah Pak Lah, Khairy dan Anwar menjadi dalang2 tersebut? Kerana sekiranya Najib menjadi Perdana Menteri, berkuburlah karier politik Khairy dan Anwar.
Dr. M: Ada usaha bersepadu jatuhkan Najib
KUALA LUMPUR 7 Julai - Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, pelbagai tuduhan liar terhadap Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak baru-baru ini menunjukkan terdapat usaha bersepadu untuk menjatuhkannya dalam dunia politik.
Menurutnya, beliau tidak mengetahui punca di sebalik komplot terhadap Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu tetapi percaya terdapat beberapa pihak terlibat.
''Bukan sahaja Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, terdapat seorang lagi dan lain- lain.
''Tentu ada dalang di sebalik keadaan sebegini yang bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan Najib. Terdapat usaha bersepadu menentang Najib. Saya tidak tahu kenapa," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri majlis perasmian Kumpulan Tokoh-Tokoh Terkemuka (EPG) Malaysia dan Indonesia di sini hari ini.
Ditanya mengapa Anwar membuat 'serangan' terhadap Najib, Dr. Mahathir menjelaskan, beliau tidak mengetahui puncanya.
''Saya tidak tahu kenapa beliau (Anwar) menentang Najib. Setahu saya, Najib tidak melaporkan tingkah lakunya (Anwar), tetapi beliau telah menyerang Najib.
''Mungkin dia berasa Najib menghalangnya daripada menjadi Perdana Menteri," kata Dr. Mahathir.
Mengenai kemungkinan Anwar menyertai UMNO, Dr. Mahathir menolaknya sambil menyatakan Anwar tidak mungkin berbuat demikian.
Ditanya sama ada Najib patut membersihkan namanya yang dicemari pelbagai persepsi negatif, Dr. Mahathir berkata: ''Tuduhan terhadap beliau adalah desas-desus semata-mata. Tiada bukti. Dia hanya bercakap dia membuat ini dan itu. Orang lain kata ini dan itu. Tetapi anda perlu memberikan bukti. Bukan hanya kata saya dengar orang lain cerita dan anggapnya sebagai bukti. Itu bukan bukti," katanya.
Dr. M: Ada usaha bersepadu jatuhkan Najib
KUALA LUMPUR 7 Julai - Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, pelbagai tuduhan liar terhadap Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak baru-baru ini menunjukkan terdapat usaha bersepadu untuk menjatuhkannya dalam dunia politik.
Menurutnya, beliau tidak mengetahui punca di sebalik komplot terhadap Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu tetapi percaya terdapat beberapa pihak terlibat.
''Bukan sahaja Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, terdapat seorang lagi dan lain- lain.
''Tentu ada dalang di sebalik keadaan sebegini yang bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan Najib. Terdapat usaha bersepadu menentang Najib. Saya tidak tahu kenapa," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri majlis perasmian Kumpulan Tokoh-Tokoh Terkemuka (EPG) Malaysia dan Indonesia di sini hari ini.
Ditanya mengapa Anwar membuat 'serangan' terhadap Najib, Dr. Mahathir menjelaskan, beliau tidak mengetahui puncanya.
''Saya tidak tahu kenapa beliau (Anwar) menentang Najib. Setahu saya, Najib tidak melaporkan tingkah lakunya (Anwar), tetapi beliau telah menyerang Najib.
''Mungkin dia berasa Najib menghalangnya daripada menjadi Perdana Menteri," kata Dr. Mahathir.
Mengenai kemungkinan Anwar menyertai UMNO, Dr. Mahathir menolaknya sambil menyatakan Anwar tidak mungkin berbuat demikian.
Ditanya sama ada Najib patut membersihkan namanya yang dicemari pelbagai persepsi negatif, Dr. Mahathir berkata: ''Tuduhan terhadap beliau adalah desas-desus semata-mata. Tiada bukti. Dia hanya bercakap dia membuat ini dan itu. Orang lain kata ini dan itu. Tetapi anda perlu memberikan bukti. Bukan hanya kata saya dengar orang lain cerita dan anggapnya sebagai bukti. Itu bukan bukti," katanya.
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